Written by Natasha Sidek

The tragedy of MH17 is one of the most tragic airline incidences in few decades. Hundreds of lives gone and the culprit of the incident is still no budging. All of the related US propaganda is seems relatable but not proven.

This incident affected the reputation of Malaysia Airlines as it happens after the missing of MH370. The image of Malaysia Airlines is on the peak however they play a good part in crisis communication.


Image credit: yournewswire Image source


Berita Harian Online (Malay Language Newspaper)

 17 Julai 2014

MH 17 ditembak jatuh di Wilayah Donestk, Timur Ukraine

19 Julai 2014

133 pegawai pakar dari Malaysia tiba di Kiev

 21 Julai 2014

Pemimpin kumpulan pemisah Alexander Borodai serahkan dua kotak hitam kepada Malaysia.

282 mayat di Torez dihantar ke Kharkiv guna kereta api  sebelum diterbangkan ke Belanda

22 Julai 2014

40 keranda tiba di Lapangan  TerbangTentera Eindhoven

25 Julai 2014

Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai sahkan kedua-dua  kotak hitam berkeadaan baik dan kandungannya tidak tercemar

27 Julai 2014

Belanda umum identity mangsa pertama dikenalpasti

31 Julai 2014

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak temui Perdana Menteri Belanda, Mark Rutte, di The Hague dan menuntut gencatan senjata di lokasi pesawat terhempas

1 Ogos 2014

15 identiti pertama mangsa rakyat Malaysia dikenal pasti Pasukan DVI.

19 Ogos 2014

28 identiti mangsa MH17 rakyat Malaysia dikenalpasti

22 Ogos 2014

Hari Perkabungan Negara

9 September 2014

Laporan awal nahas MH17 dikeluarkan Lembaga Keselamatan Belanda (OVV)

14 Oktober 2014

Pasukan penyiasat Malaysia memasuki lokasi nahas MH17 untuk ambil barangan peribadi milik mangsa

1 Disember 2014

Malaysia diterima sebagai ahli penuh dalam Pasukan Siasatan Bersama MH17

9 Disember 2014

Bangkai penuh pesawat MH17 tiba di pangkalan tentera udara Belanda di Gilze-Rijen, Selatan Belanda

18 Februari 2015

Draf resolusi terbaharu Majlis Keselamatan PBB mengenai keadaan di Ukraine

10 Julai 2015

Malaysia menerima laporan awal hasil siasatan nahas MH17 daripada pihak berkuasa Belanda Kerajaan memerlukan 60 hari teliti laporan secara menyeluruh dan terperinci.

Lima Negara termasuk Malaysia desak Majlis Keselamatan PBB menubuhkan tribunal jenayah antarabangsa untuk mendakwa suspek yang menembak jatuh pesawat MH17

11 Julai 2015

Malaysia mengadakan majlis memperingati ulangtahun pertama tragedy pesawat MH17

30 Julai 2015

Russia menggunakan kuasa veto menolak resolusi Majlis Keselamatan PBB bagi penubuhan tribunal khas itu.

11 Ogos 2015

Pasukan penyiasat antarabangsa MH17 kenal pasti serpihan dari peluru berpandu BUK buatan Russia di lokasi terhempas.

24 Ogos 2015

Malaysia serah maklum balas berkaitan laporan nahas pesawat MH17 kepada pasukan penyiasat Belanda

13 Oktober 2015

Lembaga Keselamatan Belanda (OVV) sahkan MH17 ditembak jatuh dengan peluru berpandu BUK buatan Russia – Pengerusi OVV, Tjibbe Joustra sahkan tiga anak kapal mati di dalam kokpit terkena serpihan peluru berpandu.  Bagaimanapun laporan akhir itu tidak menyatakan siapa yang bertanggungjawab melancarkan peluru berpandu itu.

The plane crashed in rebel-held eastern Ukraine at the height of the conflict between government troops and pro-Russian separatists. It said that the crash caused by the denotation of a Russian-made 9N314M-type warhead carried on the 9M38M1 missile, launched from the eastern part of Ukraine using a Buk missile system.

The joint Investigation Team (JIT) which reported on the interim findings of its criminal investigation in September 2016 similarly found irrefutable evidence a BUK missile from the 9M38-series was used.

Hence, the local news and international news might give different vibes and views. It is because of the controlled on it and the many speculations arise between it.


Written by Fatin Amalina

Image credit: Image source

After the heart-breaking stories of two Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight, MH370 and MH 17, again the world has been shocked by the same flight brand only on a different case, the controversial news regarding on sexual assault by Malaysia Airlines’ steward towards its passenger. The occurrence was reported in August 2014 which was a month after the tragic incident of the airlines’ flight.

What had made the incident look a lot bitter, the assault was carried out during the Chief Steward of MAS, Mohammed Rosli Bin Ab Karim performing his formalities. He was then detained by the police officers in France after allegations of sexual assault to one of the MH20 passengers, Laura Bushney on August 4th 2014. According to Bushney, the steward was trying to ‘calm and comfort’ as she was expressing how worried she was being on the plane in conjunction with the incidents that took place between MH370 and MH17. At the end, the action then allegedly turned into a sexual assault. Bushney made a police report about the ‘inappropriate sexual behaviour’. MAS terminated Mohd Rosli two weeks after the alleged incident on August 25th, 2014, and MAS came to admit of the following indictment, Mohammed Rosli was misbehaving against her. According to Astro Awani, MAS affirmed that:

… Malaysia Airlines has always expect the best standard of our staff and we also take seriously the claims of its kind. We will assist the French authorities to investigate (Tamboo, 2014).

However, two years after the occurrence, Bushney sued the carrier under the Montreal Convention for RM616, 000 while Mohammed Rosli was guaranteed in France and is still awaiting trial. Bushney has two years to get compensation based on the physical harm suffered and financial loss, according to Montreal Convention.

The fact that the incident took place between two different countries is obvious to show how drastically contrast the media coverage is.  Now, let’s have a little glance on how the story was being covered between a Malaysian media, Astro Awani and an International media, Daily Mail.


Based on what was seen by Astro Awani coverage, it was crystal clear that they were playing with ‘picking side’ style of reporting. This can be proven when Astro Awani for a numerous times revealed the name and personal data of the sexual assault victim, Laura Bushney.

The offender (Mohammed Rosli) on the other hand, not even a single name was mentioned throughout the entire coverage. This plainly shows that Astro Awani was not being ethically fair to both parties of the case because when someone’s name is revealed, in fact, it technically endangers the person’s position too. However, both names were revealed according to the coverage made by Daily Mail.


Table 1: the table shows certain info and taken a passage from the article that was reported by Astro Awani which shows a different standard given by them towards Bushney and Mohammed Rosli where only the victim’s name and information was revealed.


One of the things that many news agencies always fail to ‘keep an eye’ onto is to prevent from any sense of a ‘hoop-la’. Why? Because audience loves it when seasoning and flavour are added to the stories.

On November, 15 2014, Astro Awani posted a news article entitled ‘Keluarga bekas pramugara MAS didakwa lakukan serangan seksual rayu bantuan’ shows more sympathy for Mohammed Rosli where they interviewed his daughter and son in law.

Kami semua merindui sangat bapa kami dan tidak tahu apa lagi yang boleh kami lakukan… “Kami hanya berharap kepada mana-mana pihak yang boleh membantu kami untuk membawa balik bapa kami,” tambah Mohamad Faiq (son in law)… “Surat tersebut mengatakan bahawa MAS memberinya 60 hari untuk memfailkan rayuan terhadap keputusan itu sedangkan mereka sedia maklum bahawa bapa kami sedang dalam tahanan di Paris dan tidak berada dalam Malaysia… “MAS tidak memberikan bantuan kepada kami untuk menjejaki bapa kami. MAS meninggalkan kami dalam keadaan serba tidak tahu dan ini amat mengecewakan dan menyedihkan kami sekeluarga,” tambahnya. “Dia (bapa) telah kehilangan berat badan. Dia kelihatan sakit dan tertekan. Dia menghadapi masalah berkaitan pemakanan dan mengalami stres selain tekanan darah tinggi… “Paling menyedihkan adalah pada hari terakhir kerana kami tidak dapat berjanji kepadanya bila dia boleh pulang,”  kongsi Syaza yang tidak dapat menahan kesedihan… (Syafique Shuib, 2014).

Apart from that, Astro Awani also posted a news article which reported that Bushney had been deprecated on social media. Together with the news, Astro Awani attached few tweets that were posted by the netizens that disagreed with the entire issue of sexual assault and thought that Bushney was actually playing victim.


From the tweets, what can we digest from Astro Awani is that they had shown less professionalism in news reporting. At this point, what can we question is; are these propagandas purposely implanted so that their news would sell?

 At the end of everything, we can never deny the fact that communication is the most significant part for every organisational operation as it not only functioning in connecting and interacting within the organisation itself, hence also enables people to communicate world-widely. With the existence of communication, automatically it enables ones to be reached borderless. However, the same thing also goes to media, where communication becomes a connector with one country to another. Hence to every company that sells communication like Astro Awani and Daily Mail, what they need to be aware of is that communication is actually representing who they are. For example, if they are practising and promoting good communication, it shall be a direct image of the company viewed positively among others.

Nevertheless, after a thorough glance of this issue, what can be summarised is that both of local and international news media agencies have their strengths and weaknesses moreover on the way of reporting. Local news are more to exaggerating the news to make it bombastic while international news are straight forward on the issue that they want to report even they if practice freedom of media. However, it is clear that Astro Awani is still in poor communication when it comes to reporting news to its audience.



Malaysiakini. (2015, December 11). 3,000 rape cases in Malaysia every year. Retrieved from

Syafique Shuib. (2014, November 15). Keluarga bekas pramugara MAS didakwa lakukan serangan seksual rayu bantuan. Retrieved from Astro Awani`:

Tamboo, L. T. (2014, August 14). Pramugara MAS ditahan polis Perancis kerana didakwa lakukan serangan seksual. Retrieved from Astro Awani: