Does Zakir Naik speeches Influence Muslim to be a Terrorist?

Written by Nadiah Zainal

Zakir Naik was a trained medical doctor that turned into an Islamic preacher. Avery well known Islamic preacher that has travelled around the world to give sermons. Zakir Naik was accused to influence terrorism in his speech several times. An excerpt of the statement taken from one of his sermon; “As far as terrorist is concerned, I tell the Muslims that every Muslims should be a terrorist”. Dhaka Terror Attack happened in July 2016 where five militants took hostages and opened fire on the Holey Artisan Bakery in Gulshan Thana. One of the terrorist involved in the attack said in his Facebook that Zakir Naik’s words and writing has inspired him to do it (Mahound Paradise, 2016).

International Media: The Hindu
1. Identity:
The Launched in 1878, The Hindu is one of the few newspapers that are English based language. It is the leading national newspaper of India and it is highly respected for its wide comprehensive coverage of national and international political news. In India, most of the newspaper has its own political ideologies and The Hindu does not go far from it. From the news published in the newspaper, it can be seen that The Hindu are strongly attached with the Left-Wing parties which focuses more on culture, traditional and religion.
2. Agenda:
The Facebook statement made by one of the terrorist has made the Indian government and some of its people are not at ease seeing Zakir Naik still free and can still give speeches around the world. Accordingly, The Hindu newspaper, does not seen to be on preacher’s side in a quite subtle way. As mentioned before, The Hindu newspaper ideologies is based on centre to left wings. All the published reports are targeting Zakir Naik and his organization. It does not look like they are backing him up.
3. Practicalities:
From the article published by The Hindu regarding Zakir Naik terrorism allegations, it showed that their reports are based on their own investigations. All of the information stated in the write up can be easily retrieved from the Internet but they look for variety of information from variety of sources and putting it together into one article. The author does not only retrieved information from other sources but also did his own interview with Zakir Naik’s brother-in-law. He did a background check before writing and publishing it.

Local Media: Malay Mail Online
1. Identity:
First published on 1st December 1896, Malay mail is an English language newspaper that is based in Kuala Lumpur. It is also an independent online newspaper that covers the news of the day, be it politics or lifestyle. Malay Mail words of wisdom “we do not want to change the world – after all, we are journalists and not activist – but strive to report the changes in a balanced and non-partisan manner”. In regards to Zakir Naik’s allegations by the public, the story published by them does not necessarily taking sides on either Zakir Naik or the Indian or the Bangladesh government. It is somehow balanced between them agreeing and disagreeing the fact that Zakir Naik promotes terrorism.
2. Agenda:
Zakir Naik has delivered his speeches in Malaysia quite often. He has quite a number of supporters in Malaysia. Malay Mail online did a neutral report on Zakir Naik’s terrorism speech that inspired one of the terrorist involved in Dhaka Attacks. It is more to inform Malaysian of what had happened and which part of his speech that has inspired the terrorist. Not all of the Malaysians knows Zakir Naik so it is their job to make sure the details are all there
3. Practicalities:
From what they have published it is safe to say that the journalist in Malay Mail online and some of their published reports are the results from their own investigation. An article by Ida Lim and Kamles published on July 6th titled “Premature to assume Zakir Naik encouraged terrorism, deputy minister says” showed their investigation. The authors went to interview the deputy minister, Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki. Malay Mail online wants to retrieved other people’s comment and perception to back up any information that has been published. Malay Mail online does go to other media agencies to retrieve some of the basics information about the topic but after they have received it, they did their own investigation to support their story. With their tagline “The paper that cares” it does fit the mould.

Biswas, S. (2016, July 6). Who is Zakir Naik? Where the Dhaka attack terrorist ‘inspired
by him’? Retrieved from

Lim, I., & Kumar, K. (2016, July 6). Premature to assume Zakir Naik encouraged terrorism, deputy minister says. Malay Mail Online. Retrieved from

News Strait Times and coverage on Budgie Nine arrested in Malaysia for Public Indecency

Written by Nasihah Hamid

The Budgie Nine refers to the Australian men whose arrested in Malaysia for stripping down to their undies of swimming trunks emblazoned with Malaysian flag and drinking beer from their shoes at 2016 F1 Petronas Malaysia Grand Prix. This group action has caused outrage among the local citizen especially for Muslim society where they claim that the men have significantly embarrassed the country hosting them (Paterson, Gusmaroli, Hansen, & Gleeson, 2016). The Budgie Nine were charged for intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of the peace and public indecency after celebrating Australian Daniel Ricciardo’s race win by strip off to their swimming trunks at the event in Sepang.

The ‘Budgie Nine’ – source:


News Strait Times

The News Strait Times is an English newspaper that owned by the ruling government, Barisan National. In fact, it once reinforced public perception that this media merely serve as propaganda mouthpieces for the government. It is Malaysian’s oldest newspaper that originally known as The Straits Times but reestablished as the New Strait Times. Its vision includes to become the provider of news, information, and entertainment as well as to achieve readers satisfaction through their professional and highly regarded organisation that value quality, integrity and innovations in their services. is owned by private organisation News Corp Australia, and this news portal delivers extensive breaking news and national interest stories with a timely news update. It balances both of Australian and international news in various sections. News stories present on is informed by their values which are faith and truthfulness. They make sure that the validation of information is done before publishing to the readers. In fact, they focused on getting the information first with the right facts and significantly committed to providing open, fair and balanced coverage.


After going through all the news article and headlines, there is an element of “sensationalism” in reporting this case. They report issues that can provide a massive over-hyped reaction by readers and shall benefit them in return. By providing this kind of headline, they will encourage readers to read the article further and possibly can shape their perception towards the Australian. NST Online article is noticed to slam the nine Australians directly. In the article titled “deport and ban the Aussies”, it openly criticises the impolite action by stating that these men are mocking Malaysian sensitiveness and unforgivable.

Based on the news reporting, takes this controversy of Budgie Nine seriously as they keep updating and publish follow up the article from various dimensions. However, it can be seen that emphasise on the Malaysian perception and opinion of this issue. Their article consists of the negative opinion of Malaysian citizen and media towards Budgie Nine action. For example, one of the articles indicates that New Straits Times reflected the stunt as “stupid” and local authorities were enraged over the controversial act.


NST Online significantly provides the reader with evidence such as pictures, video, sources of information and quotes from the individual involved. Since this issue considered as international news, NST online also take the article from other news agency like Reuters and AFP, but they make attribution and give credit to the original owner. This can be seen in several articles such as “Chastened ‘Budgie Nine’ back in Sydney after F1 stunt” and “Government adviser among nine Australians arrested in Malaysia”.

As for, the news articles are more open and free in writing as they include both local and international perspective. Since the incident happens in Malaysia, thus they also provided the Malaysian views of the obscure action taken by the nine Australian at Sepang. Therefore, this shows that this portal is balance in reporting this issue by providing the information on both sides.


Paterson, I., Gusmaroli, D., Hansen, N., & Gleeson, A. (2016, October 4). Budgie Nine: Australian men arrested in Malaysia for ‘public indecency’ call in top lawyers to avoid jail. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from The Daily Telegraph:

‘The Britain Worst Paedophile’

Written by Illyana Helmy

Paedophilia has become a major social issue in today’s modern society. It is a health problem, and the word Paedophile is commonly applied indiscriminately to anyone who sexually abuses a child. A paedophile is the current high profile nature, and it is something that is related to aetiology, antecedents, personality, and behaviour. Child sexual abusers are most likely being perceived as negative behaviour, and regardless of any gender, the paedophiles have an impact towards the victims (McCartan, 2008).

            Richard Huckle is 30 years old man who is a photographer from Ashford in Kent admitted an unprecedented 71 offences, including rapes against young children aged between six months to 12 years old. He is an English teacher and philanthropist in poor Christian communities in Kuala Lumpur. He committed the crime between 2006 to 2014 during his existence in Malaysia. Huckle is known one of Britain’s worst predator paedophiles who targeted, groomed and abused Children’s in Malaysia. Based on the records his victims are over than 200 Malaysian babies and children. The worst part is that he shared the images of his horrific crimes on the dark web. Because of this, he has been handed 22 life sentences. Some people claim that the number of his victims could be higher as the investigators found a very long ledger and scorecard on his computer. Huckle created a ledger as he awarded himself marks for different kinds of abuse that he has done towards 191 girls and boys.

Richard Huckle – source:

At the beginning of the case, The Star highlighted that the Malaysian police encountered a slight problem to obtain further information and cooperation from the British authorities. Initially, Malaysian police were informed about Huckle in 2014, but they didn’t receive further details. British authorities only mention that Huckle was suspected to have involved in paedophile activities in Malaysia. However, the information did not supply as requested by Malaysian police and they were trying to get more information (The Star Online, 2016). This situation brings a lot of questions. The main obstacle is about the law practising in Malaysia different than European Countries because Malaysia carries out capital punishment which could lead to death. In another article from which is an Australian-based news portal reveal the information’s that is contra from The Star. Based on CA deputy director, Andrew Brennan during his interview he told reporters after sentencing on Monday which is November 2014 the day that the British had informed Malaysian authorities of Huckle case, they have shared all the required information and all of the intelligence. Also, The British High Commission also told the Reuters news agency that they had constantly been engaged with the Malaysian authorities since 2014. Unfortunately, the Malaysian police did not respond immediately to request for comments on the British High Commission statement. Based on the conflicting arguments statement above, it is, of course, shows that both parties were put the blame on each other for not giving very fast respond to the Huckle’s case.

To sum up, The Star online and published news in a different point of view. Both of it, try to explain and justify to the public about the situation. After all, it is not the government faults for late in taking actions because the public has been questioning where is the police, since Huckle doing his activities for almost a decade.


Reference (2016). Print Email Facebook Twitter More Richard Huckle:Malaysian

authorities under pressure to explain handling of paedophile case.

AlJazeera. (2015). Malaysia revives detention without trial.

McCartan, K. F. (2008). Current understandings of paedophilia and the resulting

crisis in modern society .

New Straits Times. (2015). POTA a necessary tool in terror war.

The Star Online. (2016). IGP: Police plan to record statement from British pedophilia.


Remember when Facebook just about updating status, posting pictures, and adding friends? Back in 2004 when Facebook was launched, everyone went crazy over it instantly. Everyone wanted to have their own account so that they will be in a so called ‘in trend’.

image credit: fbnewsroomus

As time goes by, Facebook keeps on adding and improving their features. However, the increase the features, doesn’t mean that they are also providing a pleasant platform for all users. Recently, there has been a rising issue about one of the current trending Facebook features that is Live streaming. Since Facebook launched this feature, the company has been hit by several high profile storms after people repeatedly used it to broadcast violent crimes.

Facebook users can choose the mode of update they want to post, either to post a photo or video, tag people in their post, add a feeling or what they are doing and also check into a location. Meanwhile, live streaming is basically when they want to update the post by broadcasting or ‘Go Live’, which is somehow a more effective and ‘satisfying’ since they will able to see who is viewing their broadcast, as well as a stream of real-time comments.

However, good thing also comes with the bad ones. Since it was launched back in August 2015, there have been a lot of violent cases reported all over the world. Recently, on April, a young father from Thailand broadcasted himself murdering his 11 month-old daughter by hanging the girl from a building in a live video on Facebook before killing himself right after that.

image credit: nytimes

In Chicago, several young African-American adults broadcasted them bullying and tormenting a mentally disabled teen live on Facebook with the teen being tied up in a room with duct tape across his mouth and cut off that boy’s cloth.

According to Dr Maat Lewis, an associate professor and former deputy chair and director of counselling services in the Department of Counselling and Human Services at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, those who commit violence, homicide or suicide in Facebook want others to feel their pain, which is somehow caused by mental illness or interpersonal conflict.

However, even after these series of bad incidents, instead of shutting down this Live Streaming, Facebook will just add add 3,000 more content reviewers and invest in tools to help remove objectionable content more quickly. Is doing this will decrease the violent acts broadcast on Facebook? Violence is happening every day, it is normal. But seeing the act being broadcasted and published until the point it becomes normal is absolutely not healthy, it is sick.

DeMers, J. (2015, December 14). Live Streaming Is Coming To Facebook: What You Need To Know. Retrieved from Forbes:
Jabali, M. (2017, April 19). How does the violence shared on social media platforms and features — like Facebook Live — affect the perpetrator, the victim and the viewer? Retrieved from Essence:
Mozur, P. (2017, April 25). Father in Thailand Kills 11-Month-Old Daughter Live On Facebook. Retrieved from The New York Times:
Rowland, A. (2017, January 5). 4 in Custody in Facebook Live Torture Case: Police. Retrieved from Crystal Lake Patch:

The Political Power of Social Media in the 21st Century

Written by Nasihah Hamid

Remember the tragic racial episode at Plaza Low Yat during July 2015? Many thanks to the emergence of various social media, the story are shared, commented and spread like wildfire causing an uproar in the online community due to the wild rumour of racially motivated incident. A simple case of smartphone theft and misunderstanding had led to bigger consequences involving national insecurity. Sadly, social media also has brought this issue into political dimension despite the fact that it has nothing to do with it.

The fake tweets involve Elizabeth Wong, Selangor executive council member apparently accused “askar upahan UMNO” as the solid cause of the issue (Hamid, 2015) show that social media has made easier for people to frame message and cause political instability in Malaysia environment. The defamatory, seditious and racist statement in the social media like Facebook and Twitter not only fanned racial tensions but also can directly change the political landscape and threatened government reputation. Thus, this tragic case at Plaza Low Yat, for instance, has provided an illustration of how the content of the social media can be a double-edged sword in managing nation harmonious and naturally influence political landscape and government reputation in general.


There are several debates on the issue of political protest and violence concerning the ability of social media to challenge to take collective action (Wolfsfeld, Segev, & Sheafer, 2013). During the Arab Spring, Twitter was used by the Iranians in 2009 to protest the elections. This event had been known as “Twitter Revolution” because protesters use Twitter and other social media to spread their message out (Wolfsfeld, Segev, & Sheafer, 2013). In Malaysia, the Bersih rally has captured the international and local headlines which demanded clean and fair electoral. Indeed, a Facebook petition has been made calling for Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak to step down has drawn the attention of 200,000 supporters (Ahmad, Kee, Mustaffa, Ibrahim, & Mahmud, 2012).

Although Communications and Multimedia Content Forum of Malaysia (CMCF) existing guidelines and rule apply to all the content on the internet the challenge to create awareness on the usage of social media is beyond reachable. In the past, social media seems simple and not harmful, but their functions are changing over times as people are now exposing with various alternative information from the local and global context. Thus, social media need to be given incentive attention by the policymakers if they would like to insulate the dramatic event of “Arab Spring” from happening again.



Hamid, A. J. (2015, July 19). Social media worth its share of scrutiny. Retrieved November 12, 2016, from News Straits Times Online:

Wolfsfeld, G., Segev, E., & Sheafer, T. (2013). Social media and the Arab spring politics comes first. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 115-137.




Written by Farhah

 Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said ethical journalism is vital in creating an informed society as is being planned for the Communications and Multimedia Ministry in its Communications and Multimedia Blueprint.

 He said the country was now in the era of post-truth where the existence of fake news, especially on various social media platforms with huge followers, was a norm.

“What is more saddening, the public who have been exposed to fake news and not based on facts, take whatever is being served to them blindly.”

“They cannot differentiate between diamond and glass.We know blogs, Facebook and social media portals are not bound by the ethics of the conventional media, “he said at the Malaysian Press Institute (MPI)-Petronas Malaysian Press Night (MPN) 2017 here Friday night.

Datuk Seri Najib also said if the fake news not is curbed and controlled, it will become phenomenon and threat to national security from various angle.

The prime minister said the media had its responsibilities to clarify to the public on what facts and spreading slander were all about.

Datuk Seri Najib also urged professional journalists to be at the forefront in stopping fake news and lies, especially when there were now quarters from inside and outside the country out to purposely discredit the image of Malaysia by making inaccurate statements on the current state of economy and politics.



Learn Coding Even at Early Age: A 12 Years Old Impressed The Parliament and Teaches Coding To The Politicians

Written by Halimatul Nabilah

Feature image_bella
Image: Amelia Lockley with Dr Michelle Dickinson

Amelia Lockley is a 12 years old who learnt to code three years ago, and she impressed the world with her skills when even the Parliament is acquiring her to teach coding to the politicians. This little girl believes that everyone needs to learn to code at a young age and it a very helpful skill. She was invited by the parliament and flew to Wellington on May 8 to teach the politicians about coding. She was accompanied by an expert team including Nanogirl herself: Dr Michelle Dickinson who is the recipient of the Women of Influence Award and a role-model for young women that encourages more women to move into STEM (a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics).  They facilitated the special Code Club Aotearoa event. Code Club Aotearoa is a nation-wide network of volunteer-led coding clubs, with the goal of teaching coding to all young New Zealanders. At this event, the politicians will learn to code together with primary student around the Wellington region.

Amelia is part of the almost 300 Code Clubs around the country that are teaching up to 10,000 children on the skill that is a staple to the information technology industry. Currently, Amelia is working with the immigrants to develop an application that helps the immigrants to find essential services including schools and banks when they first arrive in New Zealand, but she’s hoping to forge a career as a mechatronic engineer. United Future Leader, Peter Dunne hosted that workshop to show his colleagues about the remarkable talents possessed by this young people. In fact, National MP, Brett Hudson who spent 20 years working in information technology before joining the Parliament was also impressed and amazed by the skills that those children have because even an experienced person like him are not aware of some of the knowledge and skill shared by the children. Hence, we need to acknowledge the importance of learning to code since the benefit can be to the individual and even to the country and it is clear that there are no boundaries regarding age to learn how to code. Everyone can become a coder!

Branded Handbag as Relationship’s Shield?

Written by Hani Zarina

What type of culture are we dealing with? Some people are ranked and being judged just by their appearances or what designer brands they are using. Does all the branded stuff define what’s within and our personality? Branded goods do not define the inner quality of anyone, but it is rather superficial. In the modern world today, there are a lot of external factors such as peers, type of lifestyle, etc that causes people nowadays to prompt looking on the outer layers such as Louis Vuitton handbags, Jimmy Choo’s shoes, Diane von Fürstenberg clothes or Christian Dior sunglasses.

article-0-1350545b000005dc-516_634x422There is study proof that women may buy designer bags to protect their relationships. A study done by Vladas Griskevicius, Americans spend over $250 billion on women’s luxury products in 2014, with an average woman possessing three new handbags in a year. Enough said we need to dive in into a woman’s feeling to understand and respect them better. The study quoted, “When a woman is flaunting designer products, it says to other women ‘back off my man.'” “The feeling that a relationship is being threatened by another woman automatically triggers women to want to flash Gucci, Chanel, and Fendi to other women,” research co-author Yajin Wang, a PhD student at the Carlson School of Management.

Personally, I think is, it is, of course, a big no for us to judge a woman based on their branded goods or handbags but nevertheless women who own designer handbag for sure have exquisite taste and knows how to lead their life with style and fabulously. Rather women who do not own designer handbags should think again and maybe consider buying them as self-reward as a woman can never have too many handbags in their life. Back to basics, to own an expensive branded stuff or to just own an ordinary brand, it is always your personal choice and not a decision influenced by others. So, women! Let us rock the world with our cool and expensive handbags and not forgetting our smart and intelligent brains.


Online Shopping Trend in Malaysia

Written by Nur Izzyan Roslan

Since the advancement of the technology and the introduction of the first internet in Malaysia way back in 1999 by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, the Internet usage of Malaysia has rapidly grown. Rapid developments in telecommunications have set the pace for an electronic revolution leading to the emergence of e-commerce and influence the consumer behaviour of the shoppers.

The expected growth in e-commerce is due to a rapid rise in the number of online shop in Malaysia which provides the opportunities to Malaysians to conduct their new business in the fashion industry. This embarks the new paradigm in Malaysian fashion whereby more young and local designer were born in this era of e-commerce.

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At first, local companies appear to be lagging and afraid to join in a new venture of fashion business through online retailing. The Fashion Valet founder found this as an opportunity for them to start the online fashion shop in a serious way. When Vivy Yusof and his husband (then boyfriend) Fadza Anuar back from their studies in London, they found that Malaysia did not have such thing as online consumerism such as in the UK.

Then they came up with the idea of having an online store and became a pioneer for the e-commerce trend in Malaysia after being frustrated at the lack of online shopping options available in Malaysia. Fashion Valet has changed the culture of consumerism in Malaysia whereas the shoppers now prefer online shopping than to go to the physical shop.

With the introduction of Fashion Valet more online shopping retailers in Malaysia like ZALORA, LAZADA, Pop Look and CAROUSEL join in the trend. Since then, the online shopping in Malaysia is poised for significant growth, given its rising popularity and relatively new adoption rate among local customer.

The consumers in Malaysia are now prone to shop at home because they have put their trust on the available online store in Malaysia. The e-commerce concept has totally changed how Malaysian consumer chose to shop as they are now can do it with one click at their fingertips.

So why wasting your time going through the hustle bustle of the city while you can do it at home?

Are You Aware of The Dangers of Third-hand Smoke?

Written by Nurul Nabilah Binti Ahmad Shukri

Smoking not only harms the direct or active users but also those around him or her known as the passive smoker. Not only that, people who are not surrounded by people who smoke also can still be affected by harmful substances contained in the cigarette which is called third-hand smoke.

What is third-hand smoke? It is a remaining tobacco smoke or nicotine or other chemicals pollution that accumulate in indoor living spaces. Nicotine is a particle that is flexible and easily attached to shades, sofas, carpets, walls and cylinders. If these materials act back with the air or other chemicals contained in the room, it may be re-released into the environment and then stimulated by the individual inside the room. The ‘third smoke’ can also be spread and cling to a person’s hair, clothes and skin. It does not only cause the smell of smoke on our clothes, but it is a silent hazardous substance which brings toxicity to our body as well as people around the active smoker. Moreover, the ‘third smoke’ can stick for days on the surface of the objects, even though space has been cleaned or aerated by opening the fan or window.

It can create a toxic mix that can cause a health hazard to non-smokers and it also contains cancer-causing elements.  Passive smokers and third-hand smokers bear a greater danger than active smokers because they inhale more toxins in smoke liberated than cigarette burning. In most cigarettes, there is a filter that prevents active smokers from stimulating certain toxins. On the other hand, the puff from the active smokers exposed others especially children to the danger of it.

Among the issues of third-hand smokers among children are lung disease, ear infections, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), learning problems, errors and cancer (leukaemia, gland cancer, lung cancer).
