The Future of Facebook

Written by Nuremy Khairi


Facebook was launched by Marc Zuckerberg in February 2004. At that time nobody could predict what the future holds for this new networking site. Let’s face the facts that Facebook has helped many of us become writers in our very own way. It has developed people’s mind and capabilities in conveying what they wanted to say or how they feel at that very moment.


One of the interesting key features of Facebook was the exclusivity. In order to sign in a Facebook account, you need to have an email address at one of the school in the network. First it started in Harvard and extended beyond that. It took over Myspace which was quite famous at that time. In 2007, the Facebook platform was introduced which gave developers a chance to create application for the network.

Fast forward until today, Facebook is still the go to networking website for many of us. Obviously Facebook has become a platform not only for news, social networking and also people who would want to introduce their businesses.

What would the future be for Facebook? Many would have their own views and thoughts on this, but the reality is the giant social networking site is pushing their product towards virtual reality, the expansion prominence of live video, Facebook is trying to redefine its product as not just an outlet where you unfold all your life aspects or a place to upload photos but beyond all that. Facebook is not just happy with owning the most distraction from your phone. It would prefer to be the place where the most memorable and meaningful life actually happen.

The more enticing Facebook products become, the more value they have for advertisers. The famous board member, Marc Andreessen’s said the software for Facebook will open up untold business model.  Will people need virtual clothing to wear on their journey through virtual worlds? Will Workplace spawns an ecosystem of third-party apps as robust as pants’?

In order to know where Facebook is headed in the future the Founder himself wrote in his February manifesto:

“Our goal is to strengthen existing communities by helping us come together online as well as offline, as well as enabling us to form completely new communities, transcending physical location.”