Written by Siti Murni
HINDRAF or Hindu Rights Action Force (Malay: Barisan Bertindak Hak-Hak Hindu, Tamil: ) with its slogan of People’s Power began as a coalition of 30 Hindu non-governmental organisations committed to the preservation of Hindu community rights and heritage in a multiracial Malaysia. HINDRAF has made a major impact on the political landscape of Malaysia in staging the 2007 HINDRAF rally.
Background of the Media
Local media: Utusan Online
Utusan Malaysia (literally translated from Malay to English as “The Malaysian Courier”) is a Malay-language newspaper published in Malaysia. Distinctive for its blue masthead as its logo and trademark, Utusan Malaysia was first published in Jawi in 1939. Utusan Malaysia became an influential medium for the people to voice out their opinions towards the ruling of the British Government in Malaya.
International Media: Reuters
Reuters is an international news agency headquartered in Canary Wharf, London, England, United Kingdom and is a division of Thomson Reuters. Until 2008, the Reuters news agency formed part of an independent company, Reuters Group plc, which was also a provider of financial market data.

Between propaganda clear in this issue is the relationship with the political Hindraf demonstration is illegal demonstration involving racial issues in Malaysia. According to the newspaper, this press jug questioned Hindraf demonstration as a struggle or to retard the country’s political system. Statement Utusan Malaysia could lead to anger by the Indians as they be little their efforts. While according to Reuters, Hindraf demonstration occurred because businesses Indians who want to defend their rights while they want to complain there is racial discrimination in the society. In addition, there is a statement in which they declare Hindraf demonstration intended to incite Malaysia because there are allegations of ethnic cleansing practices. There are statements exaggerating because Hindraf demonstration associated with Islam and mosques. There are charges that can make the issue more distant when they began to use religion to maintain their rights. In a BBC interview, Mr Najib promised further measures to tackle the problems of the ethnic Indian minority.
Voters want change His arrival will follow a turbulent period in Malaysia, which has seen an opposition electoral revival, growing political conflict and protests from angry minority groups. Hindraf chairman today present the RM100 million suit against Deputy Chief Minister of Penang, six local media and three others for allegedly publishing the defamatory article and the organization, a few months ago. Six media is also being sued Makkal Osai Sdn. Bhd., Tamil Nesan Sdn. Bhd., The Malaysian Nanban Sdn. Bhd., MalaysiaKini.Com Sdn. Bhd., The Malaysian Insider Sdn. Bhd. and Star Publications Berhad named as defendants fifth to 10th. In his statement of claim, the plaintiffs alleged that the first defendant had to write and publish articles about false defamatory in Makkal Osai newspaper dated August 11, 2009, entitled Where is the money that has been collected RM700,000, its accounts show, Dr Ramasamy challenge the self-exiled leader. The charges were dropped as prosecutors could not provide a translation of their allegedly seditious comments. “It is a victory for the Indian community in Malaysia, but there is still a lot more work to do, he said. P Uthayakumar, one of those charged, told reporters he and his colleagues had been “maliciously prosecuted”. They charged us for sedition when we spoke the truth, he said. Activists say that policies granting jobs and economic advantages to the ethnic Malay Muslim majority leave many Hindus in poverty. Under Malaysian law, gatherings of more than five people require permission from the government.
Malaysia is gearing up for political shifts in 2009. It comes after protests by ethnic minority groups precipitated an electoral drama in 2008. He showed me around palm oil plantations in his home state, Perak, where Indian workers hack at prickly palm oil fruits with machetes. Why temples? He argues that temples were simply used to fire up sentiment for a wider Indian rights Struggle they’ve been called religious extremists but Vasantarao points out that temples are just one of several demands. There is exaggerating statement in this news where they relate religion and politics. Other than that, officials earlier confirmed they had stopped granting visas to Indian workers, in a move said to be linked to rallies by Malaysian Indians last year. If the prohibition is put in place it will affect about 140,000 Indians currently working legally in Malaysia.”There is no such thing as banning workers from India and Bangladesh, he told the BBC”. I have talked to the minister of human resources. We have never made such a decision. ‘Hindraf link’ News of the apparent ban emerged after leaders of Malaysia’s ethnic Indian community complained that Hindu priests and musicians had been denied visas. Lingering ethnic divide Authorities had already stopped issuing work visas for Bangladeshi migrant workers, arguing that labour agents were bringing in more workers than there were jobs.
Chronology of the Event
In AUGUST 31: HINDRAF lawyer, filled a class action suit on behalf 2 million ethnic Indians against the British Government at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. Then, in NOVEMBER 25: HINDRAF organized a rally, as planned, to submit a 2 page memorandum to the British High Commission. Then, in DECEMBER 11: All 3 HINDRAF leaders who were charged with sedition were acquitted by the judical courts. Besides, in the year of 2008 OCTOBER 15: HINDRAF was officially banned. Moreover, in the year of 2009 MAY 9: HINDRAF leaders were release from ISA detention, after 514 days. Then, in the year of 2013 JANUARY 25: Putrajaya finally lifted its over 4-year ban on HINDRAF.
Evidence of the Event

Image credit: Hindraf evidence of impact is when the arrival of Dr Zakir Naik to give lectures. Dr Zakir Naik is an Indian Muslim who came to Malaysia to carry out his mission. When his arrival, there was a controversy in which he was not allowed to deliver the message because he was an Indian. As is known, Hindraf is an association of India. Public lecture at UTeM initially canceled following protests from Hindraf and other Indian groups. However, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said today the government has allowed the college to continue serving Zakir change the topic. Other than that, speaker religion of India, Dr. Zakir Naik, who is scheduled to deliver a lecture at the University of Technical Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) on April 17, is expected to be forced to drop the matter. This follows the direction of the Chief of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said the police felt that the council cannot continue for the sake of public order and religious sensitivities in Malaysia.