Written by Erda Khursyiah Basir

Competing interest or sometimes refer as conflict of interest always take place in media. People would define competing interest is more likely about positive and negative matter whereby media need to determine for example to report or not to report certain issue due to some circumstances. Those circumstances which also can be referring as media considerations often relates to media report, either it bring advantages or bad implications especially towards their organizations. Most media are subject to the control of political institutions or even individuals as well as the advertisers which most of the time closely related to the commercialism issue.  Due to the ownership control, media need to follow the policy even bound to certain limitation to conduct their task as free-media. This control however had led to the issue of media ethics since media need to weight between ownership and ethics. Therefore, competing interest most of the time becomes a dilemma for media practitioners especially to make a best decision on certain issue. In order to cope with it, media should know about any competing interests they might have as it would help them in balancing those elements and to conduct their tasks appropriately.


Image credit: cartoonstock Image source




Written by Farahin Mustafa

On 8th November 2016, the whole United Stated went for poll to select their 45th president. It was a match between Mrs. Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state and U.S Senator (Hillary Clinton for America) and Donald Trump, a millionaire with zero knowledge on politics. Before this, Barrack Obama held the presidency for eight years and passed the position to Donald Trump after he won the U.S election 2016. Hillary Clinton represented the Democrats at first was seen to win the election when she got support from many celebrities (Scott, 2016) however, Donald Trump who represented the Republican passed the 270 electoral college votes and won the election even though there is no support from the celebrity. It was argue that the lost was caused by lower number of voter this year. Approximately 130 million America did cast their ballots according to the statistic. . In order to win the election, both Trump and Clinton need to achieve 270 college votes and in this election, Trump secured majority college votes, 360 votes while Clinton lost with only 232 votes this time (Duncan & Levett, 2016). Trump was popular with his propaganda “Making America Great Again” seems like the only factors that led him to win.


Image credit: Business Insider Malaysia Image source



Six weeks before the election, a debate was held between Trump and Clinton on September 20, 2016 at Hofstra University in the city of Hempstead on Long Island. The debate was hosted by Lester Holt, 57, the respected anchor of NBC’s evening news program and has been watched by 80.6 million viewers. The main issue for the debate was gender and national security. In this debate, it seems that most of the time Clinton hit Trumpt using all the statement that was made by Trump especially on the war and middle east country.  However, Trump manipulated it by saying that he against the war while the moderator agree with Clinton, Trump just igonored it. Trump won seats across the rural midwest, but he also won several swing states, including Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Trump collected 276 Electoral College votes, compared with Clinton’s 218 (Al-Jazeera, 2016).


Image credit: Blazingcatfur Image source

After going through all the articles and the headlines, I must say that Al-Jazeera is the best news reporting ever as they fear none in searching for the truth. They have much information and have the ability to relate all the events happen and come out with assumption. The assumptions then try to reveal the truth. Howeve, no exact sources was mentioned this is because they are not seeking for interview instead they are trying to match the puzzle. Even though Al-Jazeera failed to practice reasonable journalism but they succeed in pursuing the public interest and revealing the truth.


Al-Jazeera however cannot run from its nature to be protective when it come to Islam. Their articles are more onto putting hatred towards Trump. All the predictions also talk about whatever happens, U.S. will still screw the Middle East country. Differs than Free Malaysia Today, which the article keep the words selection to make the article wise, not to blame anyone, there is predictions but not showing hatred to Trump. Free Malaysia Today trying not to be biased because this issue have no relations with them, it just that it relates to Muslim country.

The truth is that no matter what Trump decided on the Middle East Policy, Palestine would be screwed. Trump actually considers his work as a play and war is deemed peace (Warren, 2016). Trump is actually was not consistent with his decision with his global vision. He wanted to fund the Israel but at the same time want to be with the Russian and making a deal with the Saudi Arabia. No one can predict what will happen next. Trump has no background in politics, what he knows is to manipulate people and get the power. He wants power and money rather than being respected. With his propaganda making America Great Again, Trump wanted his races to be great without taking into account how lazy the white man in America. They are at their comfortable level and Trump is trying to raise the lazy bone of whites.

In a nutshell, I must say that both newspaper have their own propaganda in searching for the news to be published for the readers. Al-Jazeera is seeking for the truth while Free Malaysia Today is just a news portal trying to publish news regarding the current issues. Both predicting what Trump will do when it comes to Middle East policy but none of them can really predict what will happen because the truth is Trump is inconsistent person, his global vision did not match with what he did now. Whatever happened is, Trump would screw the Muslim country. Even though he try to manipulate his statement during the presidential election debate, but that just only for seeking support. He still hates the minority.



Hillary Clinton for America. (n.d.). About Hillary. Retrieved November 10, 2016, from Hillary Clinton for America:

Scott, P. (2016, November 14). US Election 2016: Voter turnout fell to 58 per cent this year, estimates show. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from Telegraph:

Duncan, P., & Levett, C. (2016, November 11). Clinton won more votes, Trump won the election. And it’s not the first time. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from The Guardian:

Al-Jazeera. (2016, November 9). Will America be great again. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from Politics:

Warren, J. (2016, June 17). Trump, propaganda and the loss of media authority. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from Vanity Fair:


Written by Erda Khursyiah Basir

There are full of differences and diversity in this world. The way people look and see others may influenced by their own cultural perspectives as well as the way they were brought up.   When it comes to communication between different cultures, the questions arise is about how people in different cultures able to understand and make the communication success and achieve its goals? This kind of questions mostly take place in the workplace as there are many people from various background including race, ethnics and culture who work together  under one roof to achieve the company objectives.

The issues of how to work, manage and cope with the diversity of different cultures always arise in many organizations especially when it comes to the international companies who operates locally and involves local citizens and foreign people as well. There must be a different on how local people and foreign workers manage their works. For example when it comes to their approach to the rules, either they are rigid or flexible, the way they manage time and also about their informal and formal behavior.

Since we now move forward to the international and global business environment, there is a necessity even compulsory to learn about others cultural landscapes. The understanding on how different cultures trade and do their business as well as their marketing approach and strategies is important because it will contribute a lot to improve the people even organizations and make them able compete in the global world. The ability to learn on how different cultures communicate and manage their people will also provide better understanding on how to manage diversity of people accordingly. Once people can develop their cultural intelligence, therefore it become easier for them to communicate and mingle even understand across cultures. Therefore, it will help them for the betterment of their task for example in managing approach and marketing strategy for the organization.


Image credit: notredameonline Image source




Written by Mia Bazilah

i-Robot Ads

In 21st century the nation and society are becoming more matured and the mentality of the human thinking are too much different rather than previous ago. This is because the existence of globalization were brought a new phenomenon to all the nation and society to think beyond the boundaries.The cause of the globalization impacts, the whole world have their own thoughts, views, ideas, and also their own belief into a certain issues and every country has their own language as well as the way of they speak as well as the way they interpret and understand the meaning of it and also called as an international communication.

The way of media portray the issues by viewing for local media and international media regarding the crisis of the advertisement; i-robot ads.

The local media 

  1. The Star Online – “Malaysia Comes under Fire from Indonesian Ahead of Jokowi Visit”- Insulting ad against Indonesian maids triggers stern protest from Jakarta.; February 05,2015.

According to this article was explained the feedback and the emotions of the Indonesian that reflects with the advertisement of i.robot and also remind of Malaysian to ban the advertisement of irobot on the advertisement words “Fire your Indonesian maid now!” (thestar, 2015)

  1. Malay mail online – “Print apology or face lawsuit, Indonesia tells Malaysian robot  vac firm over “fire maid” ad”; February 06,2015

According to this article was explained the serious of the Indonesia ministry according to the insulting advertisement that make a bad image of the Indonesian maid and the representative of the Indonesia itself was demand request by telling the Malaysia must make apology to the Indonesian party by published the apology statement to the three local papers and to convince the Indonesian that Malaysia also concerned with the Indonesian emotions as well. (malaymail, 2015)

The international media

  1. Cirebontrustcom news and business – “Iklan Malaysia Hina Warga Indonesia, Menaker Tersinggung” , February 04,2015

According to this article was explained how the Indonesia portrayed this issues turns to make a chaos of the Indonesian of emotions and they was so mad with the advertisement that will tends to make a “crack” on the international  relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia. (cirebontrustcom, 2015)

  1. CNN Indonesia – “ Di Tengah Kontroversi Iklan Hina TKI, Jokowi ke Malaysia Esok” , February 04,2015

According to this article was explained the progress of the hot issues between Malaysia and Indonesia and regarding to this news as well explained the Prime minister of Indonesia; Jokowi  will face to the Najib regarding to the controversial advertisement. (cnnindonesia, 2015)

  • Indonesia News Online Tainment – “Lawatan Jokowi ke Malaysia , Inilah janji Malaysia pada Jokowi” , February 06,2015

According to this article was explained Malaysia was responsibility by taking an action to the controversial issues by doing an apology to the Indonesia nation as well and will take further action on the advertisement of Irobot Company that were located in Malaysia. (online, 2015)


Written by Erda Khursyiah Basir

Culture is an integral part of every society. It is developed through beliefs, faith, practices, customs, language, pattern of behaviour and the ways the person lives. Constitutes the elements of music, food, art, economy and literature of a society, it makes every society are different which gives them an identity and makes them unique from each other.

The culture values refers to what every society hold for very long time and considered as their part of life even the backbone of their society. For example, Baju Kurung for women is one of the popular cultures of the Malay traditions. However, Malay women especially the youngsters nowadays are no longer preferred to this kind of attire as they are influenced by the other cultures and society which also accepted by the majority community as up-to-date and more fashionable.


Image credit: Image source


The influenced on culture also lead to the structural change in society. For example, previously many countries were led by a King who will make any decision for every issue; no matter either it will bring the advantages or disadvantages to the society. However with the spread of culture from all over the world, every society now able to rise up and form their group in order to express their opinion towards certain issue especially when it effects their life.

The community group or members in the government departments also take part in a matter of ensuring that these structures and related institutions work for fulfil people needs. The other example is about the power of women in a family as a wife or mother. The structural change nowadays has also expanded the role of women as a decision maker for a family which previously believe controlled by the man or husband. This probably happened due to the culture change as women today also go for work and earn money for the family instead of staying at home as a fulltime housewife.

The influenced of western culture also cannot be denied has brings the huge impact to the local culture values. The western culture most of the time give their influence through the media especially the movie which consists many elements considered as not suit to a certain culture even for the majority Malaysian. This kind of influenced which sometimes consists of liberal thinking, the way they talk, the way they dress and the way they live, worried will lead to more culture taboo among Malaysian culture and society. One of impact from the western culture to the local culture is a culture acculturation whereby the local citizen trying to adjust themselves as what the western people looks, dress and even live.

Even though many believe that culture values as a powerful human tool that need to be preserve but it is easily changing even to be forget due to the current and modern approach or influence from all over the world especially though the globalisation. As culture does not remain stagnant, it also leads to the many changes in every society include customs, traditions, behaviours, perceptions and beliefs.

The structural change created by and reflects of members’ behaviours and interpretations towards certain issue. Societies and communities nowadays are controlled and structured by certain values, norms, and social pressures which due to the influenced by various culture especially the dominant culture



Written by Atiqah Ramli


Water source is the important element to human life. Clean water supply also will improve the quality of live such as avoid us from any diseases. Today, water supply will be considered as a part element that helps to generate the economy in each country. Water resource also has the high of commercial values in each country. Each country should take some action to control the use of water resource for long-term planning. Singapore is one of the countries that will consider as a water-stressed country as having lack of water resources. Singapore is highly depending on Johor in order to obtain additional water supplies to distribute to their citizen (Ruhana , 2007). Singapore’s water resources are very limited in where almost 50% of the Island Singapore used as a catchment area for this country. Share meets the needs of clean water sources in Singapore, the country gets water resources of the catchment area of Johor estimated 98,000 acres or 70% of the land area of Singapore.

Basically, Singapore and Johor problem is referring to an agreement between the governments of Malaysia and Singapore. Water supply to Singapore has always been a political burden to Malaysia because it is regarded as advantageous in many ways, particularly Singapore extreme-cost, extremely low. This is mainly because Singapore only pays 3 cents per thousand gallons, while Melaka buy water from Johor at the rate of 30 cents per thousand gallons (Asyraf, 2013). However, in 2011 the first agreement with Singapore will expire, and Singapore does not intend to renew it. Singapore authorities rejected the renegotiation of the agreement as consider it a challenge Singapore’s sovereignty as an independent state. The Malaysian government also considers it does not challenge the sovereignty of Singapore, as it is contained in the terms of the original agreement.


Malaysiakini News Portal

Malaysiakini was published in 1999. Malaysiakini is one of the independent media that always been used by the public in order to get some latest information that happened around them. The advancement of technology have given some impact on the way people find and received the information. This independent media news portal was believed that their media agency will able to inform the citizen with current affairs, helping them to holds the government of the day accountable through the citizen, participation and voting decision. Since Malaysiakini was established from 1999 until now. Today, this independent news portal was grown up into Mkini group which includes business news portals, online video site which is, electoral information,, exclusive digital marketing advertising agency FG media, Kinibooks which is independent book that have launched this year and

Malaysiakini always takes such a great pride in its independence. This organisation strives their independently without depending by government or corporate influence by asking the readers to pay their subscription fee and a place that give some availability to other company to promo their product through online advertising. Both contribution from their readers and other organisation will helps this media organisation to stay established and grows up as media news portals among readers in Malaysia and worlds.

The Straits Times Singapore News Portal

This online news portal have supported the reader with the comprehensive coverage the worlds news such as East Asian News, Southeast Asian news, home news, sport news, financial news and news that related to the lifestyle. The updated information about the current issues that happen throughout the world make The Straits Times Singapore have the visitor that visit this portal.The style of reporting of the news such as the quality of the news, in-depth analyses and supported with breaking news will give the overview of the issues or event that happen in Singapore and also in worlds. The Strait Time Singapore also their own strength that have been consider as the world class coverage especially the current issues that happen in and out of the country.



Headline is the first elements that play such a huge role in attach the audience and also attract the audience to read the news article. Basically, most of people who are want to know the issues that happen around them by read the headline only and the percentage of the reader that read the whole article are less. Due to this problem the journalist need to find the effective way in order to attach their audience with journalist headline. The most effective headline news article is simple and short but the headline can give overview and references to the reader (Kevin , 2015).Based on this news article, the headline that have been written by the journalist is more catchy because the words that have been used is try to highlighted and try to portray on the truth situation that happen between Singapore and Johor. As example “Singapore supplies more water to Johor amid dry spell” (Malaysiakini, 2016). The writer has using that kind of words in order to attract reader to reads this article. The words actually simple but it gains the huge impact.


Chronology also the importance element that journalist need to highlighted in portraying the incident that happen. Through chronology, the readers will get the overview on the timeline of the cases that happen although they do not exist in the place where it happened. There are several aspect that journalist need to follow such as factual, objective, clear and complete with timeline. Basically through observing through both article between Malaysiakini and The Strait Time Singapore, both news portal have explain clearly regarding the issues that happen from the past few years until now. All the history of agreement also been stated in this news portal in order to make the reader understand the core of this issues.


The interview quotation in news article also the important the element that will grab the attention of the readers to read the news article. Basically, the interviewee in news article that suitable for journalist to interview is people who are become the victims in this issue and the responsible people to this matter. The expertise towards this issue also suitable because readers will interested towards the opinion from them based on the issues that happen. Malaysiakini news portal also being balance and also have gain some opinion from the opposition parties regarding this problem. Through this interview or quotes that have been made by journalist, readers also will compare and value the statement that has been given by the both parties. Compare to The Strait Times of Singapore, the journalist also gain some interview from responsible people towards this issues.


In news reporting, journalist has their freedom to express their opinion about any issues in writing the news article. But the message that have disseminate should have their limit and avoid from dropping any party. Message also the information that has been written by the journalist to make the reader aware with the situation. Malysiakini news portal have explain that to the reader in their news article that, if this situation cannot control properly it will give the huge tendency to give the impact towards the relationship between Singapore and Malaysia. In Malaysiakini article with the title “Johor need expertise to run and manage water resources. In this article, the journalist try to give some opinion on the issues the happen between this both of country and also try to state some solution towards this matter for the both country.


In reporting the news article, the journalist also has their own agenda and propaganda that need to arcived by using their readers. Propaganda which is the information that has been written but there are hidden agenda that the readers does not know. Sometime propaganda will become positive and negative. Basically, the words of propaganda always refer to the political journalist or nationalist setting. The words of propaganda have been use start from World War II in order to promote the ideas (Shamsiah & Ahmad Sufian , 2014).Propaganda also the medium that have been used by the journalist to exposed the factual of the cases and opinion of the journalist that will influence the readers to motivated them in order to make any action or change the behavior (Renee & Sandra , 2015).  In other words, propaganda sometime depends on the motives of the journalist write up or raise up that issues (Cunningham, 2002). The propaganda that have shown by both news portal is to highlight on the people that involved in this issues and try to maintain and take care the reputation of the both countries. Both news portals have play the huge role to represent their country and become the mediator towards the issues that happen in their country to the readers.


Based on the observation and comparison from this two news portal, Malaysiakini are being balance in reporting this issues and the issues that have been highlighted basically on the action that have been taken in order to settled this matter and o voice out the problem of water supply on behalf of Johor citizen compare to The Straits Time Singapore that unbalance in reporting because all the statement that come out from this issues is all about to defend the Singapore and the same time to blame Malaysia. This is to show the propaganda that will used by the newspaper in order to give the bad reputation to Malaysia.


In conclusion, through observation and analyses for both newspapers from both side is the leaders of the two countries, Malaysia and Singapore are using the water issue is to raise the spirit of patriotism and strengthen the public support to the respective governments. Self-interest controversy exists regarding this, which does not provide any benefit to the people of many if not resolved. Unfortunately, this controversy is compounded further by other problems, such as the demands of the White Hill, the railway land in Tanjung Pagar, the reclamation of the Tebrau Straits and savings of Malaysian workers in Singapore. As a Malaysian citizen, we hope that this situation will be control properly from this situation became for the both countries and also for the sake of good relations between Singapore and Malaysia as well as peace in the ASEAN region, we urge the leaders of both countries submerge sentiment and act rationally. We sincerely urge the leaders of Malaysia and Singapore put aside their egos and immediately tries to find a solution through negotiations.


Written by Aqnees Zulkiflee

Everybody knows that youths today do not like to read newspapers or books and they are more likely to get all the information by a new media. Changes in new media and traditional media occur only in terms of communication channels. The difference is, youth prefer to use a medium that is fast and easier because it saves time and money.

A common person in the city usually wakes up check the television news or newspaper and up to date friends. We live in society that depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right direction and do something to fulfill daily activities like work, entertainment, health care, education, personal relationships, traveling and etc. However, with the new media technology, youth must be aware on making decisions. In our work we usually know what we do based on our experience and studies, however on our daily lives we rely on the media to get the current news any facts about what is important and what we should be aware. Youth should be careful on what they watch, by the line of technology growth.

Besides that, the mass media can also serve as a source of reference in the field of education and the rapid dissemination of information. In this case, the media can increase the level of public knowledge. Today, the media has an important stake in getting the community to combat violence, and crime. Media as a strategic force in disseminating information is one of social authority influential in shaping attitudes and social norms of a society. The mass media can serve the wise role model culture to transform public attitudes.

Nevertheless, the perfection of the new media still ranked as newbie, seems that the information posted still in doubt. They need to find information on the internet wisely because not all information is true and valid. The technology had change youth perception and they think, traditional media is out dated.

Because many of generation Y rely on social networking for seeking fast information such as political, economic and social issues. In forthcoming study, people do influenced by others’ opinions or by citizen journalist.  In specific, by reading or get sources from social media, they are not bias. The youngster todays, prefer to see the reality life rather than see the one side propaganda.

Social media news flows were experienced as one-sided, fragmented, and subjective, giving a biased, or even false, image of what happens in society. Accessing social media news flows was also framed as a reality outcomes.

In my opinion, possibility in 2020, I think users will continue to increase new media usage and the traditional media will transform in a digital format. Now, we do have online newspaper, e-book, and so on. Information comes to the user. The new media and traditional media is closely related to one another. The difference is how the user is using the media. Certainly, youths prefer the simple things, easily and quickly. The result found, they prefer to use new media for easier and faster to achieve than with traditional media such as newspapers and magazines.



Image credit: teenbreaks Image source

Written by Diyana Khairron


Elective abortion that is the elective termination of pregnancy by women’s own request and desire is unjustly takes the life of an innocent human being and it is a moral wrong either through science, history and human rights. Whereas from science concluded that the pre-born is human. Abortion says some humans are not persons while from history stated that we must not separated humanity from personhood and human rights says that the pre-born has the right to life.

Not only that abortion is a moral wrong, but it also has the after effect where many potential complications have been associated with abortion. Nevertheless, though that it is a moral wrong, yet many women are somehow conflicting and be relate to as they are two different kind of perspective that cause the conflicting towards abortion issues as both are clearly being separated into “Pro-Life, the right to give life’ and “Pro-Choice”: The right to take life.

While abortion is a never ending issues as different people have different perspective about it. Not to mention, the women who are in desperate position to do abortion. Thus, all of this will result in different action. Due to that, abortion issues has been chosen in comparing how the local media and international media portray the issues and to what extend.

Image credit: quotesgram Image source

The local media to look upon to for abortion issue is Utusan Online. Utusan online is the online version of Utusan Malaysia printed newspaper and it is a Malay language newspaper published in Malaysia. Utusan Malaysia was first published as Utusan Melayu in romanised (Jawi) version in 1939. In the year of 1997 is the launch of “Utusan Malaysia On-Line”, it is the Malaysia’s first Online Newspaper in full text and visuals. The service is provided in collaboration with Telekom Malaysia, enables pay-subscribers to read online. While for the international media chosen is the online version of ‘The Guardian’. The Guardian is a British national daily newspaper. It was first known as The Manchester Guardian until 1959, and now known as ‘The Guardian’. In recent 2009-2010, the Guardian has significantly developed and expanded its digital operations. Guardian News & Media announced plans to become a digital-first organization, placing open journalism on the web at the heart of its strategy.

Throughout the comparison it has come upon that the local media do play its role effectively by being very proactive and committed in disseminating issue on abortion and explicitly to tell that abortion is a moral wrong and clearly stated the consequences the doers will have to face if commit such act.

Nevertheless, it can be seen that both media has done great work in portraying the issues of abortion and has fulfilling their media responsibility as the fourth estate successfully. However, there are significant difference in how both medias portray the issues. These may be due to different of government policy, religion believe and culture.

As for the local media, Utusan Online has shown its ability to transmit implicit or hidden message and knowledge through its news reporting on the article of “Pengguguran – Bukan cara merancang keluarga” posted on 9th August 2005 which further explains that abortion does not only happen among teenagers or women who are pregnant as a result of adultery, but also happen among the married women who do not want the child she carries. Based on this article, Utusan Online has successfully deliver information that maybe most of Malaysian people do not aware about as we usually may think that abortion only become a problem among the unmarried women who became pregnant, but it turns out abortion also occur among the married women and perhaps this matter can be highlighted as it should not be happening among the married couple.

Utusan Online also has reported many news articles on abortion. Among the news reported articles are “Pengguguran – Isu yang makin kiritikal” posted on 20th October 2016 that stated abortion is becoming more critical issue, but still this problem has been ignored. This article calls the people to be more concern on abortion issue and take this matter seriously.

Throughout this news article searching, it is discovered that Utusan Online has been very informative and effective in disseminating information not only on abortion cases that happened in Malaysia, but as well as letting the public know the after effect of it and how the situation really is in Malaysia. With all the reported articles, it should have given the people in Malaysia the awareness to act and do something in order to avoid abortion from continually happen among the Malaysian especially the teenagers.

Towards the legal practices, Utusan Online has reported one article of “Gugur bayi penjara tujuh tahun” that stated the offender of abortion will be sentenced to prison for 7 years. This is because from the legal perspective, the act of abortion is very serious as it causes death. Not only that, the legal practices in Malaysia also stated that abortion cannot be done without reasonable reason. This in a way to tell the people the consequences of abortion and in what situation only abortion is allowed to be make.

In the matter of religion aspect, the local media, Utusan Online is discovered to not have that much news reporting article on abortion issue that relates with religion sentiment. This may due to that Islam is the official religion in Malaysia and the fact that Islam forbidden the act of abortion unless it threatens the life of the mother. Therefore, people in Malaysia know that elective abortion is not allowed. However, there are news reporting articles on “Pegguguran – Bukan cara merancang keluarga” posted on 9th August 2005 translated as “Abortion is not a way for family planning” and “Akses mudah lakukan pengguguran” posted on 27th April 2011 translated as “Easy access to do abortion” stressed that abortion is clearly stated as illegal in Islam and is considered as a great sin.

Utusan Online has also posted another article towards the recent case of Zika with abortion titled “Subra: No abortions allowed for Zika-infected pregnant mothers” posted on 6th September 2016, whereas in the articlet, the Malaysia Health Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniamsaid that he welcomed Federal Territories Mufti Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri’s approval for abortion in such cases but said that the law only allows abortion if the mother’s life is at risk and not the child’s. According to him again, this is what is allowed in our system which had taken into consideration the religious stand and reminded all that not all pregnant mothers infected with Zika would end up delivering babies with disabilities. Thru this article, we can see see how religious sentiment is being taking into account, even though the law of abortion in religion aspect has been known. This has showed the effort of Utusan Online in giving awareness to the public on the dangerous of abortion and support the people to avoid abortion.

It is also discovered that Utusan Online has been transparent in reporting news regarding abortion. This can be seen when Utusan Online provided the exact and real image of death fetus in most of news reporting on abortion. Another article of “Akses mudah lakukan pengguguran” posted on 27th April 2016 showed how the local media, Utusan Online has shown transparency as the content of the article is stated in a form of conversation between a doctor and the writer. The conversation is the original conversation between a doctor and an offender in which writer disguised as a woman who want to make an abortion. The conversation includes the explanation of abortion process, several ways that are made available for abortion in most of the private clinics in Malaysia and the fee charged.

Based on the above mentioned article, it can be assumed that it is very easy to make an abortion and women can even choose which way they like and comfortable with. This has indirectly acted as an additional information for those who never knew that there are privates’ clinics out there that run a service like this. This may even lead for more abortion as people have known that there are places to do abortion. However, if we look at the perspective ways, Utusan Online is actually trying to tell people by emphasizing on the fact that it is just so easy to get medical help for abortion from private clinics, therefore, parents and community should be alert on this matter and be more cautious especially on their teenagers and to never think that in this era, the youngs will not dare to reach to this level as cases of abortion is getting increased.

Moving to international media, it is found that there are not much cases on abortion reported by The Guardian. Therefore, it may be indefinite for the people to see what is the current situation is like. Though the international people especially in UK have more freedom in speech and they do fight for what they believe in which some are pro right which accept abortion and some are pro life which go against the abortion. They do get to voice out their opinion, but it would have been better if cases of abortion are being reported in public so that the public are aware. However, this may be not that crucial to them as abortion is legal in the UK, therefore, it may seem like it is not such a big critical issue.

In term of legal perspective, abortion is legal in England up to 24 weeks under the Abortion Act 1967. However, if there is a substantial risk to the woman’s life or fetus abnormalities, there is no time limit. There is also no age limit for treatment. This legal aspect that has been portrayed has lead to the situation in the article by The Guardian that stated “Irish woman live-tweets journey for abortion in Great Britain” posted on 20 August 2016. This shows how the people in other country willingly and excited to come to Britain to do the abortion to the extend to live-tweets the actions due to abortion is legal in UK.

In the perspective of political, there is political influence through the article of “Why It Matters: Abortion in U.S. presidential race” posted on 17th October 2016. It is known that the United State of America is among the country that hold the biggest power in the world, therefore somehow, what happen in the U.S.A does matter and may affect another country as well. In this article, the democrat Hillary Clinton supports access to abortion, while Trump been inconsistent but now appears against abortion. This article highlighting and examining the issue at stake in the presidential election and how they affect people whereby if it is a Clinton victory, it could strengthen the court’s current 5-3 majority that supports abortion rights and this will be supported by the people who are pro right. While if it is a Trump win who is a pro life and against the abortion could lead to a reconfigured court that would uphold tough state laws restricting abortion and possibly consider overturning Roe V. Wade, the 1973 decision that established a nationwide right to abortion.

Further on religion sentiment, one of the reason why the Northern Ireland’s abortion laws are different to the rest of the United Kingdom is due to its religious belief in which Northern Ireland’s status as the most religious part of the UK. Therefore, though abortion is legal in Northern Ireland but only under strict criteria and actually has never applied in Northern Ireland. Perhaps because of abortion is legal in UK, there is not much cases that have been reported by The Guardian. According to this one article in which The Guardian classify as Northern Ireland’s shame, titled “Northern Ireland woman takes NHS to court over abortion law” posted on 2rd November 2016. This article mentioned about a Northern Irish teenager who as a fifteen year old had to go to England to terminate a pregnancy, and is challenging the NHS’s refusal to fund abortions for women from the region in the supreme court. However, the health service has so far refused to pay for abortions for women from Northern Ireland who travel to England for terminations. This can be concluded that though abortion is legal, however, the desperate action taken by the people to do abortion is viewed as a shame.

Finally, The Guardian has been found to be transparent and fair by reporting any view and event on every parties as well as individual. Most of the news reporting articles display the protest rally made by the women in the United Kingdom as to preserve their rights to do abortion.

Image credit: quotesgram Image source


In overall, the local media, Utusan Online has the inclination to use the approach of persuading the people to not do abortion by keep updating on abortion cases happen in Malaysian and keep reminding the people on the religious and law perspective as well as the after effect of abortion. These approaches are alternately being used in news reporting so that to put public on the alarm state and ne aware of the issue.

While for the international media, they are more lenient and reports views and event on different party or individual as they have greater freedom in speech and that the law they hold legalize abortion. They also are very transparent and fair in delivering the message even when involving the politicians as they let the public to decide.


Therefore, both local both local media, presented by The Star Online and international media, presented by The Guardian has successfully fulfil their duty as the fourth estate for abortion issues.


The Guardian. (2016, October 17). WHY IT MATTERS: Abortion in U.S. presidential race.

Retrieved from The Guardian:

The Guardian. (2016, August 20). rish woman live-tweets journey for abortion in Great

Britain. Retrieved from The Guardian:

The Guardian. (2016, November 2). Northern Ireland woman takes NHS to court over abortion law. Retrieved from

Utusan Online. (2005, August 9). Pengguguran – Bukan cara merancang keluarga. Retrieved

from Utusan Online:

Utusan Online. (2003, October 20). Pengguguran – Isu yang makin kritikal. Retrieved from Utusan Online:

Utusan Online. (2011, April 27). Gugur bayi penjara tujuh tahun. Retrieved from Utusan


Utusan Online. (2011, April 27). Akses mudah lakukan pengguguran Oleh MARIATUL QATIAH ZAKARIA. Retrieved October 23, 2016, from Utusan Online:


Written by Mahathir Ahamad

Commercialism has increased tremendously over the past1.jpg twenty years. The growing commercialization of goods and services are significantly impact on our lifestyle. Commercialism can be defined as the vehicle of communication that creates consumer awareness and induces the desire for specific products and its goal is to increase consumer demand and commercial profit.

Commercialism can also refer positively or negatively to corporate domination. Company basically used commercialism as a tools and method to advertise and promote product and services to gear toward generating profit. However nowadays, commercialism widely used in negative ways when people are more concerned about making money rather than think about qualities of life and values. Capitalists exploit objects, people and environment to achieve their aims, objectives and goals.

(Susan, 1999), emphasized that contemptuous of the commercialization that seemed to infuse and debase every aspect of American culture, and hostile to middle-class values and the profit motive, members of that loose yet cohesive group known as the counterculture were revolutionizing almost every aspect of American culture. Their music was central to their individual and generational identity, their sense of having a different, more enhanced consciousness about society, politics, and self-awareness.

The Advantages of Advertising

1.jpgDespite popular beliefs advertisements are not necessary a bad influence. The main purpose of it to sell something crucial to the everyday life. When advertising highlights a benefit of a product or service and matches them with your needs it is beneficial to society (White, 2013). It plays an important role in helping our economy function. It is a tool for economic growth and way to inform the public. It helps increase competition, make productions efficient, lowering prices, creating jobs and improving overall livelihood.

Advertising not only can influence the society with negative implications, lately, there are a lot of commercials or specifically PSA that discuss on the portrayal of women. These PSAs are most commonly parallel to the feminist movement made huge by Emma Watson when she made a speech in United Nations (UN). For example, televised campaign by Dove, portray women of different shapes and sizes as the models for their anti-cellulite campaigns. Although, the campaign receive some backlash for portraying “ugly” people on television, but it is an improvement on public’s acceptance on curvy women.


Advertising industry in Malaysia has evolved since the beginning of mass media development as early as 1940. Nowadays, Malaysian advertising landscape is gradually shifting from traditional media forms to the new media advertising. Ads shown on television and radio are very different now than before in line with the changing times and the changing of technology.

In Malaysia, advertising practices are governed by The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) which was established in 1977 to provide independent scrutiny of the then newly created self-regulatory system set up by the industry. ASA is an independent body that is responsible to ensure that the self-regulatory system works in the public interest. ASA promotes and enforces high ethical standards in advertisements. The constituent members of ASA as reported at the UNICEF official website are The Malaysian Advertisers Association, Association of Accredited Advertising Agents of Malaysia, Malaysian Newspaper Publishers Association and Media Specialists Association. ASA administers The Malaysian Code of Advertising Practice that regulates advertising activities in Malaysia. The Code was drawn up by organizations representing advertisers, advertising agencies and media.

The Malaysian Code of Advertising Practice states that, all advertisements should be legal, decent, honest and truthful. They must project the Malaysian culture and identity, reflect the multi-racial character of the population and advocate the philosophy of “RUKUN NEGARA” which reads: Believe in God; Loyalty to the King and the Country; Upholding the Constitution Rule of Law; and Good Behaviour and Morality.


Various issues occur in commercialism because of the insensitive party or advertisers in order to communicate or promotional messages towards their audience and consumers. (Willer & Fam, 2000) emphasized that Malaysian realized that advertising can be powerful and significant in shaping national values. According to Malaysia’s Consumer Association of Penang, the worrying trend is the growing influence of negative aspect of western culture on the people of developing country including Malaysia. The advertisement and commercialism industry has created the consumer culture which has an impact to our national culture.

1.jpgUnethical advertising is not only cheating the adult and children but also encourage people to be wasteful, spending the products and services that are not needed in daily life. Among the unethical advertising is giving incorrect information about the goods and services offered, exaggerated and irresponsible. Nowadays we can found some of the offending ads broadcast by Malaysian TV.

The Malaysian Insider on 2 August 2011 reported that Media Prima had been criticized for broadcasting a controversial series of Ramadan commercials on 8TV channel. Some audience claimed that if offended non-Muslim and Media Prima Berhad was forced to axe the controversial of commercials.

(Lee, 2005), stated that Islam plays a larger role in the formation of advertising guidelines, its prohibited to use women as sex symbols in advertising. Media Prima has violated the principle of cultural sensitivities. In line with government aspiration to maintain and promote racial harmony in the country the advertisement shouldn’t contain statement or suggestions which may offend political, sentimental or racial susceptibilities of any community.

Advertising of food products poses the major concern among Malaysian. According to Utusan Konsumer articles in November 2002 “Marketing and Advertising – Harmful to Children” highlighted that the advertisement can causes the rise obesity amongst children in Malaysia. The food industry always links their food with entertainment especially with movie and animation characters such as McDonald partner with 20Fox Century for 5 movies in 2009. The relentless onslaught of advertising for food products has contributed to unprecedented obesity in children seen during the past decade. Obesity is not the only health issue linked to the food industry. Despite the Malaysian Health Ministry’s persistent community messages, these problems have escalated to a “code red” level.

(Gilly, 1988), stated that Coca-Cola has 15 versions of the ads in the 50 countries using the same ads by including certain elements in each market based on the market suitability of adaptation. Besides, companies advertising, for their products or services in different countries, should be aware of a country’s existing norms concerning role portrayals and the way these organizations affect these norms.


Commercialism is one of the marketing strategies to promote products to consumers and media plays a significant role in displaying the positive and negative features of products to the audience. The purpose of the commercialism is to gain attention for the product, ensuring prolonged association with consumers, or for the purpose of recall of their product in customers’ mind.

(Pollay, Richard, & Mittal, 1993), stated that the seven factors model is built based on the fundamental difference between attitudes and beliefs. The model of attitudes toward advertising consists of three personal uses factors (product information, social image information, and hedonic amusement) and four socioeconomic or societal factors (food for economy, fostering materialism, corrupting values and falsity or no-sense).

Commercialism influences the behaviour and attitude formation of consumers. Consumer attitude and behaviour hugely influenced by advertisements, as example Apple and Samsung are the brands that are most popular in Malaysian market due to the advertisements. Food products and beverages for example also get influenced by advertisements. In Malaysia, McDonald’s follows cultural habits and uses celebrities to promote their foods and influence consumers. This show the influence of advertisements as local ads changes the consumer decision on particular brand shown in advertisement.

(Green, 1992) point out that to better understand on how the ads attitude affects brand attitude it is important to see what kind of attitude consumers develop toward the ads itself. If the feelings that the ad creates are positive and if the way the ads is made and the information in it are evaluated favourably then the ad should elicit a favourable attitude toward itself.

One of the key factors shaping the attitude and consumers behaviour towards commercialism is how the ads are represented. In the other hand we might say that advertiser play an important roles to produce positive ads in order to in line with national aspiration towards Malaysian. Different creative strategies may lead to the same overall level of attitude on the part of the consumers. In this context, the identification of creative characteristics which make an ad to be likable becomes essential


The advertising industries in Malaysia face complex challenge in numerous government restrictions. The regulations were in line with the national aspirations to maintain Malaysian identity and culture and at the same time to conforming to the values of Islam as a national religion.  Advertising Code for Television and Radio (1990) established to safeguard advertising and consumers against the influence of foreign culture and values. It prohibits of adaption any foreign culture which is not acceptable to a cross section of major communities in Malaysia society either in form of word, slogans, clothing, activity and behaviour.

1.jpgTrade Descriptions Act 1972 was enforcing as the guidelines used in the field of advertising. There are no barriers in providing information, but any information provided shall be true. Section 15 (1) of the Trade Descriptions Act 1972 states that the false description of goods: Any person in the trade, business or provide through any means any direct or indirect indication that any goods or services rendered or in any manner that falsely took, including the Government Department has committed an offense.

As an effort to reduce the elements of foreign culture used in advertising, the Ministry introduced Made in Malaysia rule in early 1970 which required all advertisements produced locally. This rule designed to protect new local film and advertising industry by requiring commercials must be produced in Malaysia. To in line with this aspirations, advertisements were also required to promote social responsibility in order to inject civic mindedness and desired behavioural attitudes in life for example keeping the park clean and queuing up when boarding a bus.

Due to overcome the problem, government implement legal restrictions on how companies market their goods. These restrictions can relate to the importing of advertising material from overseas, the hiring of foreigners and on the advertising claims, again affecting the extent to which companies can use a standardised approach.

In March 2007, government introduce a public policy to ban fast food advertisements targeting children on television. This step is not without precedence as Britain promulgated a phased ban on advertising of food and drink products categorized as ‘High in Fat, Salt and Sugar’ (HFSS) on children’s television (TV) to be fully implemented by the end of 2008.

Efforts should probably be focused towards the grass root level; emphasis should be placed on informing consumers about the negative consequences brought about by advertisements and their potential implications towards society.



 Deng, J. S., & Hassan, M. L. (1994). Advertising in Malaysia: A Cultural Perspective. International Journal of Advertising.

Duncan, T. R. (2002). . IMC: Using Advertising and Promotion to Build Brands. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Gilly, C. M. (1988). Sex roles in advertising: A comparison of television advertisements in Australia, Mexico, and the United States. Journal of Marketing.

Green, W. F. (1992). What Drives Commercial Liking? Journal of Advertising Research.

Kotler, P. (2001). A Framework for Marketing Management. New York: Prentice-Hall Inc.

Lee, C. W. (2005). Cultural influences in television commercials: a study of Singapore and Malaysia. Journal of Promotion Management.

Mengu, C. S. (2004). Televizyon Reklamlarında Kadına Yönelik Oluşturulan Toplumsal Kimlik. Istanbul: Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Yayınları.

Moderating effect of . (n.d.).

Mogire, V. B., & Oloko, M. (2014). Advertising promotion strategy and brand equity: A comparative study of arial and omo washing powders Nairobi-Kenya. Int.J.Manag Commerc. Innov.

Pollay, Richard, W., & Mittal, B. (1993). Here’s the beef: Factors, determinants, and segments in consumer criticism of advertising”. Journal of Marketing.

Solomon, M. R. (2003). Consumer Behaviour. Buying, Having and Being. Pearson Education Inc.

Susan, J. D. (1999). Listening in: Radio and the American Imagination from Amos “n” Andy and Edward R. Murrow to Wolfman Jack and Howard Stern. New York: Times Book.

Tuan, L. Y., & A, J. (2013). Moderating effect of brand equity on relationship quality in chain restaurant industry: A conceptual paper. Proceeding of International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology. Moderating effect of brand equity on relationship quality in chain restaurant industry: A conceptual paper. Proceeding of International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology.

Willer, D. S., & Fam, K. S. (2000). Cultural Values and Advertising in Malaysia: view from the industry. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.

White, Gary (2013).The Influence of Television Advertising. Retrieved on March 6th 2015 from


Written by Fikri Ajlan

In the modern advancement of technology today, internet plays a major role in our lives in many aspects. It give us the unlimited access of information and it brings a lot of advantages such as seeking information for our assignments, bettering our lifestyles and gaining relevant knowledge. Same goes with journalism, we used to read or watch news story on television and newspapers but as time passing by, online journalism has emerged and it has bring a whole new perspective of journalism.

New media bring with them new opportunities for news organizations to participate in unique storytelling experiences and audience engagement. The interactive nature of these new information and communication technologies (ICTs) has challenged news organizations to rethink their traditional journalism roles and practices (Chung, 2008).


Image credit: Stacksocial Image source


Malaysia has numerous publications and newspapers such as Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, Sinar Harian (and many mores) and to keep up with the current trend of technology, they have created their own online platforms and come up with their own target audiences. These online platforms have proven to be one of the main sources for news story because accessibility of the platforms. Not to forget, new news online portal such as Malaysiakini and The Malaysian Insider have also established because the amount of internet users keep increasing year by year.

The existence of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twiiter and Youtube have opened up many possibilities in which sharing opinion can be done in a broaden audiences (as anything on the Internet can go viral) moreover when the news story is linked between any of them. On the other hand, social networking sites (SNS) has become a huge phenomenal in Malaysia and almost every internet users have their own SNS. Compared to before, our ancestors didn’t have this advantage to voice out their opinion freely and vastly, so through SNS, we can share our opinions and use it as a medium of discussion as it is more efficient and people (sometimes, even the authorities) seems to take more notes when something being posted on social media. SNS can be a very good and safe medium as long as it’s safely used by everyone.

On September 16 2016, a video of a schoolboy being violently assaulted has gone viral on social media and the terrible part about that video is that instead of helping the victim, the other classmates were seen rooting for the bully. In the two-and-a-half-minute clip, we can see the victim was punched, kicked, slapped and had a plastic chair thrown at him as well as put in a chokehold in a classroom. Some of the classmates sat around and watched the fight, while some were seen recorded the intense brawl on their smartphones.

Most of the netizens were left to frustration and angered by the video and questioned the whereabouts of the teachers. The video has received over 90,000 views and over 5,000 shares since it was uploaded.Based on the statement given from Bukit Aman spokesperson,the incident took place at a school in Putatan, Sabah and the victim’s father had lodged a police report on September 6.

On the other hand, due to the power of social media and instantaneous response from the users, it has proven that it could help in fasten the work process for the police. Based on the article posted by FreeMalaysiaToday on October 25 2015 titled “Two nabbed after snatch theft video goes viral”, two brothers were arrested in Kampung Rantau Panjang, Klang, for an alleged snatch theft involving a 56-year-old lady after the recording of the closed circuit television on the incident was widely spread on social media.

Huffington Post is one of the biggest online news portals in America and I have came across a lot of social media-related news story.  One of them which was posted 13 April 2016, titled “You Are Special’: Judge’s Emotional Speech To Troubled Teens Brings Courtroom To Tears” tells about a County Superior Court Judge Verda Colvin in which her speech has gone viral while speaking to the group of youngsters as part of “Consider the Consequences,” a program organized by the local sheriff’s office in reaching young people who’ve had a history of discipline problems or crime.

Another article came into light when Joe Liu was photographed walking in soaked office attire while his umbrella protected his small son from the pouring rain. The picture, posted across SNS with the headline “Dads,” quickly went viral in the U.S. as well as in Liu’s origin native, China. Liu aka “Umbrella Dad,” is a former diplomat who currently works on Wall Street where he leaves his office at 5pm every day to pick up his son, Rhodes in Flushing.

Due to his recent fame (thanks to social media), Liu has set up Facebook and Twitter accounts for “Umbrella Dad,” by posting articles relating to education and parenting. But that is not the main reason for the webpages as his ultimate goal is to use media exposure as a platform to set up a charity to help children in China, particularly in the rural areas.

In conclusion, from what I’ve read from both local and international coverages regarding social media, I would say that there are a bit of differences on how Malaysian media and American media highlight the importance of social media.


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For example, the portrayal of social media news story in Malaysia is more on how the users interacted with each other on virtual space and how social media is fully utilized by Malaysians. The writer usually put users’ comments and thoughts in the article and how the story can bring everyone together in solving the issue. Whereas in Huffington Post, the social media news story is more about telling the story itself in hopes it can catch the readers’ eyes and ears, and somehow create a sense of empathy to the audiences. They usually use a lot of emotion when it comes to writing a news story that related to social media.

Both local and international newspapers seem to acknowledge the power of social media and as long as the journalism industry and we as the users know how to benefits the usage from SNS, it forever will be a powerful tool in discussing, exchanging and spreading information and awareness about anything.



Chung. D. S. (2008). News now: journalism in the online environment. New Media and     Society.Vol10(2):345–352. 10.1177/1461444807086478

FMT. (2016, September 6). Boy beaten, slapped while classmates cheer on.  Retrieved November 13 from Free Malaysia Today.

FMT. (2016, October 25). Two nabbed after snatch theft video goes viral. Retrieved November 13 from Free Malaysia Today.

Mosbergen.D.(2016, April 13.  You Are Special’: Judge’s Emotional Speech To Troubled Teens Brings Courtroom To Tears.  Retrieved November 13 from Huffington Post.

Vale. P. (2016, April 19) . How The ‘Umbrella Dad’ Is Using His Viral Fame For Good. Retrieved November 13 from Huffington Post.