Why Kids Should Not Watch TV?

Written By: Farahin Mustafa

People are so worried about the effect of media towards children. Media were known as the powerful tools in shaping and influencing the public perception. The society lives with the media as a medium to gain knowledge, information on what happening surround us, communication tools and to learn on how to live our life. Media has become part and parcel in our life and we cannot run from it. Media do give us the benefit since it helps us to complete our routine life just like YouTube that broadcast million of tutorial to teach us how to cook, how to make money and many more. However, media have the negative side when the existence of media somehow affects the kids when no parental guidance to observe the kids media consumption.

Image Credit: stanford.edu Image Source

According to Alexis S. Tan, when the results of the experiment were shown to the real world most social and behavioral scientist accept the facts and come out with a general consensus where exposure to television violence can cause short-term arousal and modeling effects (Bryant, 1986). There are many other theories that can explain this phenomenon for example, the social learning theory by Albert Bandura. Alexis asserted, “Social learning theory explains how matching performances can result from modeling observed behavior” (Bryant, 1986). Albert Bandura through his research on the kids who was separated in different room and one group was exposed towards violence and then it was agreed then the kids do exactly the same violence and aggression towards Bobo doll while another group vice versa.

Kids today have a greater access to the media including social media like Facebook and YouTube. Lack of parental guidance may lead to over-consuming of media and the kids might imitate non-proper content. In social learning behavior or also known as social cognitive theory, kids or people learn behavior through several stage; observational learning, reinforced performance and biological determinants. In general, this theory explained that children who were exposed to television (observational learning) are motivated to imitate the act (reinforced performance) and then when it becomes to a certain situation where they feel a pressure or feeling of aggression, they have the tendency to imitate the violence act they have seen once.


Video Credit: YouTube Video Source

Other than that, media also affects the children by cultivating the negative view of the real world toward children. According to George Gerbner (1985), “television is the most common purveyor of images to mass audience, cultivation theory hypothesizes that heavy viewers of television will be more likely to hold the conceptions of the world consistent with what is seen on television” (Dudo et al, 2011). In general, the theory explained that children who were exposed to television more than four hours can be labeled as heavy viewers and they most likely will view the world as what they see in the television. The effects as we can see, society portray beautiful as having skinny figures and fair skin color, thus, the children was exposed to such thoughts and no wonder kids nowadays are depressed when they being ridicules in schools for being fat and have a dark skin. No

Image Credit: Pinterest Image Source

wonder, there are many bullied cases on fat kids and others with disabilities as television keep portraying the image of bully victims is always the kids with fat figures. Therefore, cultivation theory explained how media could cultivate a negative perception on children towards real world. Youth are the obvious group of our children who fear towards the real world. They are afraid of being ugly and not accepted by the society. This is where cultivation theory applied.

Besides cultivation theory, users and gratifications theory also explained the phenomenon of media effects towards children. According to Alan M. Rubin, users and gratifications research generally focuses on the consuming behaviors of media audience members, basically, different media consumption cause different effects (Bryant, 1986). For example, people who use media for entertainment, it may not influence their behavior while people who use media as an escapism may have the potential to be addicted as what Robin Smith asserted in his article entitled Television Addicted and one of his literature on television addicted among children are:

“According to Schramm et al (1961), It is undoubtedly true that television addicts exist and among children who are psychologically disturbed in a serious way… The child who becomes addicted to the dream world of television is usually schizoid or suffering from very unsatisfactory personal relations, at home or with the peer group or both. (Bryant, 1986)”

Image Credit: Businesstopia Image Source

Users and gratifications theory explained that people consume media to satisfy their needs. There are five types of needs in this theory; the needs for entertainment, escapism, self-enhancing, educational and social integration. Mostly children will use these three types of media – television, video games and social media and they might use these media to satisfy the needs of self-enhancing, entertainment and escapism. Kids nowadays use media to escape from their duty to complete their homework, to run away from doing house chore and also to seek for a dream world, as the real world cannot give satisfaction to them (love and companionship from parents for instance). According to literature on television addicted, it was acceptable that kids who were being ignored by their parents tend to spend their time on media. They felt that those media could be a source of escapism from the real world. Due to that, they will feel addicted and cannot live without the media. That is how users and gratifications theory can affect the children. When the media was found to satisfy the needs, the kids will become addicted towards the media and somehow it affects the children thoughts and life.

'Dang! Six more hours.'
Image Credit: cartoonstock Image Source

In a nutshell, media really affects the children when most of their times well-spent on television and other media. Advertising is one of the mass communication tools brought by mass media and it consist of persuasive message that is dangerous to the children due to most of the advertisement consist of things that can lead to unhealthy lifestyle. Media is really affecting the kids when their lifestyle, self-enhancement and decision-making process depend on information portraying by media. Therefore, parents are responsible in observing the media consumption by kids. Parents should guide them what they should watch and what they shouldn’t watch on television. They also have to learn how to filter the content and reduce the time spent by the kids on television and other media.


Bryant, J. (1986). Perspectives on media effects. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Dudo, A., Brossard, D., Shanahan, J., Scheufele, D.A., Morgan, M., & Norielli, N. (2011). Science on television in 21st century: recent trends in portrayals and their contributions to public attitudes toward science. Communication research, 38(6), 754-777.

Women & Facebook (FB) Love Scams

Written By: Nurul Bazilah

Types of Victim

  • A victim must be a woman – “she”
  • A woman desperate of love
  • A lonely person and prefers a man as her listener
  • Knew each other by using social networking sites such as  Facebook

Truthful From Your Heart

“Do We Need To Do Something To Prevent The Syndicate Of Love Scams Via Facebook?”


“Do We Just Pray For The Best For The Victims Of Love Scams?”


“Do We Just Ignore And Pretend We Don’t Know Love Scams Exist In Malaysia?”


“Do We Have To Speak Out With Nothing About Love Scams?”


“Do We Have To “Switch Off” Our Minds On The Media That Exposed The Critical Arguments On Love Scams In Malaysia?”


“I Am Not Doing A Campaign But I Truly Care About The Group Of Females In Malaysia And All Around The World”.

A Symbolic Of The Love Scam

  • sad-but-true-internet-love-scams-6ecfccb2dc9734ed262a580011c69708
    Image Credit: zestnow Image Source

    While Chatting, The Scammer Will Use English Language Rather Than Malay Language (Bahasa Melayu) Because The Victim At Hand May Think That The Scammer Is An English Man.

  • The Scammer Prefers To Chat In International Language With The Victims While They Are Communicating In Online Chatting.

Women & Love Scams In Malaysia

In Malaysia, the amount of cases of internet love scams increase from time to time. The level of manipulation of the victims’ minds is high and the scammers of internet love scams change their skills in different ways to persuade and encourage the victims.

Image Credit: iremit Image Source


In the era of globalization, people love to use the social networking sites such as Facebook (FB). So by having a Facebook account, they are keen to know and be curious about other people they want to. There are a lot of benefits of using Facebook such as they can express their feelings, and Facebook also acts as a platform for them to find many new friends.

Image Credit: wikihow Image Source

The difference between women in the previous era and the women nowadays is apparent. The cause of change between different eras of the women is the way they implement their lifestyles in terms of the thoughts of their thinking, as well as their beliefs in other people. The women nowadays use social media as a trend to find partners as well as to find perfect lovers that will fit perfectly in their lives. There are also a type of women who tend to use social media as an important medium to find love. For example; women who live in the modern area and also who are being too sophisticated in their lives, they demand to find love by using social media. This is because they are keen to find love through social media rather than finding them manually such as by local acquaintance. This type of women is categorized as modern and sophisticated women and they keep pace with the era of globalization by using the social media as a platform to gain new friends.

Besides that, not only the scammers are focused on modern and sophisticated women

Image Caption: wikihow Image Source

but there are several types of victims that can be influenced into love scams such as ladies who are seeking for new relationships and dare to connect on virtual relationships with foreign men. Their mindsets on the connection with foreign men in social media is that it is awesome and they also feel proud to be their friends because they think foreign men are handsome and caring than local men.

And the other type of victims that can be influenced by love scams via social media especially the Facebook (FB) are the lonely women; those women don’t have special friends and prefer to be alone or maybe the lonely persons are women who have bad pasts regarding their loves or secret loves/crushes. As lonely women, they do not know of the right way in finding true loves and this may also be caused by the famous phrase “Love is blind”.

Image Credit: augustinetutut Image Source

Besides that, The Star (2016) reported RM 1bil was lost to online scams including the Facebook love scams. The number of the cases on love scams showed an increase for the past year and 90% of women were the victims of those love scams. (farik zolkepli, still falling for the con, 2016)


For sure in welcoming 2020, we have to face with the worst of love scams cases in Malaysia where the victims are mostly women. The cases of love scams in Malaysia show critical figures now but nothing was done as individual Malaysians to have prevented this. Thus, we need to start from now and think beyond our boundaries to what are the strategies of preventing women to stop believing in virtual relationships and become more aware of the surrounding. All Malaysians  including the Government , the Ministry of Women, the parents, the guardians, the society and especially the women themselves need to be together to prevent and help each other to find a solution by getting good outcomes to put a stop, or to at least put to the most minimum level on love scams via Facebook(FB). There shall be no scammers at all in the near future.



farik zolkepli, a. c. (2016). still falling for the con. malaysia: the star.

The American Dream & Its Survival in the 21st Century

Written By: Rasheffa Rashid

In today’s date the American culture has become among the most widespread and influential cultures in the world. The impact of this foreign culture is so strong that it has destroyed cultures in many country it dominates to spread its own agenda. Its position as world dominant power has, has made people to do what it wants and get people to want what it does.

Image Credit: studentimpact Image Source

In the 1950’s America promoted its tagline the “The American Dream” which became the greatest cultural export in the world, it inspired many to dream for a better life. This was only the tip of modernization, when people were portrayed with a modern and happy lifestyle, and there was always a way of solving a life problem. The nation had its own agenda in selling its products around the world. America portrayed its happy life, modern culture to the world by promoting its own culture, the American lifestyle. This increased the consumer economy which had a terrific impact around the world when American culture went global.

America was successful of controlling people’s minds and desired to live their life the America style. The question to arise is how did America market the “American Lifestyle” and what did it sell for its culture to be adopted by other nations and ignoring their own culture. Like any businessman, America needed a platform to widespread its notions of promoting its lifestyle, but at a bigger scale. Being the superpower of the world, America was among the earliest in having access to media, it understood and used the media to promote its products by placing commercials on the radio and televisions. This rhythm was then spread to the world, when other countries started having access to American entertainment, which is how it started dominating the media world as well.

America chose weaker countries who does not have the ability to produce their own products, which are the third world countries. To get its message across these nations, the US first controlled people’s mind through its media which is movies, music and soap operas, Quoting a website article by Access to International English” which said,

“The constant stream of American TV, films, songs, computer games and websites have spread American words and expressions far beyond its borders”

Image Credit: Envisioning the American Dream Image Source

Third world nations who cannot afford to produce their own, found it cheaper to purchase and resell it to the people. When people started watching movie, they get the idea of a better lifestyle, to wear nicer clothes or own a new furniture set, which in that era to wear and use something made from America was prestigious, in other words, the super power of the world was successful in promoting the ‘American Lifestyle” through American foreign policy. This was the America’s business strategy in selling its products which came in many forms. America did not only sell reels of movies, but their local product was going international through media, including machineries and weapons, in no time America was taking control the world economy.

This scenario went on until the 80s and 90s, where the national media systems were typified by domestically owned radio, television and newspaper industries. There were major import markets for films, TV shows, music and book. These market tended to be dominated by US based firms. The scenario of America to hegemonies the market and the media through its main entrepreneur had made the nation as the sole superpower of world. Exoo, an international scholar, in his book, quoted George Gerbner in Jhally 1997, and questioned on what happened if media is controlled by a powerful hand?,

“The power to tell a society’s stories,” falls into the hands of a shrinking group f global conglomerates with nothing to tell but a great deal to sell”. (Exoo, 2010)

The scholar also described the scenario as “cultural hegemony.” Which means that the superpower of the world has dominated its culture, its way of life and its businesses into another where they become dependent on them.

What does being the world superpower means?. Quoting, Alice Lyman Miller, a Professor of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School, Shrivastava (2011) in his article defined superpower as, a country which has the capacity to project dominating power and influence anywhere in the world, and sometimes, in more than one region of the globe at a time, and so may plausibly attain the status of global hegemony”. A superpower is not only militarily strong but also has a strong economy, scientific pool as well as is self-sufficient and politically stable. The definition clearly portrays the role of America in being the sole superpower where it dominated the global world until late in the 20th century. However with rise of other nation, which were less America dependent like Russia, China and Turkey, had made the country’s finest conglomerates work extra hours to maintain its position as the world dominant nation. American businesses introduced new trends of lifestyle suiting the new era and the expending generation.

Image Credit: Pinterest Image Source

In the 21st century, America expended its business in commercializing vibrant range of products, by still applying media as its main platform. It continued influencing the world to spread its agenda through movies, music, and song lyrics and introducing the Internet. In it movies and drama series it portrayed the use of Internet, computers, the youth drinking Starbucks, and wearing stylish clothes. People bought expensive coffee and wore expensive range of American branded clothes even though it were made by third world countries like Indonesia, Thailand and Bangladesh. America sustained its position as the world superpower, ranking number one in 2011.

“It has made people to do what it wants and get people to do want what it does”. (Shrivastava, 2011)

Meanwhile, on the struggle of America to sustain as superpower of the world in this century, Joseph S. Nye Jr. a professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in his article in The Washington Post on 28 June 2013, said there is a worry that United States will be over shadowed by China. However Nye Jr opined that China is not going to be a problem America. Looking at China’s political uncertainties and its size and high rate of economic growth, will almost certainly increase its strength in relation to the US. Even when China becomes world’s largest economy, it cannot achieve the position dominated by America, because it still lag decades behind the US in per-capita income.

One of Asian’s leader, former Singapore Prime Minister noted that growth will bring China closer to the United States in power resources, but that does not necessarily mean that China will surpass the United States as the world’s most powerful country . Therefore, there are high possibilities for America to stay at the number one ranking as the superpower of the world, but it will face challenges by many rising countries. The openness of the American culture and innovation will keep the nation central in an information age.

On the notion if America will face decline, or its position taken over by another nation like China, the Washington Post reacted by claiming, that even though the US is facing serious domestic problems in debts, political and secondary education, there still are possibilities to solve the problems by principle. Its decline is misleading metaphor for America, and President Obama himself rejected the suggested strategy of managing decline of the nation. The US is not in absolute decline, there is a reasonable probability for it to remain more powerful than any single state in the decades to come.

Image Credit: ounodesign Image Source

The dominant power of America cannot be outcome in this near future, a country has to be politically stable, sustain in its economic growth and own advanced military. Looking at America’s strength to remain number one superpower of the world, it is observed that the US owns worlds’ strongest and most advanced conventional military, and as the largest exporter of sophisticated weapons. It still is the largest economy in the world, where other economies of the world are depended on it. America’s domination on media for decades, has influenced the world through it movies and advancement of technology in the new age with the introduction of gadgets as the smartphones and tablet. The US created the media, controlled and applied it to convey its many agenda to sell its military expertise, range of product for a better lifestyle of modernization by influencing people’s mind to live the ‘American Dream’ and it reached its objective to control the world, through its agenda set in the early 1950’s.


Access to International English : America’s Cultural Role in the World Today. (n.d.). Retrieved 24 Oct 2016, from http://access internationalvg2.cappelendamm.no/c951212/artikkel/vis.html?tid=385685

Amaladoss, M. (n.d.). Globalization Homogenization : Can Local Cultures Survive? Retrieved 10 Nov 2016, from http://sedosmission.org/old/eng/amaladoss2.html

Boundless. (2016, May 20). American Imperialism. Retrieved 10 Nov 10, 2016, from https://www.boundless.com/u-s- history/textbooks/boundless-u- s-history- textbook/the-gilded- age-1870- 1900-20/american- imperialism-164/american- imperialism-896- 3410/

Exoo, C. (2010). The Pen and the Sword: Press, War, and Terror in the 21st Century. St. Lawrence University: Sage. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781452230351.n1

Nye Jr, J. S. (2013, June). American power in the 21st century will be defined by the ‘rise of the rest’. The Washington Post, retrieved June 24, 2016, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/american-power- in-the- 21st-century- will- be-defined- by-the- rise-of- the-rest/2013/06/28/f5169668- dced-11e2- 9218- bc2ac7cd44e2_story.html

Shrivastava, S. (2011, Nov 4). Top 10 Superpower of the World. The Wold Reporter. Retrieved June 3, 2016, from http://www.theworldreporter.com/2011/11/top-10 superpowers-of- world.html

Freedom of Speech via Social Media is Significantly Beyond the Border

Written By: Nurul Atiqah

The exposure of freedom of speech in social media always gives such big impacts to the users in Malaysia. This situation has become a serious issue that has also been debated recently. The exposure to the new media has become a new epidemic among people of the globe.  Before the evolution of the new media, people tend to use media as the medium to search for information and to gain some knowledge [1]. Moreover, internet revolution in the middle of the year 2000 had led to the emergence of a lot of social networking sites that give the opportunities to public to access all the information that is needed [2]. The public try to participate in social networking in different ways such as commenting, reviewing, sharing photos, giving their opinions about any issues that happened around them and many more [3].

Image Credit: Winners Area Image Source

Most of the social media platforms have been controlled by the advancement of technological Web 2.0 because it is the technology that brings social features to websites, in order to establish the creation and exchange of user-generated materials also known as social generated contents [4]. In general, Web 2.0 is described as the second generation of World Wide Web. This enhancement gives some capabilities to the users to connect with each other compared to the first which only enabled users to information [5]. Today, the most popular Web 2.0 technologies are the Social Networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Myspace, Instagram, Linkedin and many more. These new social networks give a lot of functions that help users to communicate with each other, search for information and also share news and current issues.

Moreover, social media has such a strong relationship with freedom of speech because it supplies us with the new branch that will help us to express on certain things digitally. Moreover, social media also acts as a new complement to the traditional media that has long been in use and gives the same interaction and communication patterns similar to the branches of other human expressions; which is to disseminate information to the public stage. Nevertheless, the enhancement of Web 2.0 in social media also gives such a big impact in freedom of speech. People especially internet users tend to use social media as the medium to express their opinion or dissatisfaction. In the modern world, media is a pervasive efficient equipment to express the voice of the public or people. Whether as a mean of dissemination of general information or a branch of journalism, media together with its organs are considered a symbol of freedom of speech.

Image Credit: ClipArtHut Image Source

In Malaysia, there are several cases that are related to freedom of speech. One of the articles with the title “Hak Bersuara dan Hak Aman” published by a human rights’ lawyer who is also co-founder of Lawyers for Liberty, Eric Paulsen was a good example of a violation of freedom of speech in Malaysia. In his article, he accused the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) as promoting extremism in “Khutubah Jumaat” across the country [6]. This case had been investigated by the authority. There is another case that is related to freedom of speech. On May 13, 2013, a student of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Adam Adli bin Abd. Halim, gave a speech at a rally by saying the words “incite the people of this country to change the government which had been formed in accordance with invalid laws”. [7].

Malaysians who interact in these web pages have become a great influence on the formation of a common perspective on any news or information. Most of them do not think whether the information is accurate or its only rumor. Reporters and journalists no longer hold exclusive rights to the patterns and writing reports after the Internet and various forms of social media have become vital among public especially rigid internet users. Indirectly, those who comment below-ground news have the power to affect the validity of certain issues. Sometimes, the untrue information will also become such a big influence to them. This freedom of speech phenomena has gained such a big impact in the world especially in Malaysia.


[1] D. Lewis, “What is Web 2.0?,” Magazine Crossroad, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 3-3, September 2006.

[2] P. E. Agre, “Real-Time Politics: The Internet and the Political Process,” The Information Society, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 311-331, 2002.

[3] D. G. Lilleker and N. A. Jackson, “Towards a more participatory style of election campaigning: The impact of web 2.0 on the UK 2010 general election,” Policy Internet, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 69-98, 2012.

[4] A. M. Kaplan and M. Haenlein, “Social media: back to the roots and back to the future,” Journal of System and Information Technology, pp. 101-104, 2012.

[5] T. O’Reilly, “Web 2.0 Compact Definition: Trying Again,” 10 December 2006. [Online]. Available: http://radar.oreilly.com/2006/12/web-20-compact-definition-tryi.html.

[6] M. A. Azril, “Hak bersuara dan hak hidup aman,” 29 January 2015. [Online]. Available: http://m.utusan.com.my/rencana/hak-bersuara-dan-hak-hidup-aman-1.53740.

[7] BERNAMA, “Penggunaan Jalur Lebat Internet Meningkat Sebanyak 218 Peratus Dalam 2014,” 2 June 2015. [Online]. Available: http://www.kkmm.gov.my/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8799:2015%2006-02-08-12-27&catid=118:berita-terkini&Itemid=254&lang=ms.


Written by Diyana Khairon

Hijab has become a central issue as it has been debated not only in Malaysia, but internationally. The fact that it touches religious matter makes it important to understand at the very base and how to actually look at it in positive ways especially for those who do not really understand it as the requirement of religion and may think of it as a burden.

Image Credit: beautyofmodesty Image Source

Hijab is an Arabic word which brings the meaning of “barrier” or “partition”. In Islam, however, it has a broader meaning, while the modest dressing according to Islam means covering the head, neck, the arm and the whole leg. In blending it together, it is the principle of modesty that matters and thus includes both behavior and the dress codes for both males and females. A woman who wears hijab is called Muhaajaba.

The most visible form of hijab is the head covering that many Muslim women wear. Hijab however goes beyond the head scarf. In one popular school of Islamic thought, hijab refers to the complete covering of everything except the hands, face and feet in long, loose and non-see-through garments.

The philosophy behind the hijab for women in Islam is that she should cover her body in her associations with men “whom she is not related to according to the Divine Law” that is non-mahram (na mahram) and that she does not flaunt and display herself inappropriately in front of those men.

Image Credit: fashionvalet Image Source

The real visage of Hijab is not concerned with the question of “Is it good for a woman to appear in society covered or uncovered?” As a matter of fact, Hijab is concerned with the question of “Whether ‘a woman and a man’s need of her’ should be a limitless, free association or not?” Should a man have the right to satisfy his needs with every woman and in very place, in short to committing adultery?

It is known that every female and male have the desire to show off and to display one’s self as such is a particular trait of both of them. Because of this human instinct, this has become the psychological reason that both men and women are required to cover to their respective appropriate degrees.

At any rate, Islam has placed special emphasis upon the amazing power of this fiery instinct. There are traditions that speak of the danger of a ‘look’, ‘the danger of a man and woman being alone together’ and, finally, ‘the danger of the instinct in which unites them illegally’.

To look at the world of fashion, you don’t have to give up in being stylish when you start wearing hijab. There are now many ways of wearing hijab to keep you look stylish but in modest way. In Malaysia for example, there are already over 500 hijab and Muslim fashion brands. Most of these Muslim fashion brands inspire Muslim women to dress gorgeously without being immodest. This modest fashion can also be worn by the non-Muslims who prefer comfortable clothes that do not “expose the skin unnecessarily”.

It is good to know that Muslim consumers globally have started to spend on Islamic clothing and footwear. For all the Muslim women out there, you cannot avoid others from looking at you but you can protect yourself. Bear in mind that your Creator knows better of your good wellbeing.

Just to share a great quote that says “Hijab is not only on the forehead and it does cover the hair and most parts of the body, but not the brain J.”

Image Credit: wittyfeed Image Source

So clothing does not have to be drab. It is alright for both sexes to use clothing to enhance beauty as well as to cover nudity. The most important thing is to be modest and righteous at the same time.

Amazingly Amazing MUD: Our story of Kuala Lumpur

Written by Najiha Zainal

It was a very terrific experience to watch the musical theater of MUD. This theater was held in Panggung Bandaraya, Kuala Lumpur and it was estimated to be held for 3 years continuously, 365 days in a year. It was a breathtaking show that promoted unity among

Image Credit: KLPass Image Source

three races in Malaysia and described the struggle and life journey of Mamat, Meng and Muthiah in a place called Kuala Lumpur. It was not that bad when I had to pay RM53 for a MYKAD holder for a very satisfying show I supposed. To be honest, it was a pleasure for my first timer friends to watch this show and surprisingly they enjoyed the show very much just as much as I did. An enjoyable 60 minutes must watch musical theater, produced by Tiara Jacquelina, I would say that it was a great success and a jaw-dropper kind of thing. As a very big fan of theater, I highly suggest and recommend that everyone should watch this theater as it was a fun, hilarious, outstanding, informative and worth it after all.

A fantastic and colorful story and concept by Ched Eddie Yusoff and Ghafir Akbar successfully inspired me and my friends and surely this show is suitable for all viewers as it could be a platform to encourage the people to watch this musical theater especially tourists from other countries. MUD is an informative yet exciting show as we were beyond excited when watching each and every scene in the show because the whole spectacular idea of this musical theater just caught our attention. Throughout this show, we encountered a host of colorful characters, with their own enduring personalities and stories that represent the variety of races, differ in religion, custom, practice and belief, but still maintain unity and togetherness. In addition, this show was to spread information on how Kuala Lumpur began and developed to what it has become now. MUD is promoting harmony among races in Malaysia, exposes our unique culture as well as

Image Credit: MudKL Image Source

strengthens the bonding among people regardless of races, skin color, age, sex, cultural background in Malaysia. So, why wait? Go get your tickets now and I am sure you will not regret the unforgettable journey of MUD. Happy watching!



MUD Our Story of Kuala Lumpur

Video Credit: YouTube Video Source

Pets Adoption

Written by Fikri Ajlan

It’s quite saddening to see all those stray cats and dogs wandering around on the streets, without having a proper shelter and food. We can help them experience a new journey by bringing them to the animal shelters thus giving them a chance to be adopted. Pet adoption is no longer an uncommon thing in Malaysia since many people have given good feedbacks towards this project.

Image Credit: Facebook Image Source

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) is one of the non-governmental (NGO) organizations that protect the helpless animals from being harmed and they also provide a temporary shelter to the unwanted animals.Since SPCA receives more than 600 pets each month, due to limited space and funds, it has created inconvenience surroundings among the animals.

All the animals in the shelters are given good medical care from vets and being monitored by the staff to ensure their safety. The adoption fees range from RM50-RM100 and above for cats (inclusive of first vaccination, de-worming and compulsory neutering), and RM250 and above for dogs (inclusive of three vaccinations, de-worming and compulsory neutering). For those who are interested in adopting a pet, you can visit the SPCA website, www.spca.org.my or you can go to their office which is located in Ampang Jaya.

Remember, it’s a huge responsibility to adopt a pet. One must give full commitment in taking care of them. Through adoption, you are not only saving their lives but also giving them a new opportunity to live their lives with warmth and love.

Image Credit: Facebook Image Source

Media and Global Terrorism (Islamic State)

Written by Mazida Mohd Desa

Terrorism has gained popularity and mass public attention mainly because of the globalization that brought together technological innovations. The Global Terrorism Index is a systematic attempt to rank the nations of the world conferring to terrorist activity. This attempt is essential so as to provide statistics and systematic reports of terrorism which could be of interest to researchers, policy makers, governments, authorities, etc. Terrorist groups which mainly come from the Islamic jihadist, seek to fear the audience for gaining political or tactical advantage or other purposes. The power of modern technology has been seen as a tool that can be manipulated by terrorist groups and act as an enabler of

Image Credit: worldatlas Image Source

such groups. There are a number of terrorist groups and one of them is Islamic State (IS).

Al-Qaeda has established the image of “protecting” the Muslims. As IS split from Al-Qaeda following the death of its leader, the rise of IS has resulted in the shift of global jihadist movement from defence to offence. It is seen that IS has manipulated jihadism into something more to empowerment than defence, which posed threats to regional states, society and the West.

This was greatly achieved through decentralized nature of social media that allows users to create and disseminate their own information and messages. This in turn, manipulated by the IS to crowd-sourcing its propaganda. The use of social media by the IS was first evident at the time Abu Bakr declared the Caliphate on 4 July 2014 that appeared on Twitter which then the full speech of his was uploaded on YouTube. The IS’s media department is very productive, where it blends out several media materials for the purpose of raising money, attracting potential recruits and promoting the image of the organization, or just circulating fear among its enemies. As the social media sites are increasingly supervised for offensive materials, The IS tried further in ensuring its material is disseminated as widely and as quickly as possible. For example, the creation of Twitter application known as Dawn by Palestinian affiliates, collating a huge amount of personal data from users and tweets numerous contents of IS without prompting Twitter function of “spam detection”.

Image Credit: Christian Post Image Source

Our today’s population especially younger generation has become more and more engaged and proficient in the use of social media and as IS organization actively utilizes social media as a platform to spread its materials and messages, these materials can be easily accessed by the public. Their videos of violence, beheading, etc spread and shared on various social media sites not only create fear to the audience but also may induce the culture of violence. Younger generation who is easily influenced by the materials they have seen could potentially mimic or imitate the violence. Besides, the IS psychological approach via the internet in recruiting individuals who have the abilities needed (physical and intellectual) is also seen as influencing and attracting the audience.

Apart from that, it attacks and terrors on those who do not comply or obey with its extremist and violent worldview, particularly when it misled the view of Islam and the war created on non-Muslim, thus giving a chance for hatred to emerge. This may result in non-Muslims hating on Muslims as the IS claimed itself as religious activist of Islam. Not only it gives bad image of Muslims but also fear among the true Muslims themselves because of the hatred they receive from the public. Besides, both non-Muslims and Muslims may be confused and they may misinterpret Islam especially when IS declared itself as “caliphate” – a state governed in accordance with Sharia, or Islamic law, by caliph, or God’s deputy on Earth. The war they declared, particularly on Western people will endlessly spread and develop the hates between each other; the countries, believers,

Image Caption: truthdig Image Source

citizens etc. results in never-ending war between the Islamic State and other affected countries.

Those affected by this war majorly were innocent that lived in fear of their daily lives. As taken from the speech by President Francois Hollande in response to the attacks at the heart of Paris in which he stated France will show no mercy towards its response to the Islamic State militants. From this, we highly anticipated that there will soon be revenge by the French. However, we obviously can tell, those who will be affected by this revenge will also include the innocents as “bullets have no eyes”. The same thing happened in the Paris attacks, a number of innocent people died, mourned by their families, relatives and friends.

Image Credit: Sofrep News Image Source

Terrorism happens due to several reasons and IS particularly declared itself as Islam Jihadist initially desires to “protect” the Muslim from oppression. However, due to the extreme and violent worldview, it became a terrorist group that is seen as misinterpreting the Koran and Hadith. The media, especially social media is highly utilized by this group in favour to spread and disseminate its worldview, to fear its enemies as well as for recruiting potential members and supporters nationwide as well as worldwide. This evident the relationship between media and global terrorism. Apart from that, the violence and spread of videos by IS online is seen affecting the audience; not only inducing fear and creating threats among them but also influencing violence and terrorism. I insist that freedom of speech, especially via the internet, should be reworked and re-looked at back. This is because such terrorism is successful in its agenda partly due to its establishment using media and the Internet particularly social media. If such freedom leads to negative impacts (i.e. terrorism) on individuals and world as a whole, it would be worthwhile to govern freedom of speech especially free speech via the Internet.

What America Sells Through Media

Written by Fatin Amalina

It is very obvious the fact that there is a lot of westernization going on in Malaysia lately. Some of us were even born and raise with the American culture and sometimes, we got confuse and think that their culture is ours! We eat what the Americans eat; we talk like how the Americans talk; we clothe like the Americans apparel.

At this point, there’s two important questions that we need to answer:  Do we love the culture that the American brings or are we indoctrinated by them? With the advent of American culture in the advertisement, it seems to sweep the entire continent changing in every appearance whether from economic to social frameworks. Let’s have a little glance of what they promote in general:

The American standard of beauty

Beauty can be interpreted in many ways whether in appearances, forms or intellectuality,

Image Credit: Daily Mail Image Source

but how we as a Malaysian define beauty may not be the same as how the American did. What the Americans define beauty as is still very stereotyping from then till now. Thin, fair skin, heavy makeups, blonde and blue-eyed, aren’t these typical? How the America sells and promotes, their version of beauty has nothing much changed. Ever notice, the America has always idolized these lookalike icons, Marilyn Monroe in 50s, Farrah Fawcett in 70s, Madonna in the 80s, Scarlett Johansson during the early 2000 and Taylor Swift, today.

What made it worst, is the idea of selling their standard of beauty has become deceptive, a false advertisement that corrupts mind especially the youth. America’s medium such as advertisements, television, and magazines advocate the impression that the slimmer you are, the better it will be. In my opinion, the selling of this ‘ideal image’ in their heads has made the audience believe that being slim, using excessive makeup, poking needles in their faces and spreading on anti-aging cream at a very young age are all necessary beauty trends.

The real fact about the Americans, not every one of them is as what they describe. If we take body figure as an example, most of them are overweight. Earlier, TIME affirms that:

The researchers estimate that during that time period, 40% of men were overweight and 35% of men were obese. They estimate that 30% of women were overweight and 37% were obese. The numbers are similar to those estimated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)., which suggest that one third of American adults are obese (Sifferlin A. , 2015)


It’s a bitter fact that sex plays a very prominent role in the Americans entertainment industry. The America frequently inserts the element of sex because they believe that sex sells their product. But, why? Sex sells because it captures the attention of an audience. People are hard-wired to notice sexually relevant information, so ads with sexual content get noticed. Women have always been the number one tool for the American advertiser to misuse their ethical manners in an advertisement. A very sexual, erotic and sensual image of women in advertising are pervasive that is to be known as most efficient persuasion tools.

Even the America sells too much sex in other form entertainment. Sex and The City is a very basic example of American television hit sitcom which I conclude the entire show only talks about sex. The shows are repeatedly broadcast on HBO and can easily download from the Internet.

The ideal way of having fun

Image Credit: HerCampus Image Source

Today’s music video has crosses the borderlines. A lot of Malaysian teenagers today are acting immoral and is the substitute from the exposure of what America is trying to sell to us and make people believe the supreme way of having joy and fun through their music videos. Americanisation has contributed to the causes of the increase in the number of abortion rates, illegitimate children and the surge in the number of single parents in the Malaysian societies. Traditionally, Malaysian societies were very conservative and the above mentioned problems were uncommon and condemned. This shows that the American culture has indirectly affected the mentality mind of the locals.


Sifferlin, A. (2015) More Than Two Thirds of Americans Are Overweight or Obese. TIME. Retrieved June 22, 2015, from http://time.com/3929990/americans-overweight-obese/


Why Smiles Are Contagious

Written by A.Azim

Humans have lots of facial expressions; however, the most notable are the ‘smiles’. Believe me, when you smile at someone even if it’s a stranger, 80% of the time they’ll smile back at you. They will be triggered to smile back either consciously or unconsciously.

Image Caption: Pinterest Image Source

Smiles are considered as a body language, which tells how happy you are at the moment. They also act as a universal understanding which could be as simple as a form of greetings. We were taught as kids to always smile at others to show how friendly we are. Plus, they also make the surrounding feel better.

Smiles are contagious because they act as a never-ending chain that will keep on going. It is called as “emotional mirroring.” You somehow reflect back at what you saw as a quick response. That is why a person has to keep on smiling to make others feel happy too. Remember the ‘life vest video’ where one good deed will be a continuous chain to others. If you have not seen it, you should take a moment of your time to do so.

Video Credit: Youtube.com Video Source

People need to smile all the time to make this world a better place. Imagine seeing someone who is frowning or having a bad day, and you give them a huge beautiful smile, it will surely make them feel warm and safe. Acting as a body language, it tells the other person to take a moment and enjoy life as it is. There’ll never be enough time with all the work and stress; however, a smile can change all that and somehow brings life back into you.

Image Caption: unclesmiley.wordpress Image Source

So, stop getting all stressed up. Enjoy life to the fullest and share that beautiful smile of yours to the whole world.  Stop for a moment and take in all the small details by your side and start appreciating them. You’ll never know when they are going to disappear.

A simple smile gesture can lead to huge things. Keep that smile on your face and let others copy that expression and set the smile chain ongoing. Smile! 🙂