Written by Mahathir Ahamad & Yusof Zulkefli

Internet is very important in this modern day. Everyone will be connected to the internet and engage in with cyber community worldwide. Somehow, internet would rather become such an important role in any sector such as business, academic, economy, even in a tiny organization, as any process can be done in one click.

However, the internet has changed the way people communicate. Most of the users have misused the usage of the internet. This can be seen with the emergence of unnecessary site or service provider on the internet such as chat room and match-maker services, which its prior function is just to enhance communication process. The existence of chat room and match-maker services is very harmful. There are very serious consequences when irresponsible users joint certain chat rooms. Some people decide to meet strangers online, while others go on a dating service and so forth, but behind everything, they convey double meaning action that sometimes could leads to a serious problem such as pornographic.

After having video sex, the probability to spread the recording video is higher. This is happened because internet can provide so many things for social interact. There are so many types of chat room had been appeared and most importantly, sex is the most popular topic to be discussing (Mills and Russell, 1998).

Most of the online researcher such as Griffiths and Mark (2001) and  Mills and Russell (1998) stated that, most of the user who meet online in chit chat room normally will engage the line in cyber-sexual activities. According to them, statistic shows that, there are 10 countries with free sex culture. And there are starts with Greece, Brazil Russia, China, Poland, Italy, Malaysia, Spain, Switzerland, and Mexico. The free sex culture here can be seen the way of internet users will only seraching for their partner through online and make them as a partner or escorting them.

Usually, men will use this alternatives while there are travelling for a vacation and so forth. Chat rooms are the electronic counterpart of singles bars. People who are trying to find new partner or to escort them to a special place will use this medium to find someone they like and fulfil their desire (Internet Society, 2014). Other than that, the most crucial problem regarding the free sex culture based on the chat room and match-maker services on internet lead to the fraud of baby dumping.

In 2008 and 2009, the baby dumping cases dropping from 1.jpg102 cases to 79 cases, but the number had increased to 91 in 2010 and 98 in 2011. But, Malaysian government believed that, the figure is just a number being reported whilst there still have so many cases just disappeared or undetected (Wen, 6 July 2012). Baby dumping in Malaysia is a very serious issues need to be settled.

Teenagers are one of the groups seen to be involved in this situation. Their online routines which involve cyber relationship could turn into sex-motive relationship that contains erotic’s sense and could lead to cybersex. This can be look through their text-based communications, which later on would involve masturbation or any forms of erotic actions (Griffiths and Mark, 2001).

When discuss about free sex culture among the teenagers or even among adult, we cannot deny that friends are the most influencing people who will be persuaded us to something that we know we shouldn’t be doing. Arnett ( 2010), suggest that there’s relationship between the rates of risk in behaviours that the adolescent report for themselves and the rates they report for their collegue.

In the case of chat room and match maker services in internet, as the teenegers grows up, they would like to be love and establishing intimacy. However they do not know where to start because seme of them are very shy to create a conversation virtually face to face with thier ‘love-to-be’. Thus chat rooms and match maker services in internet is the best way to then to get what they want.

Young adults, these days are loooking for more intimate relationship and love to share any informations with their partner, yet, this intentions will be based on no string attached basis, This can be explain by Schaie  Sherry (1996):

…the need for an intimate relationship may present certain problem. Typically young adults have just attained independence from their parents, and they struggling to understand who they are as unique human beings. The need for intimacy runs counter to these indentity and independence needs (Schaie & Sherry, 1996).

Hence, most of the young adults will share their desire among their friend, thus at this stage friends will play their roles in influencing others. The result is due to the concept of egocentrism, which determine their tendencies to accept the similarity between themselves and their peers, contradict with the case that abolish the correlations in the risk behaviour that they report for themselves and their friends (Arnett, 2010)..

Melgosa (2000), argue that the family factor also increase the risk of the social problems among the teenagers or young adults. Alcoholic parents, parents with criminal record history, those who practice military-like parenting systems which are too strict and parents with marital issues could contribute to the children’s attitude.

The child’s social world, which begins within his family, progresses toward the outside world through relationship with his friends at school and in the neighbourhood. in most cases adolescents move their vital interest towards the immediate social environment and mainly fend for themselves in an area of mutual action and influence external to the family.

Talking about Social Networking Sites’ chat services and match maker community on internet, there are so many story really trigger the entire nation around the world. In Dubai for example, a man has been jailed for three years for having sex with a saleswoman, with whom he became friends over the internet, against her will (Za’za’, 27 April 2014). To related this situation with Users and Gratifications Theory, it has to be done with the intention to achieve their target or goals and one of them is to fulfill their sex desire.

Normally, the topic will be discussed in chat room is depend on the messages that been send from a user to another. But then, the most topics highlighted in this kind of interaction none other than sexually related information. Few people somehow, being enjoy portray themselves on the video chatting while carrying the sexual activities like masturbate or even make an erotic voice (Mills and Russell, 1998).


According to Young, Griffin-Shelley, Cooper, O’Mara, and Buchanan (2000) as quoted in Griffiths and Mark; Sex on the Internet: Observations and implications for Internet sex addiction define:

…an online relationship (a cyber affair) as a romantic and/or sexual relationship that is initiated via online contact and maintained predominantly through electronic conversations that occur through email and in virtual communities such as chat rooms, interactive games, or newsgroups.

Due to this issue, Yahoo has taken crucial decision, which is to disavow their chat room. The service has been taken out from their users and Yahoo have to payback any outstanding balance in their customer account before they shut it down on 30th January 2013 (Doke, 5th December 2012). The truth is behind the shutting down of this service lies in the television report where some user misused this service to ignite sexual encounters with children (Bray, 2005).

So many social and cultural implications may occur due to the bad users of chat room and match maker services from the internet. Normally, this will initiate pre-marital sexual intercourse. The implications, of course, an unwanted pregnancy that then will lead to abortion or baby dumping. This is could be happened because at first, when a person meet their ‘friend’ from chat room or match maker services from the internet, normally they will be tried to have sex with their partners because they would like to try anything that they never try before at this stage. Most of them have sex without using any safer tools such as condom to prevent pregnant. Statistic showed that baby dumping case has increase in the year 2010 and due to this a lot of question and curiosity has been brought up (The Star Online, 19 August 2010).

Another baby dumping furore in the news recently did little to surprise the socially-maligned Malaysians and recent statistics prove that the heinous nature of baby dumping makes no difference in preventing this crime as the numbers keep increasing year by year (Yesuiah, 1 October 2011).

This is against human rights. The issue of Baby dumping is happened everywhere around the world because of different factors leading to the problem. According to Federal CID Director, Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Zinin said that from 2005 to January this year, a total of 517 baby dumping cases were registered in the country (The Malaysian Insider, 9 February 2011).

Generally this cases happened because they being trapped by ‘chat room’ lover or match maker services from the internet. Researchers have found out that, most of them is trying to accommadate to each other and fulfilling thier intimacy need. Free sex culture via chat room and match maker services in internet had become the new trend for the teenagers especially for meeting or finding partners and engaging in a fantasy world. (Griffiths & Mark, 2001).

1.jpgWe believe that an internet does provide serious effects to those who have potential to become sex offenders or sex maniacs. We could understand the symptoms such as excessive, addictive obsessive and compulsive behaviours could apply to this kind of people. Obviously, the resource on the internet has a significant impact to feed or to fuel other addictions or compulsions.

Chatting in a chat rooms or match maker services is not wrong. In some extend, it is a medium to a person to make new friends.  But, a person itself must be very careful. Katz et al (2014), point out that in UGT, the users have the authority to choose the medium or media that they want to use on the purpose of escaping from daily routine or problems. The is no wrong or right to choose the media that they want. For instance communication trough chat room or match maker services is really fun and interesting because we can see so many people with their sweet talk promises so many things which sometimes it is rediculous.

Thus, as the media users in chat room or match maker services, we must be very brilliant enough to adapt with all of these things. Users must be very careful and read or listen carefully to what the other party or person said to ensure that we didn’t fall for any subliminal trap. Be alert and focus on any question given as this is crucial to avoid sexual trap and involve in any serious matter.



Arnett, J. J. (2010). Friends and Peers. In J. J. Arnett, Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood (pp. 210-239). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.

Bray, H. ( 24 June, 2005). Retrieved 7 June, 2014, from The Boston Globe:

Doke, S. (5 December, 2012). Retrieved 7 June , 2014, from tech 2:

Griffiths, M. (2001). Sex on the Internet: Observations and implications for Internet sex addiction. The Journal of Sex Research , Vol: 38 (4), 333-342.

Internet Society. (2014). Retrieved 31 May, 2014, from The Internet “Brief History of the Internet”:

Katz E., Blumber J.G., and Gurevitch M. (2014). Uses and Gratification Theory. In R. W. Turner, Introducing Communication Theory Analysis and Application 5th Edition (pp. 404-419). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Lowe, G. F. (1995). The Internet. In A. E. Grant, Communication Technology Update 4th Edition (pp. 147-158). Newton: Focal Press.

Melgosa, J. (2000). To Adolescents and Parents. Colmenar Viejo, Madrid: Editorial Safeliz S.L.

Mills and Russell. (1998). Cyber: Sexual chat on the Internet. Journal of Popular Culture , Vol:32 (3), 31-46.

Plumlee, R. C. (1995). Electronic Messaging. In A. E. Grant, Communication Technology Update 4th Edition (pp. 179-187). Newton : Focal Press.

Schaie K. Warner & Sherry L.Willis. (1996). Adult Development and Aging. New York: Harper Collins.

Shenk, J. W. (2010). Chapter 5 : Crazy In Love. In J. W. Shenk, Dating Philosophy for Everyone (pp. 67-75). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

The Malaysian Insider. (9 February, 2011). Retrieved 7 June, 2014, from Malaysian Insider:

The Star Online. (19 August , 2010). Retrieved 7 June, 2014, from Archives:

Wen, L. W. (6 July, 2012). The Star Online. Retrieved 31 May, 2014, from Nation:

Yesuiah, S. (1 October, 2011). New Straits Times. Retrieved 7 June, 2014, from Letters To The Editor:

YourMainDomain Inc. (2008). Retrieved 31 May, 2014, from Articles Library:

Za’za’, B. ( 27 April, 2014). Retrieved 7 June, 2014, from UAE | Courts:


Written by Diyana Khairron

Child abuse and neglect is an increasing social problem. The effects of child abuse and neglect are not limited to childhood but cascade throughout life, with significant consequences for victims on all aspects of human functioning, their families, and society. Child abuse is defined as “non-accidental physical injury, minimal or fatal, inflicted upon children by persons caring for them”. In a simpler word, child abuse is the mistreatment or maltreatment of a child by an adult. There many types of child abuse such as physical, sexual, neglect, and emotional or psychological abuse.


Image credit: Slideshare Image source

While children are the ones who are very vital for deciding how the world is going to be be after some years. Therefore, it is important to treat and caress them better physically and psychologically. So if one can do some good in the life of a child then there can be change, at least a slightest change, in the world to come. And if most of them think on the same lines then it can be hoped for the better future ahead. Therefore, it is important to discuss and be aware of child abuse issue. Due to this reason, the chosen issue for this comparative news reporting between the local media and international media would be the child abuse issue.


The local media to look upon for child abuse issues is ‘The Star Online’, that is the online version of The Star printed newspaper. The Star is an English Language tabloid format of newspaper in Malaysia. When The Star printed version made available online, it has become the most popular news sites in Malaysia. While for the international media chosen is the online version of ‘The Guardian’. The Guardian is a British national daily newspaper. It was first known as The Manchester Guardian until 1959, and now known as ‘The Guardian’. In recent 2009-2010, the Guardian has significantly developed and expanded its digital operations. Guardian News & Media announced plans to become a digital-first organization, placing open journalism on the web at the heart of its strategy.

Throughout the comparison between the local media, The Star Online and the international media, The Guardian. It is discovered that The Star Online has propagate four (4) approaches while The Guardian propagate three (3) approaches but unique in their own ways to persuade and influence the people for together to curb the child abuse issue and to help in preventing child abuse from continually happening.

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Among the approaches by The Star Online would be its ability to transmit implicit or hidden message and knowledge child abuse issue when The Star Online posted an article of “Mum, boyfriend held after toddler dies of injuries” on 12th August 2016. This is to show and to deliver the message that when it comes to children, do not put our fully trust on anybody as we will never know exactly how they felt for our children. This also proved that even the mother to the child could do such thing. Another article posted by The Star Online on “Send children to registered children centres to prevent untoward incidents” on 8th November 2016 and to tell the people out there that there are registered childcare centres by the authorities under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community that provide full trained staff and would be prepared to handle any emergency and top priority to have the children centres to vet the background of all applicants thoroughly before taking them in as permanent staff regardless of what position the individual is employed. According to records, there are 4,240 childcare centres registered with the ministry as of July 2016. This article as well is an effort to invite all parents to send their children to registered children centres to prevent child abuse done by the outsider.


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The content of The Star Online is as well found to be very informative and effective in reporting update cases on child abuse with matters relating to it. This can be seen through many of its news reporting article. Among of The Star Online’s news reporting article on the child abuse cases are “Mum, boyfriend held after toddler dies in injuries” posted on 12th August 2016, “Principal denies any abuse of kids at welfare home” posted on 13th August 2016, “Toddler left by roadside recovering in hospital” posted on 19th August 2016, “Cops yet to identify boy left to die” posted on 20th August 2016 and “Cops: Deceased toddler had burn marks and torn scalp” posted on 31th August 2016. These cases are among the cases of childe abuse that happen in August 2016 and the date posted is not far from each other. Such numbers of news reporting article will absolutely create the awareness among the Malaysian people on child abuse situation in Malaysia and it is very important for them to be aware so that the be concerned.


The Star Online has also reported news article on “Send victims of domestic abuse to hospital first” posted on 26 August 2016. This is to inform the public on what should they do to help the victims and that includes child abuse’s victim. Another news reporting article that includes additional information of child abuse by The Star Online would be on “Psychiatric test for woman charged with child abuse”. This article is to alarm the public that even the doers of child abuse pleaded not guilty, he or she will not be tolerated where psychiatric test will then de done tests on him or to show that this is a very important and to ensure that the doer will receive ample punishment with what he or she has done.

Further on that, The Star Online has also use the approach of legal perspective to show that child abuse issues is very important and people should take the issue seriously. The article of “Ministry wants direct access to police criminal registry” posted on 12th August 2016 showed that The Star Online has reported clearly every on-going process that relates with child abuse. In the article, The Women, family and Community Development Ministry wants direct access to the police registry for criminals so it can conduct background checks on those who want to set up or work for children-related facilities. This collaboration is important to ensure those convicted of committing crimes against children would not be allowed to be in close contact with the young. This should consider as firm warning to those who intentional or unintentionally to commit crimes against children.

Another article of “Child sexual crimes Bill includes obligation to report abuse” posted on 3rd November 2016 stated that a Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Azlina Othman proposed the obligation for third parties to report suspected child abuse cases through the new Child Sexual Crimes Bill. This is indirectly to show that the Malaysian government take this child abuse cases seriously and once the Bill has been approved by the A-G’s Chambers and tabled in the Parliament, the doer of child abuse should be really watch out as the public will have the power to report and the reported cases will be investigated by authorities.

Last but not least, it is great to found that The Star Online news reporting article has gone beyond culture belief. This is proven through the article of “Break the taboo on keeping silent to hide ‘shame’ posted on 22 July 2016. This article urges the people to break the malu-malu (shame) culture when it comes to child sexual abuse. It is known that the topic of child sexual abuse, especially when it happens in the family, is long deemed taboo and sensitive. However, people have to start the conversation on a topic that has been taboo for far too long. In realizing this, the parents are called to communicate more with their children so that they can easily spot differences in their behaviour that may suggest signs of abuse. It is also believed that by reading this article, it will somehow create new perspective of how people in Malaysia are looking at taboo and sensitive topic such this so that prevention and action can be taken.

As for the international media, The Guardian. It is discovered that its information spread on child abuse cases is inadequate as it is hard for to find news reporting articles on child abuse’s cases. Therefore, it is indefinite to tell whether is there any child abuse case going on in the United Kingdom. However, it is then has been clarified through an article of “Up to 85% of child abuse in England remains undetected, study says” posted on 24th November 2016. This article emphasizes on urgent action needed from the people to identify and prevent child abuse, especially if it happens within the families’ members. According to a major new study under this article, it suggests only one I eight victims in England comes to the attention of authorities. In reflecting the above situation, it is important for the authorities to know the cases of child abuse that happened so that action can be taken and the children right can be protected and they can live as the way they should live.

In term of legal perspective, The Guardian has reported a news article of “UNICEF wants family courts to check child abuse” posted on 4th November 2016 which stated that the United Nation’s Children Fund (UNICEF) has called on the three tiers of government to establish family courts as enshrined in the Child Rights Act (CRA) to protect the child from abuse. This article is hoped to bring awareness to the people and for the government to take this matter seriously so that the law for children protection can be strengthen.

Lastly, through The Guardian of news reporting article, it is found that The Guardian has been transparent in reporting news on child abuse where through its article of “Edward Heath child abuse allegations: two arrests made” posted on 14th November 2016. The case arose when Sir Edward Heath who is the former prime minister of United Kingdom which is also a British politician was named as a suspect in an investigation into historical child sex abuse. This shows that no matter of what position individual are in and how important you are, if the individual commit such offence, The Guardian is still reporting the case. To be transparent especially matters that has got to do with power politician is really something bold to do and The Guardian has done it.

Always bare in mind that children need parental care and love. Nothing can replace this as a good childhood and upbringing well ensure the child grows up to be a responsible adult. Child abuse issues are very important issues and should not be overlooked and taken for granted and should involve law in order to control and to curb the issues. Through this comparative studies of news reporting articles between The Star Online and The Guardian, it can be seen that there are so many cases involving child abuse. These children do not deserve to be treated this way, they have the right to live peacefully and to be caress.

In comparing both local and international media, it is noticed that the most significant difference between the local and international media is that the local media, The Star Online has more coverage on news reporting articles on child abuse and using more types of approach in persuading the people’s attitude, beliefs and behaviours to play their roles in curbing child abuse issues. This is also to say that the local media had done better work in reporting child abuse cases that happen around Malaysia which is believe to have affect on the people and the authorities to take this matter seriously so that we can deliver the best outcomes for children and to have the concern of letting every child to be a wanted child.



The Star Online. (2016, August 21). Cops: Deceased toddler had burn marks and torn scalp. Retrieved November 7, 29016, from The Start Online:

The Star Online. (2016, August 12). Ministry wants direct access to police criminal registry. Retrieved November 2016, 2016, from The Star Online:

The Star Online. (2016, August 13). Principal denies any abuse of kids at welfare home. Retrieved November 7, 2016, from The Star Online:

The Start Online. (2016, August 12). Mum, boyfriend held after toddler dies of injuries. Retrieved November 7, 2016, from The Start Online:

The Star Online. (2016, August 20). Cops yet to identify boy left to die. Retrieved November 7, 2016, from The Star Online:

The Star Online. (2016, August 26). Send victims of domestic abuse to hospital first, says Heng. Retrieved November 7, 2016, from The Star Online:

The Star Online. (2016, August 19). Toddler left by roadside recovering in hospital . Retrieved November 7, 2016, from The Star Online:

The Star Online. (2016, November 8). Send children to registered childcare centres to prevent untoward incidents, says Chew. Retrieved November 8, 2016, from The Star Online:

The Star Online. (2016, August 2). Psychiatric test for woman charged with child abuse . Retrieved November 8, 2016, from The Star Online:

The Star Online. (2016, November 3). Child sexual crimes Bill includes obligation to report abuse. Retrieved November 7, 2016, from The Star Online:

The Star Online. (2016, July 22). Break the taboo on keeping silent to hide ‘shame’ . Retrieved November 8, 2016, from The Star Online:

The Guardian. (2016, November 4). UNICEF wants family courts to check child abuse. Retrieved November 8, 2016 , from The Guardian: UNICEF wants family courts to check child abuse

The Guardian. (2016, November 14). Edward Heath child abuse allegations: two arrests made. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from The Guardian:

The Guardian. (2015, November 24). Up to 85% of child abuse in England remains undetected, study says. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from The Guardian:




Written by Jaihasra Jamaludin

Internet has developed rapidly since the introduction of the new technologies in the 1980s as a tool and methods to spread the news and information to a large audience for a variety of reason. Undoubtedly, internet is very important and has become part of our routine and life. Despite its great important, however, internet also generates a number of negative implications. A dark side effect of the internet is the rapid reproduction and quick legitimization of discrimination. This is particularly evident that internet journalism will pursue inducement towards Islamophobia.

Popular anti-Islamic websites such as and marked a new era of the industry of Islamophobia that entertains a positivist collection and populist exhibition of the criminality of Islam. Terrorist attacks and suicide bombers are counted, stoning and honour killing pictured, images of oppressed Muslim women pitied and other stories of Muslim backwardness digitalized, all rosters of ‘Muslim’ inferiority. They are then viewed, copied, emailed and forwarded. The ‘vindicate’ the heavily biased worldwide already common in the influential US media and reinforce such as worldwide (Chao 2015).

Islamophobia referring to the action of prejudice, hatred towards, or fear, bias and dislike against Islam or Muslims by others religion. Some researcher agreed an increase in Islamophobia are resulting from the September 11 attacks, while others have associated it with the increased presence of Muslims in the United States, the European Union and other secular nations.

“Islamophobia is a contemporary form of racism and xenophobia motivated by unfounded fear, mistrust and hatred of Muslims and Islam. Islamophobia is also manifested through intolerance, discrimination and adverse public discourse against Muslims and Islam. Differentiating from classical racism and xenophobia, Islamophobia is mainly based on radicalisation of Islam and its followers” (International Civil Liberties Alliance 2013)

Several elements can affect the interactions and degree of respect between Muslim and Western societies. Differences in culture, education, religion, economy and political interests may shape one population’s opinion toward the other.


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Two prominent British journalists have openly embraced Islamophobia as a justifiable stance. Shortly after publication of the 1997 Runnymede Trust report, Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee wrote “I am an Islamophobia, and proud of it” while Sunday Times columnist Rod Liddle presented a talk a decade later entitled “Islamophobia? Count me in” (cited in Oborne & Jones, 2008, p. 14). These writers emphasised their distrust of Islam as a doctrine rather than hostility toward Muslims as a group (Bleich 2011: 4).


The inducement or the increasing of the Islamophobia through the internet journalism may be categories to a few aspect such as fear factor, stereotypes, prejudice, racism, misinterpretation and anti-Islamic. This factor driven people to create issues and share their perception and finding through internet. They will influence the other readers to think and react as they are.

In recent years, anti-Muslim prejudice in the West has intensified, becoming manifested in physical attacks, mosque vandalism, government profiling, Qur’an burning and even murder. The rise in Islamophobia has been connected to international politics and specifically to a rising fear of terrorism, which has been linked to the religion of Islam. The 3 main incident that driven to the Islamophobia such as on 11 September 2001 where terrorists flew planes into the twin towers of the national trade centre in New York killing thousands of people. On 7 July 2005, terrorists killed 55 people and injured hundreds more on the London Underground by blowing up bombs that they were carrying in their rucksacks. On 30 June 2007, the terrorists drove a jeep into Glasgow airport, fortunately without causing serious injury to any members of the public.

In Malaysia, the freedom of speech and expression can be easily abused where irresponsible people or community using this medium to inflame racial conflict, perspective and misinterpretations about other. For example the blogger Alvin Tan, he uses the internet as a medium to critic, insult, share an opinion and taught about Islam. It’s showed that the freedom of expression and irresponsible opinion can jeopardise the community if the technologies have been misused.

The infamous sex blogger is at it again (not that he has ever stopped), and no, we are not talking about his latest homemade pornography which was released just 2 days ago—and was very efficiently blocked by MCMC (Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission). Most of his social media followers are no strangers to his controversial acts and offensive statements. But this time, he might not be so easily forgiven by his large 85k following on Facebook as even a lot of them think that he went too far. Just few hours ago, Alvin posted a photo collage in a comic strip form of him defecating, and then tearing out a page from an Al-Qur’an to “clean up the mess”. To be respectful to our readers, we will refrain from posting the picture here, but you can view it at your own discretion. Alvin Tan himself has confirmed that he did, infact use his own waste matter in the picture (Khoo 2015).

Other case about Ahmed Mohamed, 14, from Irving, Texas, who made the clock with a circuit board and power supply wired to a digital display stuffed inside a hologram case and brought it into school to show to his engineering teacher, however he was arrested by police officers after school officials accused him of making a fake bomb. This incident trending worldwide through social media with many saying that the student was profiled because he’s Muslim and racism factors.

To understand why a Texas school would arrest a 14-year-old student for bringing in a homemade clock, it helps to understand what came before: the TV news hosts who declare Muslims “unusually barbaric,” the politicians who gin up fear of Islam, the blockbuster film that depicts even Muslim children as dangerous threats, and the wave of hatred against Muslims that has culminated several times in violence so severe that what happened to Mohamed, while terrible, appears unsurprising and almost normal within the context of ever-worsening American Islamophobia (Fisher 2015).

Stereotypes defined as a group of people on how they carry the believed and perception towards the issues based on the culture created by old generation. The young people follow the believed, thinking and understanding that from the past generation. The perception about Muslim and Islam become stereotype when they believed Muslim are all terrorists.

Stereotypes about Islam are not new to Western culture and can be traced back 1400 years. At the time, Islam and Christianity were involved in the Crusades during the Ottoman and Morish control in Europe. Islam spread quickly to the west and threatened the position of the Christian Church and ruling classes. The western elites, mainly the governments and the churches, then became highly involved in seeing that negative images were presented about Islam. As the result, not only were battles fought against Islam, but also a war of words was initiated to make sure that Islam would not have any converts or sympathisers in the West (Haque, 2011)

The misinterpretation of Islam and Muslim people also occur when the government, the politician, celebrities, individual, communities and the media people did not play their roles to overcome Islamophobia issue. The irresponsible parties, who write, shared and posting the wrong information and news in online medium about the terrorism, wars and bomb attack incident attributed by Muslim all over the world also contributed to this issues.

Many Muslims complain that the TTP, ISIL, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda cause the biggest misrepresentation of Islam – and they become highly active in denouncing them, demonstrating against them, or holding conferences and lectures intellectually criticising them and openly advocating Muslims to disassociate themselves from them. While it is true that the methods and tactics of these groups can misrepresent Islam to those who don’t know better, people actually miss the larger and more egregious perpetrators of the misrepresentations of Islam – the Muslim governments, the media and politicians of the Western world, and ultimately, the Muslim world itself (Al Andalusi 2014).

This all factors shown the racism and discrimination against Muslim in western cultures were increases by the misleading article, news and information produce through the journalism internet that reach global audience. The social media nowadays also became the huge and strong impact toward racism when people have their own space to express their feeling, hatred and racism.

The media recently fails to distinguish between promoting Islam by individual Muslims from different walks of life, as a result of the goodness of their character and attitude and the nobility of their actions, on the one hand, and promoting Islam through planned action undertaken by professionally trained Muslims, on the other.

A further negative impact of Islamophobia is that Muslim insights on ethical and social issues are not given an adequate hearing and are not seen as positive assets. ‘Groups such as Muslims in the West,’ writes an observer, ‘can be part of transcultural dialogues, domestic and global, that might make our societies live up to their promises of diversity and democracy. Such communities can facilitate communication and understanding in these fraught and destabilising times.’ But Islamophobia makes this potential all but impossible to realise (Inservice Training and Educational Development 2015).

Prejudice and discrimination against Muslims is not a new phenomenon. But today, efforts to address Islamophobia are needed more than ever before. The media, Muslim groups or organisations roles and function, legislation provide to protect Muslim community, educate non-Muslim about what are Islam really is and awareness about Islam should applied and infuse to avoid Islamophobia issues.



Inservice Training and Educational Development (2015). Commission on British Muslims and Islamophobia : Islamophobia and Race Relations. Retrieved 13 November 2015, from
Fisher. M (2015). It’s not just Ahmed Mohamed: anti-Muslim bigotry in America is out of control. Retrieved 13 November 2015, from
Khoo. J (2015). Alvin Tan’s Latest Outrageous Act With The Al-Qur’an Receives Brutal Flak From Netizens. Retrieved 13 November 2015, from
International Civil Liberties Alliance(2013). The Problematic Definition of “Islamophobia”. Retrieved 16 November 2015, from
Al Andalusi, A (2014). Who causes the worst Misrepresentation of Islam? Retrieved 16 November 2015, from
Bleich’. E (2011). What is Islamophobia and How Much Is There? Theorizing and Measuring an Energing Comparative Concept. American Behavioral Scientist. SAGE Publications.
Chao. E.C (2015). The Truth About Islam.Com: Ordinary Theories of Racism and Cyber Islamophobia. Critical Sociology. SAGE Publications.
Haque. F (2011). Global Media, Islamophobia and Its Impact on Conflict Resolution. Institute of Hazrat Mohamamad (SAW)


Written by Fikri Ajlan

When we speak about animal violence in Malaysia, even though people don’t perceive this social disease as serious as others, it somehow managed to attract and intrigued people’ curiosity towards this matter. Since almost newspapers in Malaysia have reported animal cruelty cases throughout the years, does it gain a sense of empathy in one to help those animals or are we even aware of it? Only we can answer it for ourselves for sure.

Image credit: Image source

We live in the modern era where the technology has become so advanced and almost every human on earth utilized its functions. The rapid growth of social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram provide an unlimited medium and access for all of us to benefits. Back in the old days, they would never be able to feel this kind of advancement and for one to expressing one’s opinion is not as easy like today and the medium is very limited.


Through social media, we can express almost anything, from our thoughts, political views, sensitive issues and even our personal rants, and with the power entrusted in the journalists, they could make a change in spreading the awareness and provide information to the public. Animals cannot speak for themselves and it’s very terrible to witness and read all of the violence that had been done the animals.

More than two decades of psychological and sociological research reveals that barbarous acts toward animals often lead to brutality toward humans. Such violence has been observed in serial killers, who often began their sprees of violence by practicing on animals, but is well-documented in cases of domestic violence and child abuse as well. There are also several outer factors that might be triggering the act including the likes of wrong media influences, lack connection to the natural forms or even sometimes, behavioural or psychological disturbances.


Image credit: Image source

Back in 2013, The Star has reported a list of shocking animal cruelty cases in Malaysia and from there, you can see a lot of distracting stories and newspapers in Malaysia begin to cover this issue. One of the cases is about a baby elephant embracing its dead mother. This case has caused a lot of commotion when it was discovered that 14 pygmy elephants in which 10 of them are females and four males aged between four and 20 years were found dead at Gunung Rare Forest Reserve in Sabah. The saddest part about this story is the elephants’ deaths were caused by poisoning, allegedly by workers in oil palm plantations bordering the reserve. Thus, the news portrayal makes us think some people can be so mean and evil in order to get what their profits and didn’t bat an eye at all to this poor animal.

Another heart breaking story tells us about 14-year-old female Malayan sun bear and Arabian stallion at Malacca Zoo and Night Safari died due to the food poisoning that was given by an elderly businessman from Johor. Based from the CCTV footage, it shown the man was feeding the animals fruit that had been combined with toxin. Later, we have found out that the man used to owned a zoo that was shut down and the reason he poisoned those poor helpless animal was out resentment and he wanted to take revenge. So it’s really upsetting to see why people can be so selfish and didn’t even think about the consequences of their actions.

Image credit: The Petition Site Image source

In 2014, an article titled “Apathetic authorities to blame for animal cruelty in Malaysia, observers say “ that was published by MalayMail Online on  May 15 suggested that  the reason why animal abuses keep happening was  due to the authorities’ lack of concern .

“It is the enforcement of law, law is there to punish but the authorities are not taking animal abuse in this country seriously. Even in court, nothing is ever done on serious abuse,” Lawyer N. Surendran said.

Fast forward to 2016, New Straits Times Online reported The Animal Welfare Act 2015 is in plan to be implemented next year. According to Veterinary Services Department (DVS) director-general, Datuk Dr Kamarudin Md Isa, the new law would possibly make the animal abusers to think twice before commit animal cruelty as stricter punishments will await them

In Mac 2015, The Guardian reported a couple who kept more than 40 pets in neglected conditions at their home have been arrested and jailed, and the most sickening part is that the presiding magistrate describing it as the worst case of animal cruelty he had seen in 30 years.

June Harding, 46, and her husband, Paul, 45, left their 31 dogs, seven cats and four guinea pigs to sleep in their own feces in tiny rooms with no natural light. Moreover, they were not given with clean water supplies and many of the animals were infected by eyes disease, rotting teeth and ulcers in which two of them had to be put down when they were found by police and animal welfare inspectors.The married couple were each sentenced to 12 weeks in prison after pleading guilty to a total of 28 charges of animal neglect, thus they are banned from life from keeping animals.

Meanwhile in April 2015, RSPCA expressed their concern on the increasing cases of animal cruelty as people continuing to abuse them in disturbing ways. The animal welfare charity received 159,831 complaints in 2014, compared to 153,770 in 2013.

RSPCA chief veterinary officer James Yeates stated that it was extremely concerning that RSPCA is still receiving more than 20,000 complaints about animals being deliberately abused.

“Most of the complaints we receive involve animals being neglected or not receiving the right care and often we can put that right by offering welfare advice. However, it is shocking that in 2014 people are still being deliberately cruel in what can be disturbingly inventive ways”, he added.


Image credit: Charleston Animal Society Image source

Based on the article posted by The Guardian titled “MP calls for tougher animal cruelty sentences amid link to domestic abuse” on 8 November 2016, a Member of Parliament (MP), Anna Turley is urging the government to sterning the punishment for animal cruelty offences, as research shows people who harm animals are more likely to commit domestic abuse.


After hearing about what RSPCA inspectors describing the most horrifying abuse they had seen and the offenders weren’t punished properly for it, It as a shocker for Turley to learn that the maximum jail term for such offences was six months, having not been changed since 1911.

In a nutshell, both local and international newspapers gave a lot of input in covering any cases that related to animal violence. Of course, the western media will give a bigger coverage since there were a lot of cases have been reported there compared in Malaysia. However, based on what I’ve read from the articles, both Malaysia and British government are trying their best in implementing the new rules and regulation in taking care of the animal welfare.

In Malaysia we can see Animal Welfare Bill 2015 and Animal Welfare Act 2015 are being enforced in the country to prevent any occurrence of the animal abuse cases and giving severe punishments to the abuser. While in the United Kingdom, they are still figuring out in improving their Animal Act but nonetheless, the government still doing their best in protecting the animal right and welfares.

The most disturbing part is that both local and international newspapers reported that people are still deliberately abusing animals and they even do it to fulfill their personal agenda. It’s a really disgusting behavior and for someone to commit any kind of cruelty to those animal needs to seek mental help from professional.  So at least with the help from the Act, animal cruelty cases can be lessen and the abusers would be punished accordingly.



Azura. A. (2016, July 28). Bye bye animal cruelty: Animal Welfare Act to be enforced next year. Retrieved November 13, 2016 from New Straits Times Online.

Kugan. J. (2013, December 26). Malaysia’s worst animal cruelty scandals of 2013.Retrieved November 13, 2016 from The Star Online.

Peter Walker.(2016, November 8).  MP calls for tougher animal cruelty sentences amid link to domestic abuse. Retrieved November 13, 2016 from The Guardian .

Press Association. (2015, April 22). Cruelty to pets is rising and disturbingly inventive, warns RSPCA. Retrieved November 13, 2016 from The Guardian.

Steven Morris and agency. (2015, March 11). British husband and wife jailed over ‘appalling’ animal cruelty. Retrieved November 13, 2016 from The Guardian.

Yap. T. G. (2014, May 15). Apathetic authorities to blame for animal cruelty in Malaysia, observers say. Retrieved November 13, 2016 from MalayMail Online.


Written by Erda Khursyiah Basir

Not stagnant to its common roles to inform and to educate the people, media nowadays has seen as a vital role to influence and shape people mind towards various issue. The ability of the media to create sort of news through the selection of what and not to include in their reporting, later may influences public perception and opinion.

The uppermost role of media to serve for public or society is merely not relevant as before due to the current situation whereby most of media organizations are govern by some groups or parties. Basically the main reason to have this kind of aid as well as the financial support from certain parties, is to ensure they manage to survive and able to continue their operation due to the highly competition among media established today.  Through having that kind of support, it also means media have to put their loyalty as part of the social contract.  As the media make decision to air or not to air a story, they have decided to whom they will be loyal.

Media often become as main target of certain individuals or even parties to help them to reach their objective. Therefore, instead of media itself used to create their own agenda for their own purpose, others especially stakeholders and ownership itself might use media convey and influence public for many reasons which can benefits them.

Most media nowadays work for certain parties or group or even individual. In Malaysia, while some of media work for and represent the ruling parties as well as the government (Barisan Nasional (BN) or even Umno), some of them preferred to be with opposition party (Pakatan Rakyat) for the reason to report what they perceive as contradict with their views (basically on the government side and done).  Also happened nowadays, media closely work with millionaire people or well-known cosmetic product owner for example Vida Beauty (Dato Seri Vida) and D Herbs (Dato Alif Shukri), in many forms of media no matter in television, newspaper, magazine even via online approach.

Pure objective of the media to serve for people or specifically to serve for better nations, will not remain as it is, due to the concept of ownership and stakeholders. Media often highlighted particular messages, repeatedly, as what has been determined by the ownership even advertiser who sponsored their organizations. For example in certain reality programs which sponsored by owner of cosmetic products, it many times will mentioned on the product together with the tagline such as ‘Qu Puteh and Terlajak Laris’, for the purpose to market and sell the products to the massive audience. Does its wrong and against the ethics of media? The commercialization of media and concentration of media ownership erode the public sphere and fail to provide for cultural and information needs, including the plurality of opinions and the diversity of cultural expressions and languages necessary for democracy.

Spreading media agenda now is much easy since every citizen nowadays bombarded by the computer-mediated-message such as internet, mobile phone, social media. Rather than provide them with millions story or news on what is happens all over the world, each and any sorts of news now can easily become viral through the social media in a single minute. This is where media play it role to spread their agenda as well as how to shape or frame particular issues to the public.

Agenda setting theory explains that media set the agenda for public, they tell the public what they considered as important while bury some part of the story which they perceived as unimportant. There are few contemporary issues regards to the media agenda. Firstly, media agenda may lead to the media abuse their power to conduct their task without fear or favour as they their priority now is about ownership and stakeholders. Every steps taken by the media as well as to report any news, first and foremost must get the approval from their stakeholders especially when they are dealing with political stories.

Democracy is the poorer for this reduced diversity in available media messages. By having this kind of limitation which also can be consider as barriers to perform their duty as what they supposed to be, it will indirectly lead media to continuously neglect their code of ethics such as report the truth, serve the society as well as conduct their task as a watchdog role.

Secondly, media agenda most of the time has neglect the right of society to be enough inform on particular issues as media keep silent or even kill some information which they decide not to tell the public. This actually might bring both good and bad impact, depending on what kind of situation or consequence to the society as a whole. For example while alternative media choose to highlight and sensionalise racial-based issue, some media would preferred to bury it as well as not report at all to the public for the reason to avoid public panic and to maintain the harmonious among multicultural-ethnic. Other reason by not reporting the issue is to avoid other related matters arise (secondary or tertiary issues) because of the primary issue (people take advantage to relate with the other issues). Most of the time, ethnic issues among Malaysian preferred not to report in the public, if any, it would be only on the surface for the sake to maintain a good condition among multiracial ethic in Malaysia.

Media should bring their responsibility and respect the rights of the public to be well-informed about certain issues. Therefore, in different cases and situation for example issue on air pollution due to the haze issue previously, media should play their roles to inform the public when the situation is getting worst to avoid long-term health effect among the public. If media, choose to keep inform the public that the situation is still good, but it was actually harmful to the society, they are can be considered as not responsibility towards the public right to be informed. Therefore, media agenda perceived as contribute a lot to the successfulness of the media itself, ownership and stakeholders when their published or broadcast materials get attention by the people which later result in society thought and actions.

Unfortunately, when talking about the disadvantages when media is control by certain parties especially the ownership, people can’t deny that it has affects the independence of the mass media.  No doubt, media agenda has brought significant impact to the social and cultural as well. The way media framed or portray certain issue will influence the society and perhaps in long terms, the culture also effect.


Written by Saraa Abas

Drug abuse has been an on-going global attention and recognised by the United Nation as one of battling epidemic affecting our societies. All countries participate and support the effort in regulating the substance and preventive measures overcoming the issue. For so many years, drug abuse effect has been prolonging in social problems, political and economic corruptions.

Malaysia always show its authority’s commitment by constantly reporting new cases involving drug abuse and raids. The Malaysian Police use media as their platform to update the public on the illicit activities and strong opinion in fighting against drug abuse. Drug  dispensary is highly regulated in Malaysia and the punishment related to drug trafficking is severe. In most Asian countries, it is not the media norms to openly discuss current social problems in public.

As for international discussion on drug abuse issue, they openly addressed the social problems arises from the substance abuse. It is treated as social and health issues and the freedom of media allows writers to express and shares their opinion and preventive suggestions. The uses of drugs are less regulated compared to Asia’s due to the development of western’s pharmaceutical industries. However, like any countries, they still faced the same epidemic of abused and addiction among societies.

In recent years, few countries have taken the step to revolutionise and revise government’s policies of drug restrictions, especially marijuana. The public demand of marijuana as recreational drug among westerners has spread its influence on several Asia’s countries that strictly opposed the ideology. Few other drug restrictions are pressured by the public to lessen on the regulations to give options of an alternative medication which are organic based.

The difference of countries methods of prevention and crackdown has been sensational debates over human rights and drastic measures. It is a global dilemma in fighting the drug established syndicates and implementing a standard suitable measure. The epidemic is vastly growing and all countries need to critically adapt to the situation.

Media Propagation

To understand the current status of refugee crisis today, we monitored the local and international mainstream media outlets that disseminate updates and current news relating to this issue. The reflections of world views upon this matter are much likely influenced by how these media portrays the situation (Gerbner, 1999) and agreement of a particular cause. We examined two media outlets, a Malaysia’s news media, The Star and an international news media, The Guardian. One month media monitoring is held in the month of October 2016 via online, collecting the related articles and extracting their perspective reporting upon this matter.

Malaysian Media: The Star

The Star is established by Star Media Group Berhad, formerly as Star Publication (Malaysia) Berhad, over 16 years and revamped in 2008, embracing digital news, The Star Online, integrate themselves along with readers demand, offering better access to news stories, channel and multimedia. Apart from news by local journalist, we’ve noticed that The Star subscribed to Reuters, a Russia’s based international media, for its foreign news.

i.          Drug problems as criminal offence

Malaysia is among countries that prohibited the substance abuse and regulates drugs problems as serious criminal offences. Governed under the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, it regulates the import, export, manufacture, sale and use of opium, dangerous drugs and related materials. Over the years, drug abused contributed to high social problems among the society. Therefore, the Malaysian authorities and media, pledge to overcome this epidemic, promoting the negative consequences of drug problems and restriction on substance.

In news reporting, in several The Star news headlines, it emphasises on the criminal doings related drug abuse and trafficking. The headlines use of words describing as ‘menace’, ‘gangland’ and ‘caught’, portrays that the Malaysian authorities commitment in confronting this problem.

Image credit: Image source

ii.        Against drug legalisation revolution

Encountering the drug policies revolutions in few western countries, The Star disseminates news related on policies and laws are that against the normalisation and decriminalisation of drug issues. This showed the agreement by The Star, along with concurrent government mission to educate their readers on the restrictions and regulations on drug abuse supported by international bodies and foreign countries.

iii.      Philippine drug crackdown

The Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte launched a drug war in Philippine to encounter the severe drug epidemic, drastically, instructing the authorities and civilian to execute any drug trafficker in plain sight. This shocking move resulting a staggering increase of offender’s casualties and raises concerns from international human rights movements. The current events lead to media attention to focus on Philippine’s president, on his bold criticism towards United Nation and United States, who disagree with Philippine drug’s war.

International Media: The Guardian

For the international media, The Guardian, is part of the Guardian Media Group, owned by The Scott Trust Limited which was created in 1936. In recent 2010, the Guardian has significantly developed and expanded its digital operations. Their objective is to secure the financial and editorial independence of The Guardian in perpetuity and to safeguard the journalistic freedom and liberal values of The Guardian free from commercial or political interference.

i.          Treat as social and health problems

The Guardian is keen on educating their readers to understand the epidemic as social and health issues instead of criminal perspectives. It addresses health concerns and prevention measures to the society by statistical fact in convincing their readers on the effect of drug abused on health. The articles published mostly featured article to educate the public to be aware of the substance use and their social responsibilities in the society.

Image credit: New Bridge Recovery Image source


ii.        Acceptance of drug substance

The drug revolution movement demanding for Marijuana legalisation has become one of global discussion where more and more countries began to legalise few substances. Few European countries, Australia and several states in United States have now normalised and decriminalised several drug policies especially the usage of Marijuana. Numerous articles published by The Guardian shows on the support of marijuana legalisation compared to drug restrictions or demoting drug abused.

iii.      Drug problems versus human rights

Reporting the global efforts in fighting drug abuse and trafficking, The Guardian gives a fair coverage in discussing the contradiction of current drug regulations and human right’s principles. It is important to address both issues in finding suitable agreements on the current policies in fighting drug problems in a suitable manner.  Whilst the media reports on the support of marijuana legalisation, it also highlighted government efforts in battling the epidemic which involves other substance that could harm the public. In series of events on drug abuse crackdown, The Guardian portrays the government affirmation in combatting drug abuse.


Image credit: Harm Reduction International Image source


From the observation, the Malaysian media, The Star have limited views on the issue and maintain the same perspective of the government policies. Being rigid on the criminal consequences of drug abuse, the advocacy implemented on the public showed the authorities commitment battling the issues. The news reporting styles are more straight forwards with no additional information or support from other various sources to educate their readers on the harm of drug abuse. The approach taken by the media is portraying the consequences of offence and punishment to advocates their readers on drug abuse issues. The Star own perspectives yet to be discovered as for now, there are not enough evidence to conclude their agreement on the drug abuse, where they stand in overcoming these issues related to drug abuse.

In contrary, The Guardian implements a different approach in reporting the issue. Not reporting any personal criminal offences, it focuses on the discussions of opinion leaders upon the society’s concerns related to drug abuse and other interest parties’ efforts in encountering the current changes policies and demand of drug substance. The Guardian showed its commitment in educating the public of the harm of substance and general knowledge of this problems status around the world. By advocating and educating, they believe in influencing its public in reducing drug abuse problems. Contradicting to their values, by showing their support on drug legalisation also promote drug substance usage among its public.



2015 World Drug Report finds drug use stable, access to drug & HIV treatment still low. (n.d.). Retrieved Nov 01, 2016, from United Nation Office on Drug and Crime:–access-to-drug-and-hiv-treatment-still-low.html

AlJazeera. (2016, November 12). The refugee crisis and the Greeks: One year on. Retrieved from

Gerbner, G. (1999). Television and its viewers: Cultivation theory and research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved October 01, 2016, from The Guardian:

The Star Online. (n.d.). Retrieved October 01, 2016, from The Star:

UNODC Drug Trafficking. (n.d.). Retrieved Nov 01, 2016, from United Nation Office on Drug and Crime:


Written by Applefadila

The entertainment industry often brings fame to those involved in it. For example, the actors involved in Hollywood movies are often under the spotlights and gain instant popularity. Thus, reporters would always lay eyes on their latest stories, and the most favorite are their relationship stories.

Taking a couple of examples (whereby they were a couple themselves); let us talk about A-List actors, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie who are also well-known as “Brangelina”. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt began their romance on the set of “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” but Angelina was reported saying she did not chase the male actor because he was married to “her best friend”. She also told Vogue magazine she never wanted to ruin Pitt’s marriage to actress Jennifer Aniston, but it just happened that way (FoxNews). However, as the saying goes “the sky is not always blue”, after being married for 2 years and 12 years of relationship, and six children later, their bond broken.

It was only in July 2015, that the InTouch Magazine started to report on the marriage of the lovebirds that was hitting rock bottom. It was first reported on July 6, 2016 that Brad Pitt was alleged to have had enough with Angelina Jolie because she was always controlling him since the first day they had relationship together. The July 6 cover of In Touch Magazine’s headline reads, “Brad And Angelina Shocker: Divorce Announcement – How It All Went Wrong After 10 Years” also talked about what could have possibly gone wrong only after just one year the couple exchanged their vows (Austin).

Image credit: InTouch Magazine Image source

However, only in the second half of the year 2016 that the news of Brangelina’s actual divorce started to circulate on the Western media. In July 2015, an article made headlines by InTouch Magazine stated Jolie has gotten furious that her husband of two years had reunited with his ex, Jennifer Aniston following the death of her mother. The actor was said to contact his ex to show his sympathy but Angelina did not take that in a good light (Sitzer). The headline was exactly a year after the magazine’s first revelation on the couple’s shaky marriage in July 2015.


Image credit: Image source


Following the shocking news by InTouch magazine, our local newspaper in its spread and also online portal reported with the headline “Tangguh Cerai Kerana Filem” on how Brangelina decided to postpone their divorce due to their then on-going movie together, “By The Sea” in which they play as a romantic couple (Utusan Online: Gareet Dawum). Utusan Online on September 22, 2016 with the title “Brad Pitt Berang Jolie Fail Cerai” reported on Brad Pitt’s anger towards Jolie’s allegation that he neglected their children that caused her to file for divorce.  (Utusan Online).

As this is the new media era, the emergence of blogs and websites especially on local and international gossips had caused a shift on the citizens’ preference in gaining information, whereby they now make as “netizens” which are the crowd of people who seek and search for information online. A famous local entertainment website, BeautifulNara, did not miss the chance to report on the sensational issue of Brangelina’s broken bond.

Quoted from the website which reads “Dunia hiburan antarabangsa hari ini dikejutkan dengan berita Angelina Jolie yang telah memfailkan penceraian terhadap suaminya, Brad Pitt. Pasangan Hollywood yang terkenal ini telah pun berkahwin sejak tahun 2014 (namun telah  bersama lebih kurang 10 tahun) dan memiliki 6 orang anak termasuk 3 orang anak angkat” (


“The international entertainment world today was shocked over the news that Angelina Jolie has filed for a divorce from her husband Brad Pitt. The well-known couple has been married since 2014 but has been staying together for 10 years. The couple has six children 3 of whom are their biological ones”.


Image credit: BeautifulNara Image source



On the other hand, local newspaper, Harian Metro through their online portal, MyMetro published an article titled “Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt bercerai” on 20th September, 2016 which stated “Angelina Jolie fail perceraian daripada suaminya   Brad Pitt selepas 2 tahun berkahwin secara rasmi. Dia juga dilaporkan menuntut hak penjagaan terhadap enam anak mereka, lapor portal berita selebriti TMZ, hari ini. TMZ mendakwa, Angelina, 41, memfailkan  tuntutan cerai di mahkamah pada Isnin lalu atas alasan tiada persefahaman dengan tarikh perpisahan dinyatakan bermula 15 September lalu” (MyMetro).

Translated as “Angelina Jolie has filed for a divorce from her husband Brad Pitt after being officially married for 2 years. Angelina was also reported to file for custody over their six children- TMZ celebrity news reported today. Angelina, 41, filed for a divorce on last Monday on the grounds of lack of understanding and the date is alleged to start from15 September 2016”.

There are some examples of reports from the western media on Brangelina’s split issue. Inside Edition interviewed Jolie’s father, who is also an actor on his daughter’s divorce. It was clearly seen from the tabloid’s action that it tried to gain more readers by doing “something more” which is by interviewing someone apart from the couple in concern.

It was made headlines with the title “Jon Voight On Daughter Angelina Jolie’s Divorce From Brad Pitt: ‘Say A Little Prayer”.  According to the 77-year-old actor he was saddened by the news. He thought that something very serious must have happened for Pitt to make a decision like she did. Moreover, it also quoted from TMZ that Jolie does not want Pitt to have any physical custody of their kids, only legal custody because Jolie “was extremely upset with his methods” of parenting (Inside Edition).

Some media outlets had also become a bit extreme when they reported on cheating allegations involving both Pitt and Jolie. As an instance, ITechPost published an article titled “Reason Of Divorce: Angelina Jolie Cheating On Brad Pitt”. Even though further in the article, it had stated that the cheating allegation on Jolie was untrue, however the way the reporter put the words in headlines showed that it was not a question, but rather a statement. The absence of the “?” mark also indicates a voiced-out statement. This is a form of a negative reporting whereby they use direct and sensational words in headlines to allure readers to click on the posts or to read them. The words used in the headlines sometimes contribute to defamation, because they are often put in a manner which is confusing to the public or even carry multiple meanings and contain innuendos.

Quoted from the said website (ITechPost),

“A new report said that Angelina Jolie was unfaithful to Brad Pitt. Prior to her first divorce filing, Angelina Jolie is accused of having extramarital affairs with a billionaire while still married with Brad Pitt. The report also said that she’s now dating the billionaire”.

It did not stop there. Pitt was also accused on having an affair. They also stated, based from an unreliable report, the investigator to Pitt’s affair was even hired by Jolie herself.

Through the months the two has faced with allegations of having an affair between Pitt and his Allied co-star, Marion Cotillard. So when Angelina filed the divorce, people tend to blame Brad Pitt for what happened. In one report said that Pitt and Cotillard’s affair had been confirmed by an investigator hired by Angelina.”

Apart from that, the western media also has the tendency to twist the issues in concern. Instead of focusing on the issue of the couple’s divorce, some media tried to take advantage by exaggerating on other issues and twisting them to make the posts or reports more likeable. The Hollywood Gossip with the title “Brad Pitt’s Sons: You’re a Disappointment as a Father!” stated

Brad Pitt is not, perhaps, making the familial progress that he hopes.

It further stated, Pitt is slammed for being a “disappointment” in his sons’ eyes, and it also stated “it doesn’t get much bleaker than that”. Reports have emerged that Brad Pitt had an opportunity to take his sons to a Sublime/Offspring concert, but backed out at the last minute, leaving them heartbroken and devastated. Pax and Maddox, Brangelina’s two eldest boys, were said to be “crushed” when their dad pulled out of their concert plans last-minute. The report also claimed that the boys are not taking things between their estranged parents well at all (The Hollywood Gossip; Sarah Taylor).

A question to put in first; how is it relevant that the breaking of promise to go to a concert constitute to a major disappointment? Plus, the words used in the headlines show as if they were uttered by the children themselves while by right, they did not say anything. It was just the way of the media, and in this case, The Hollywood Gossip, to twist the issue, and manipulate the usage of words in the headlines or articles so as to become more controversial in nature. Moreover, in this case, Pitt was undergoing investigation with the Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) and DCFS regarding child abuse allegation placed against him arising from his argument from their first (adopted) child, Maddox. However, an official press-release statement by the FBI had proven that Pitt did not abuse his child and that such allegations against him were cleared (US Weekly; Sierra M & Evan R.).

Hence, when The Hollywood Life published the article with such headlines, it added more “commercial value” on it, and obviously people or readerss had high tendencies to click on the post just because they thought that Pitt might really be a bad father after all. This type of reporting does not follow the journalist’s Code of Ethics. Such writing styles have a very high tendency to ignite defamation, and they may face the risk of being brought to court for civil offences.

In a nutshell, it was saddening to hear that Brangelina is no longer an “item”. What are the effects of the split? Well, there goes the “perfect relationship”, “fairytale” or “beyond romantic relationship” that public once viewed Brangelina with. A majority of the people has also set Brangelina as a “relationship goal”.

Just think about this phrase; there are not any oceans without tides, and beaches without waves. Some might say their “prefect couple” is now a memory, but those who truly know life would understand that not everything is sweet in life. While some might wish for them to reconcile and rekindle their romance, some might be eager to wait for what more the entertainment industry has yet to offer? And with that, thank you and the end.



Austin, Amanda. Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt Divorce: Breakup Of Brangelina – Couple Agrees To Fake Marriage Until ‘By The Sea’ Movie Is Released. 27 June 2015. 9 November 2016 <>. Angelina Jolie Failkan Penceraian Terhadap Brad Pitt. 21 September 2016. 10 November 2016 <>.

CNN; Lisa R.F & Brian S. Angelina Jolie files for divorce from Brad Pitt. 2016 21 2016. 9 November 2016 <>.

FoxNews. Angelina Jolie Reveals How She and Brad Pitt Fell in Love. 12 December 2006. 9 November 2016 <>.

Inside Edition. Jon Voight On Daughter Angelina Jolie’s Divorce From Brad Pitt: ‘Say A Little Prayer’. 20 September 2016. 10 November 2016 <>.

ITechPost. Reason Of Divorce: Angelina Jolie Cheating On Brad Pitt. 11 October 2016. 10 November 2016 <>.

MyMetro. Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt Bercerai. 2016 September 2016. 9 November 2016 <>.; Diana Pearl. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s Divorce: The 7 Biggest Revelations. 23 September 2016. 9 November 2016 <>.

Sitzer, Carly. Angelina Jolie Goes Nuclear After Learning Brad Pitt Was In-touch With Ex Jennifer Aniston (Exclusive). 6 July 2016. 9 November 2016 <>.

The Hollywood Gossip; Sarah Taylor. Brad Pitt’s Sons: You’re a Disappointment as a Father! 18 October 2016. 10 November 2016 <>.

US Weekly; Sierra M & Evan R. FBI Releases Statement on Brad Pitt’s Child Abuse Investigation. 22 September 2016. 10 November 2016 <>.

Utusan Online. Brad Pitt Bengang Jolie Fail Cerai. 22 September 2016. 9 November 2016 <>.

Utusan Online: Gareet Dawum. Tangguh Cerai Kerana Filem. 28 July 2015. 9 November 2016 <>.


Written by Rasheffa Rashid

Image credit: Image source

The win of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States on November 9, 2016, shocked the world. While many might have predicted the win, tough some kept their fingers crossed hoping on Hillary Clinton’s winning the 2016 Presidency US Election. Upon the announcement on his winning, Trump surpassed the threshold of 270 out of the total 538 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. People around the world reacted as the world was coming down on them. Some even believed that The Simpsons from 2000 projection on Trump being the US president and US facing a major financial crunch, which turned out to be true.

Bernama on Nov 9, quoting a report from China’s Xinhua news agency reported, that the victory has made Trump the first president that never held elected office since 1953, pulling a major upset after a controversial and scandalous campaign cycle. What made people feared his win was his crazy campaign resolutions calling to impose ban on Muslim travellers in to the United States. Diamond (2015) a CNN journalist quoting a campaign press release his article mentioned:

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on”

Trump proposed for the move reacting to a deadly mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, suspected ISIS sympathizers (Diamond, 2015).Trump’s proposal resulted in many of his opponents to engage in a debate over whether a religious test should be conducted for one to enter America. However, his supporters, showed their approval towards proposal (Diamond, 2015) on the ban which was widely debated on netizens on social media.

During the 2016 election on November 8, the stock markets around the world started to show uncertainty and investors projected US Dollar to plunge upon Trump’s win. Referring to a Bernama news report, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) was down in a knee-jerk reaction in line with global bourses to the shocking results of Donald Trump winning the US presidential election. When the announcement on the current status of the market made, Trump had won 276 electoral votes, and only needed six electoral votes to become the next US President, leaving Clinton far behind with only 218 electoral votes. With these results in hand, it was pretty obvious that Trump will hold the next US President post.


Image credit: Image source

A BBC report titled “US Election 2016: Asia markets jolted by Trump win” said Asian stocks had fallen sharply as Trump beat Hillary in their race into the White House.

   “All regional markets closed lower, with money flowing into safe haven stocks, gold and currencies including the yen. Japan’s Nikkei 225 dropped by 5.4% while European and US markets are expected to slide when trading resumes on Wednesday”

According to the report, the market showed negativity as traders had expected Hillary Clinton to win. The BBC report also said, analyst believed the plunge in Asian Market was because Trump’s win was seen as negative for Asian economies due to his previous protectionist rhetoric. The Republican candidate had talked about imposing tariffs on China imports and punishing companies that send their work overseas.

However, US markets took a U-turn, when it closed higher the following day after Donald Trump’s election win, defied expectations of a slump as investors predicted. The dollar dived after the US election result was called, but has continued to recover against the euro during the day.

On to the Ringgit, The Edge Markets on Nov 10 reported, the ringgit to depreciate to its weakest point at 4.2537 against the US Dollar a day after Donald Trump’s election win.  Analysts said Trump’s victory against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton had created uncertainty on US policies on world political and economic backdrops.

It was also reported that, the ringgit lost two per cent week-on-week against a strong US dollar on November 11. Analyst from Affic Hwang Asset Management said, this phenomenon of currency fall, was not only experienced in Malaysia, but the risk-off sentiment shockwave was sent globally. Many emerging market currencies were affected upon a republican winning the presidency.  This was mainly due to Trump’s intention to impose stricter trade deals.



Chong, J. H (2016). Ringgit weakens on Trump win, Malaysia rate cut talk., 10 Nov 2016, retrieved on 24 Nov 2016, from rate-cut-talk

Donald Trump Wins US Presidential Election. (2016)., 9 Nov,
retrieved on 23 Nov 2016 from

Diamond, J (2015). Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S. CCN News, 8 Dec
2015. Retrieved on 23 Nov 2016 from

Thomas, L (2016). Why Stock Markets, Initially Shaken, Went Up After Trump’s
Victory. The New York Times, 8 Nov 2016. Retrieved on 23 Nov 2016 from

Trump Win Sends Risk-Off Sentiment Shockwave Globally (2016).,
11 Nov. Retrieved on 25 Nov 2016 from

Trump wins US election: How world leaders have reacted (2016). BBC News, 9 Nov.
Retrieved on 25 Nov 2016 from
US Election 2016: Asia markets jolted by Trump win (2016). BBC News, 9 Nov, retrieved on
23 Nov 2016 from

US stocks climb after Trump win (2016). BBC New, 10 Nov, retrieved on 23 Nov 2016 from


Written by Natasha Sidek

The tragedy of MH17 is one of the most tragic airline incidences in few decades. Hundreds of lives gone and the culprit of the incident is still no budging. All of the related US propaganda is seems relatable but not proven.

This incident affected the reputation of Malaysia Airlines as it happens after the missing of MH370. The image of Malaysia Airlines is on the peak however they play a good part in crisis communication.


Image credit: yournewswire Image source


Berita Harian Online (Malay Language Newspaper)

 17 Julai 2014

MH 17 ditembak jatuh di Wilayah Donestk, Timur Ukraine

19 Julai 2014

133 pegawai pakar dari Malaysia tiba di Kiev

 21 Julai 2014

Pemimpin kumpulan pemisah Alexander Borodai serahkan dua kotak hitam kepada Malaysia.

282 mayat di Torez dihantar ke Kharkiv guna kereta api  sebelum diterbangkan ke Belanda

22 Julai 2014

40 keranda tiba di Lapangan  TerbangTentera Eindhoven

25 Julai 2014

Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai sahkan kedua-dua  kotak hitam berkeadaan baik dan kandungannya tidak tercemar

27 Julai 2014

Belanda umum identity mangsa pertama dikenalpasti

31 Julai 2014

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak temui Perdana Menteri Belanda, Mark Rutte, di The Hague dan menuntut gencatan senjata di lokasi pesawat terhempas

1 Ogos 2014

15 identiti pertama mangsa rakyat Malaysia dikenal pasti Pasukan DVI.

19 Ogos 2014

28 identiti mangsa MH17 rakyat Malaysia dikenalpasti

22 Ogos 2014

Hari Perkabungan Negara

9 September 2014

Laporan awal nahas MH17 dikeluarkan Lembaga Keselamatan Belanda (OVV)

14 Oktober 2014

Pasukan penyiasat Malaysia memasuki lokasi nahas MH17 untuk ambil barangan peribadi milik mangsa

1 Disember 2014

Malaysia diterima sebagai ahli penuh dalam Pasukan Siasatan Bersama MH17

9 Disember 2014

Bangkai penuh pesawat MH17 tiba di pangkalan tentera udara Belanda di Gilze-Rijen, Selatan Belanda

18 Februari 2015

Draf resolusi terbaharu Majlis Keselamatan PBB mengenai keadaan di Ukraine

10 Julai 2015

Malaysia menerima laporan awal hasil siasatan nahas MH17 daripada pihak berkuasa Belanda Kerajaan memerlukan 60 hari teliti laporan secara menyeluruh dan terperinci.

Lima Negara termasuk Malaysia desak Majlis Keselamatan PBB menubuhkan tribunal jenayah antarabangsa untuk mendakwa suspek yang menembak jatuh pesawat MH17

11 Julai 2015

Malaysia mengadakan majlis memperingati ulangtahun pertama tragedy pesawat MH17

30 Julai 2015

Russia menggunakan kuasa veto menolak resolusi Majlis Keselamatan PBB bagi penubuhan tribunal khas itu.

11 Ogos 2015

Pasukan penyiasat antarabangsa MH17 kenal pasti serpihan dari peluru berpandu BUK buatan Russia di lokasi terhempas.

24 Ogos 2015

Malaysia serah maklum balas berkaitan laporan nahas pesawat MH17 kepada pasukan penyiasat Belanda

13 Oktober 2015

Lembaga Keselamatan Belanda (OVV) sahkan MH17 ditembak jatuh dengan peluru berpandu BUK buatan Russia – Pengerusi OVV, Tjibbe Joustra sahkan tiga anak kapal mati di dalam kokpit terkena serpihan peluru berpandu.  Bagaimanapun laporan akhir itu tidak menyatakan siapa yang bertanggungjawab melancarkan peluru berpandu itu.

The plane crashed in rebel-held eastern Ukraine at the height of the conflict between government troops and pro-Russian separatists. It said that the crash caused by the denotation of a Russian-made 9N314M-type warhead carried on the 9M38M1 missile, launched from the eastern part of Ukraine using a Buk missile system.

The joint Investigation Team (JIT) which reported on the interim findings of its criminal investigation in September 2016 similarly found irrefutable evidence a BUK missile from the 9M38-series was used.

Hence, the local news and international news might give different vibes and views. It is because of the controlled on it and the many speculations arise between it.


Written by Mazida Desa

The 2013 Lahad Datu standoff was a military clash that began on 11th February 2013 and finished on 24th March 2013. The standoff emerged after 235 activists were armed, touched by pontoons in Lahad Datu, Sabah. The gathering, calling themselves the “Imperial Security Forces of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo”, was sent by Jamalul Kiram III, one of the inquirers to the royal position of the Sultanate of Sulu.


Local Media : Astro Awani

Astro Awani (Channel 501) is a 24-hour news channel number one in Malaysia. They publish news bulletins, business and sports all day from Kuala Lumpur city centre, with a network of experienced journalists throughout Malaysia. Astro Awani was launched on 6th September 2007 together with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Malaysia’s independence. Astro Awani is the in-house rolling news and current affairs television channel providing 24-hour news coverage including news in Malay. With its slogan and motto tagline, News that transcends Dimensions (Malay: All the News Dimension), Astro Awani presents news and informative programs including current affairs, lifestyle, documentaries, interview programs and local and international magazine.

International Media : Reuters

Reuters /ˈrɔɪtərz/ is an international news agency headquartered in Canary Wharf, London,United Kingdom and is a division of Thomson Reuters. The Reuter agency was established in 1851 by Paul Julius Reuter in Britain at the London Royal Exchange. Paul Reuter worked at a book-publishing firm in Berlin and was involved in distributing radical pamphlets at the beginning of the Revolutions in 1848.



Image credit: Image source

Propaganda is any misleading and bias information which is to promote or publicise a particular political party or any point of view. Two of the alternative media that has been chosen to compare the propaganda of MH17 news is Berita Harian online and BBC news online. Awani news propaganda involves small incident in which they reported the entry of Philippine rebels discovered by some fishermen and has entered several locations in the village. This is a small issue is that may be created to make the story more sensational. Compared to Reuters news, they begin by describing the news about how the Malaysian military against rebels stormed the camp of armed groups. In addition, Awani news also reported that it was not reasonable, as the rebel group is composed of individuals who are malnourished whereas the elderly in sarongs and slippers are mostly unarmed. It is said to be not logic because if they attack Lahad Datu with such external, then why the people are feeling threatened and insecure? While the Reuters press clearly stated the gunman was still at large and were not captured. The rest were suspected to be linked with Anwar Ibrahim who was accused of being involved in the rebellion.

Reuter had been associating it with a riot case affects investment in Sabah where it will draw back investors’ interest. After the issue was being analyzed, it clearly showed that it does not affect Sabah until such time as the issues related to the invasion of the heirs of the Sulu Sultanate asking for their rights. According to Awani news, they assumed that the Philippine government is letting the issue go and leaving the fate of Sulu in the hands of the military forces of Malaysia. News Awani Malaysia reported a police officer was killed by an attacker with a heartbreaking situation. This news could not be identified the authenticity of conflict Lahad Datu because the murder was not being reported and they did not give the details of the murder case. Reuters has also added news by associating it with Islamic rebels in the news where there is no direct relationship with the uprising in Lahad Datu. As explained previously, the purpose of this revolt is the heir of the Sulu Sultanate that demands their rights in land in Sabah.

Timeline of the Issue

The chronology of the cases is extracted from various sources from local media. Starting on February 9 the intruder entered using a boat and assembled in stages starting from Felda Sahabat 17, Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu and end of March 2 the body of Inspector Zulkifli Mamat and Corporal David Sabarudin were killed in a battle with a group of armed intruders in Lahad Datu. They arrived at the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Subang at about 12.43pm. Inspector Zulkifli Mamat was buried in the cemetery in Kampung Gong Bayor, Jertih Corporal David Sabarudin was buried at the Muslim cemetery in Kampung Masjid Sungai Makmuriah Lias, Owerri.



Image credit: Image source


Image credit: Reuters Image source


I think the most important lesson that Malaysia must learn from the standoff in Lahad Datu is the weakness of our border defence. Like other Malaysians, I’m very concerned with the speculation that Lahad Datu standoff used whereby it was just an excuse by a desperate government to declare emergency for fear of losing the coming elections.