Internet and How It Transforms News Industry in Malaysia

Written by Anis Adrina Md Nor

The rapid development of technologies and Internet has made the world become borderless as everyone can have the access to the virtual world. This situation enables people to access countless information online and this has offered challenges to news industry as they are now have to compete with online news media in order to disseminate information.

As more people are now preferring online medium as the source to get information, news industry is now trying to establish their new form of news products from paper form to digital form in which they also publish news in online platform as to fulfil the demand for the content through online.  The digitization of media contents are now transforming the way media products are consumed and produced.

If we look at few years back in newspaper industry, the traditional form of newspaper is the one that is printed on the papers, portable and must be purchased from stores or subscribed to newspaper delivery in order to read about things that is happening in local and also international. Things that happen today can be read in the newspaper on the next day.

However, today, we are living in the era of Internet where news is also being digitalized. Nowadays, people can read news through online websites whether from mainstream media or alternative media. They don’t have to wait until tomorrow morning to get newspaper in order to update about certain issues. Many newspaper organisations have now decided to widen their presence in ‘online world’ so that they can reach wider audiences due to the broad influence of Internet.

One advantage of the Internet to news organisations is that it allows online newspapers to operate and it is easy to join as it does not require. On the other hand, Internet and presence of online news websites is also changes the way newspapers are distributed or circulated where it is now become available online and people does not have to buy the physical newspaper to get news.

In Malaysia, we can see that there are a lot of Malaysian newspapers which are also published as online news in their own websites. For instance, The Star online, The Sun Online, Utusan online, Berita Harian online, Metro online, Kosmo! online, Sinar Harian online and News Straits Times online and many more including alternative media  that are only operating online news through website such as Malaysia Kini and Malaysian Insider (recently has been banned by Malaysian government).  

Although the transformation of conventional media into digital media is seen as positive move which allows people to have instant updates about current issues and events that is happening around the world, it also has given challenges to newspaper circulation. Since the acceptance of Internet and introduction of online news platform, circulation of print newspaper in Malaysia has dropped.

If you look at Audit Bureau of Circulation Malaysia, you can see that circulation of print newspaper in Malaysia has been dropping for few years. For instances, the circulation results from period July to December for three years, 2014, 2015 and 2016 shows the decrease in daily circulation of both Malay and English newspaper.

One example of the decrease of newspaper is Berita Harian newspaper where in July to December 2014, it is reported that the circulation of the newspaper was 109, 088 copies, then 106, 754 copies in the same period for 2015 and it continues to drop to 91, 229 copies daily in 2016 during the same period.

Not only that, Kosmo! newspaper also experienced the same trend of decreasing circulation from 199, 795 in July to December 2014, to 187, 967 in the same period for 2015 and continues to drop to 163, 147 copies in 2016.  

English newspapers are also experiencing the dropping of newspaper circulation daily. A s an example, New Straits Times, during the period of July to December 2014, it recorded 68, 812 copies, then, 62, 113 copies during the same period in 2015 while 54, 490 copies during the same period in 2016.

Actually, there are many more dropping in other newspaper circulation which can be accessed in Audit Bureau of Circulation Malaysia website. From these decreasing trend in newspaper circulation, one of the factor that has been seen as contributing to it is the emergence of Internet and the existence of online platform for news. This may be because of online news portal has provided the easier platform for the readers that may not have the time to read the printed newspaper during the daytime or at certain location such as offices.

The transformation of news industry that has been brought by Internet may be good and also bad to the industry itself. However, whether it could ‘kill’ the conventional newspaper, it depends on how people consume the news itself.

For now, there are a lot of people that still prefer to read news from printed newspapers also they already update themselves with the current issues through online. This is one factor that could ensure the survival of print newspaper.


Written by Putera Muhammad

There are many languages around the world for thousands of centuries. People from different zones of the world have made interaction sometimes without sharing any common language with the advancement of technology and human interaction levels. How does the people communicated long ago, before the presents languages even existed? Believe it or not, music and communication are closely related since centuries ago.

In the early stages of human evolution, music was used mainly for communication rather than as entertainment like today. Drums, horns and bells are some example of the instrument used by the people from centuries ago to communicate with each other. Some researchers consider the early forms of human interaction and language is developed from their interaction through music, and it continues to accomplish many functions in different cultures today.

Credit :

Music is one way for the people to express themselves and interact with each other without language as well as a platform in which cultures can identify themselves and also connect with each other and find the same interest. The sights and sounds can give a powerful impressions on us. We can get a mental picture of the people of some culture when we hear their culture music and perhaps have some impression of their language, art and other details too.

After few centuries, music and its industry is now a part of the commercial world, musical stars are in limelight on today’s world, they have the power to change public opinion because music is frequently used as a way of expressing something without any action so it can relate to many people. Nowadays, if there are any disaster happen in the world, it is in high possibility that the people in the music industry will come up with their own song to raise money or awareness about the disaster.

Music and communication are linked together, remember the times we share a song link to a friend or loved one through the web to express our mood and the times when we remember old memories when we listen to certain music or sound. We are definitely using music as a medium of communication, and for millennials on social media, we can learn a lot about them from the genre of music they listen to in one of the categories on their profiles in called “Favourite Music”.

Looking at how it can be use by individuals to express themselves and connect people, that is why people who create music and has the power to change public opinion should be responsible in creating a good content in order to spread positivity to people. It can be said that maybe music is even more essential than language in terms of helping person from other cultures to connect and understand another.

Islamophobia and Media

Written by Anis Adrina Md Nor

The contemporary perception of people especially Western people towards Islam have been negative as there are a lot of media reports on Muslims’ hostile acts. During the event when there is any terrorists attack, people would immediately relate it with Muslims and Islam although the fact about the attack is unclear.

The prejudice against Muslim started even before the 9/11 attacks in the United States, however, the events and other violence actions by terrorists after that period has caused an increase in anti-Muslim attitudes in many countries. This anti-Muslim sentiment also has been contributed by the modern media framing of Islam where Muslims are pictured primarily as dangerous, hostile, threatening, and untrustworthy terrorists.

This anti-Muslim perception is also known as Islamophobia. Generally, Islamophobia as the fear of Islam or Muslims. The consistent rise of Islamophobia continues to harm global and also regional peace, security and stability by disrupting attempts to promote a multicultural approach which formed understanding, respect and tolerance of religious.

It is believed that Islamophobia has been a result of media in the Western. If we take a look at Western media, most of the contents about Islam in the entertainment media produced were mixed with insult and were broadcast globally.

The Western media are likely to characterise Islam in the negative term continuously with highlighting the terrorism, violence, extremism and antipathy with Islam to the West. In a study, it is found that from 900 Western films, Muslim characters in particular Arab were portrayed to be extremist, racist and irrational.

The agenda of insult by popular entertainment media and the impact of injury by Western news are to create hatred, humiliation and to spread propaganda against Muslim world and Islam. The case of terrorism such as the 11 September 2001 (9/11) incident which saw the terrorist group al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger airplanes and launch suicide attacks upon the United States, killing almost three thousand, have led Muslims to be in the media spotlight.

Not only in Western, representation of Muslims in the Australian media has been stereotyped routinely since 2001 and this has negative influence on how non-Muslims Australian percept Islam and treat Muslims. For instance a study found that The Australian is the most frequent to identify Islam as ‘problem’ in which 30 percent of the articles in the publication portrayed Islam as a ‘problem’. Further more, in the media, Islam and violence are linked widely with the most of the emphasis are characterised by mixing the terrorism and Islam (Anderson, 2015).

Considering the media effected to the public’s mind, it can create the perception of the Western people about Islam as the mass media of the West where the journalists who cover about Muslim world possess very little information about Islam and developed a distorted image of Islam which later adopted in Western culture.

In Time magazine, there was a time where they printed a photograph of Muslim soldiers performing prayers with gun with the caption “Guns and prayer go together in the fundamentalist battle“, where the magazine did not state the fact that the Muslim soldiers were praying on a battlefield in Afghanistan.

Islamophobia is also due to the misinformation about Muslims to the Western public via the images on many forms of media and Muslims are often labelled as terrorists and this has become a usual image to public that Muslims are terrorists.

Another factor that is often to be overlooked as contributor to the rise of Islamophobia is the length of news slot that is dedicated in covering radicalisation and terrorism. Islamophobia is always discussed in the setting of the debate of how Muslims and Islams are presented in the media.

Mainstream news outlets like CNN would provide half of its airtime in an hour of news reports to discuss the Muslim violence and radicalisation. The time spent to reports on the Islam matters can influence people’s mind as it has the prim effect, where, people will think that the issue is important based on its number of reportings.

Managing Personnel in a Media Organisation: Practices of Employee Engagement in Les’ Copaque

Written by: Irfarina Ahmad Nazli & Aris Abdul Rahman

Employee engagement is vital in today’s organisation. If members of a team are engaged and feel appreciated, they are less inclined to look for other employment opportunities. Fostering a culture of employee engagement can be the key to reducing turnover rates and boosting employee retention. If employees feel needed and wanted when they go to work each day, the connections they form with the company and their other coworkers are not easily eroded. By cultivating and maintaining these relationships, you reduce the risk that your employees will quit.


In order to understand what is comprised in employee engagement, an interview was conducted with the Operation Director at Les’ Copaque, a well-known animation company. Onn has been with the company for 4 years and manages 183 employees. He has vast experience in human resource management especially in managing personnel.




Managing personnel is an essential skill in ensuring coordination through individual efforts. Emphasis should be on action, compared to lengthy plans and work methods. Similarly, communication and rationale personnel policies in managing personnel will direct the organisation and its people towards success.


Questions on managerial practices in Les’ Copaque were posed in the context of the many duties managers hold to different stakeholders of their profession, namely colleagues, subordinates, the organisation, and even themselves. His explanations matter as it allows us to understand and explore current engagement practices in a media organisation. Such disclosure may then lead to an improved framework in managing human capital, especially on how to meet employees’ psychological needs. As we know, content employees are more likely committed to their work.


For an employee, motivation, job satisfaction, appraisals, incentives, training and development are all determinants of personnel performance. This is the ethical view for human’s basic needs in respect to profession.


Being in the creative industry, Les’ Copaque not only focuses on technical skill, but also looks at individuals’ human and conceptual skills whereby ability to work in teams is combined with the ability to solve problems through an understanding of relationships among the elements. It aims to be great and at the same time, aims to help personnel develop their potential to the fullest.




Employee engagement is practiced in Les’ Copaque to ensure employees are satisfied and feel motivated to work. The approach taken by this animation company has resulted in employees giving their best each day, committed to this organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, with an enhanced sense of their own well-being. Employee engagement in Les’ Copaque is based on trust, integrity and two-way communication between the managerial position and the subordinates.




Orientation in Les’ Copaque lays a foundation for new employees, a vital step in adapting to new work place, environment, and people surrounding them. First impression plays an important role when starting a new career in this animation company. Without it, new employees may feel uncomfortable in their new position and takes a longer time to reach their full potential.


Orientation programmes help employees gain an understanding of what is expected of them. Les’ Copaque has its own set of rules and policies regarding areas such as dress code, attendance and conduct, and the orientation process makes what is, and what is not acceptable, clear. A new employee in this company should also get a sense of the organisational culture during orientation, to have a better understanding of what they need to do to fit in more quickly. They are encouraged to socialize with people from different departments in Les’ Copaque, such as human resource and animation departments to build work relationships. By having orientation for new employees, it will indefinitely enhance employees’ engagement, making them feel like they’re a productive part of the organisation.


Motivating Personnel


Les’ Copaque emphasizes on employee motivation, or employee’s intrinsic enthusiasm in accomplishing activities related to work. All Board of Directors are called uncle and aunty. This somehow makes the de facto of authority less felt, therefore promoting an open-door culture where anyone can approach anyone, like a family would.


Futhermore, due to the nature of animation work, most of Les’ Copaque’s employees are glued to computer screens and long periods of sitting position every day. To release stress, the management frequently organises events with all departments. Recently, a futsal tournament was held, and prizes were given to outstanding teams. Besides sports, occasions such as ‘Family Day’ and Hari Raya celebrations are conducted yearly to familiarize employees with one another, or one’s family. These events are open to all family members of the employee.


Flexible working hours too is one way to motivate personnel. Though employees at Les’ Copaque are required to complete 8 hours of work daily, working time arrangements depend on the individual itself. He/she can come to work at any time before 10 a.m. This helps them maintain a work/life balance and shoulder family responsibilities better.


Performance review


Performance review or appraisal means employees are evaluated on a yearly basis in terms of their achievement and opportunities for career development. It is a documented evaluation, where strengths and weaknesses of an employee is addressed.


At Les’ Copaque, the Board of Directors measure personnel performance using Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Their KPI is based on punctuality, attitude towards work and members of the organisation, and their contribution to the department. While overtime is not an encouraged business practice in Les’ Copaque, any employee that performs will receive a bonus.


Hiring process


The Internet era has revolutionized the hiring process at Les’ Copaque. Based on the information of the interview, everything is done online. Les’ Copaque posts job vacancies through its Facebook pages; Les’ Copaque Production Sdn. Bhd. and Les’ Copaque Animation Academy, and through its YouTube channel; Les’ Copaque Production. Alternatively, an outsource company such as will also be used as a medium to advertise their job vacancy. Part of the skill required is for the candidates to have experience using Maya Autodesk, an animation software widely used in Les’ Copaque’s animation company.


As for voice over talents, individuals are recruited through Instagram. People who are interested to apply as a voice over artist need to display their creativity and talent through the social media site. From there, the Board of Directors at Les’ Copaque will sit together to evaluate and select potential applicants. Once the shortlisted list is ready, then only will the company call these applicants for an interview. This method saves the animation company a lot of money, time, and manpower needed in dealing with the hiring process.


Managing dispute


It is good business practice to create a workplace that encourages all employees to express ideas and efficient ways of doing things. Effectively managing this process will prevent future damaging conflicts between employees. According to the interviewee, if there are complaints regarding their work load, personnel members will need to refer to an immediate chain of command, such as a supervisor, or according to the order of authority of the company. If the immediate supervisor could not solve this dispute, then only will the case be escalated to someone of a higher managerial position. This chain of command promotes the idea of respect and trust towards their supervisor.


Internet and Online Journalism: Shift the Press Box

Written by Nurhanis binti Hazry

The contribution of Internet in the development of news reporting highlighted as the starting point in the scope of online journalism. Online journalism is defined as generating reports by using Internet (web) networking. As stated by Bardoel (1996), Internet helps in boosting the profession of online journalist as it offers the vast array of resources in democracy superfluous. It offers the endless technological possibilities to work with, instead of creates its own type of journalism on the Net, which is called as digital or online reporting (Singer, 1998).

Before the advent of these platforms, only radio and news channels are the most basic sources of news reporting. But now, with the aid of Internet capabilities, journalists capture and send it lively. More content related to any recent incidents can be found on the web faster than radio and television channels. Previous studies show that the use of digital assets including mobile phones and social networking sites expend to large level producing finer and better online stories (Nicole, 2014).

Interactivity, convergence and customisation of content are the key characteristics of news reporting on the Net. By putting together all these keys of the widespread use and availability of the Internet, the outcome seems to be the core competences and functions for online journalism. As stated by Deuze (2000), online journalism refers to the gathering and distributing original news content on the Internet. The definition of online journalism and indeed journalism posed journalists throughout the history of journalism studies.

Online journalism differentiated functionally from other kinds of journalism by the term of technological components. It acts as a determining factor of specific meaning under particular technological conditions. The advent of multimedia interactivity will inevitably impact the factors on how the online journalism gets done. Thus, the more and more gathering and disseminating of updated information will be putting the distribution of online news in the journalistic core function (Fulton, 1996).

As Castells et. al (2004) explains, accessing online news has gained a new transaction in public’s daily routine. In general, legacy of online news developed news provision by customizing online journalistic content published at the web applications. The development of Internet with advanced of network connectivity published the news stories, photos and videos straight from the field, making the news production process faster and more efficient.

As standard online journalism is trending at increased rate, readers appreciate online news by providing them to search for particular news in a few seconds. The high resolution of visual affects online readers believing the content as it to be coming from trustful sources. The innovation and integration of Internet offers advantages of online reporting over the old methods.


  1. Bardoel, J. (1996). Beyond Journalism. A Profession between Information Society and Civil Society. European Journal of Communication 11 (3): 283-302.


  1. Fulton, K. (1996). A tour of our uncertain future. Columbia Journalism Review.


  1. Nicole, C. (2014). Revolutionizing the Newsroom: How Online and Mobile Technologies have changed broadcast journalism. The Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communication, 5: 1-3.


  1. Singer, J. (1998). Online Journalists: Foundations for Research into Their Changing Roles. The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 4 (1).

A Revolutionary Cure to End HIV

Written by Balqis Ariffin

The most anticipated discovery in the medical field to find the cure for the incurable disease of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) may come to a conclusion with the unexpected breakthrough of an engineered antibody that can attack 99 percent of the HIV strains. Continue reading “A Revolutionary Cure to End HIV”

The Uniqueness of Traditional Malay Theatre

Written by Amni Ahmad

Malaysia is a very unique country. There are a lot of interesting culture and traditions that can be shared with the world. However, many Malaysians are still not familiar with the traditional folk arts in the country. Apart from traditional dance, traditional theatre is also one of the arts that should be promoted so that people will get to know more about the Malay culture and learn to appreciate it. Examples of traditional theatre are Mak Yong, Bangsawan, Mek Mulung, Main Puteri, and Barongan. Continue reading “The Uniqueness of Traditional Malay Theatre”

How to Appreciate Little Things in the Workplace


Written by: Aliya Soraya Shafiee

Have you ever wondered how often you appreciate others, even for little things? Have you ever felt not appreciated by others? How it feels like? Especially after you have done so much? In a workplace, positive energy sometimes come from appreciating others. Co-workers or an employer will feel appreciated when their work is recognized by others. That will bring up the most precious feeling especially after all the struggles one have faced in completing a task. Some might think it is hard to apperciate their co-worker or even employer, but actually it is not as hard as you think. So, here are some of tips on how you should appreciate your team members especially in building a strong working relationship.

Do no harm. Avoid devaluing others by questioning their achivements. If you have nothing nice to say about your co-worker’s achievement, you should remain silent. It may demotivate them if they are made to feel their contribution is not significant.

Start by appreciating yourself. You will find that it is difficult to appreciate others when you fail to appreciate yourself. Take some time, sit down and relax. Try to figure out what your achivements are in the team. Ask yourself, what can you feel proud about. If you have found one, you can ask yourself, is there any improvement that you can do for yourself and your team? Those questions hold your value.

Be alert when others are doing things right. You should be sincere in doing things. The more sincere you are in doing things (even it is diffifult in the first place), the better your skills will get and the more natural it will be. You will feel that the task is easier than before. As an example, start figuring out on the positive values, contribution and qualities that you have been taking for granted, especially among your team members. Then you should ask yourself, how have their uniqueness improved the team?

Be someone who appreaciates. When you recognize good values, you will tend to notice it when it is displayed by a fellow colleague. For example, your co-worker did something great on his project. Congratulate him by sending a handwritten note as it makes a bigger impression than an email. It is better than nothing at all.

Appreciating others will make you feel better than before. Especially about yourself and your working environment. It will make you feel happier and eager to perform better in your workplace.

Reality TV Shows in Malaysia: Government’s Feedback

Written by Nuremy Mohd Khairi


Reality TV shows are now common in Malaysian television industry as the industry are following the trend of American reality TV shows which have managed to gain popularity around the globe. Thanks to this, similar programs in Malaysia such as Akademi Fantasia and Mencari Cinta were accepted positively. Not only that, reality TV shows that involve toddlers as the main casts such as “Lara oh Lara” and “Little Princess” Aishah also received overwhelming feedback and rating.

These shows have managed to generate quite a number of audiences, deliver excitement to them and create controversies in the local entertainment industry. In a record, the third season of Akademi Fantasia managed to bring in 1.7 million audiences by using their voting system through audience short messaging system.

To most of television producers, advertising agents, aspiring contestant and devoted viewers in Malaysia, such reality TV shows have given a new colour to the Malaysian television industry.

However, the government was not too happy with the launched of these shows. Complaints from the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia saying that Malaysians merely borrowing extensively from the western culture.

Having said that the target audiences for these reality show in Malaysia are probably the Malaysian youth who can be influenced easily by the western culture elements in those programs. Due to this, government are trying and still looking for ways to put a limitation on the current reality shows


Pedophiles Extend Their Reach in Social Media Sites?


Written by: Noor Zahra Zamalik

Does the tendency towards pedophilia something of intrinsic nature or is it environmentally motivated? Pedophilia or paraphilia is a sexual tendency for under age children or prepubescent children. In “Psychophatia Sexualis(1986), an article written by an Austro-German psychiatrist Richard von Kraftt-Ebing, he stated that the term paedophillia erotica was coined in 1986. The article described the characteristics of the predator as i) having sexual interest towards children, either prepubescent or at the beginning of puberty; ii) sexual interest is the primary one, that is, exclusively or mainly toward children; iii) sexual interest remains over time (New World Encyclopedia, 2017).


Thus, people with the characteristics described above are acknowledged to experience complex psychiatric disorder. Consequently, the majority public finds pedophilic acting as immoral and criminally wrong. A researcher indicated that pedophilia could be an affect from cerebral dysfunction as it correlates with other problems such as cognitive distortions, self-control and extreme urges. Moreover, in some other cases, the child sex abusers perhaps may have suffered from traumatic experiences in their childhood.


Image source:

What does this have to do with social media sites? Do you know where your child image goes to? It is revealed in the investigation conducted by that the pro-pedophilia advocacy group is using Facebook to connect with its members throughout the world to exchange pictures of children, to express their predatory behavior between its members, and to identify their target and reel in child victims. Australia’s new Children’s eSafety Commissioner warned that predators obtain their sources through the posting of images in social media accounts as posted by parents and family members.

Investigators once made a discovery of child abuse materials involving millions of pictures of children performing their normal routines such as homework, swimming and sports; a snapshot of a child doing gymnastic, children playing at playground, a toddler playing with toys. In most cases, these images are ‘stolen’ from Facebook, Instagram, and other social media accounts, and are then manipulated and photo-shopped by the predators and implanted on child abuse imagery sites, pedophile photo-sharing galleries, and highly sexualized ‘child modeling’ websites. Those photos are being edited from head to toe; the child’s head is pasted on another naked photo of a child.

In some instances, the predators create a fake social media account so as to steal the images of children and edit the photos, to portray a sexualized image. Thereafter, the predator will share the image between their communities for instance, in WhatsApp groups or even tag them among other pedophiles in social media sites. In Malaysia, Richard Huckle, who has been described as Britain’s worst pedophile, had kept a diary of grotesque acts he committed against children, including the children whom he had molested while in Malaysia. In 2016, BBC has revealed Huckle to be guilty of about 71 offences against 23 children; the youngest victim being six-month old, and the judge at his trial noted that his victims were likely to have exceeded 200 people. It is reported that Huckle gave children drugs and alcohol, then shared his acts with other pedophiles on the dark web known as True Love Zone (TLZ). Due to the crimes he committed, he was sentenced to a minimum of 23 years jail term.

So, how can parents best protect their children from pedophiles? As parents, it is important to educate your children in a way that will not cause them alarm. To increase their safety awareness, talk to them and explain potential online dangers. Also, brief to them on how to identify ‘sexual grooming’ when on the Internet, and warn them about some tactics online predators often use. Secondly, install parental control software; this can help to identify and block any harmful content in social media sites such as chats, forums, and other internet communication tools and do not forget to inform your children that you install the tools. Thirdly, place the computer in a family room or a visible area, and keep other mobile devices to yourself and limit their usage; this enables you to monitor their usage of these devices. Fourth, you should avoid sharing photos of your children in social media sites or limit your social media sites within your close circles. Finally, if you happen to go outing with your children, please avoid using ‘check-in’ and expose your location publicly. This is to avoid predators from tracking your place and possibly have contact with your children.




Diende. (2010, May 10). Inside The Mind of Paedophile. Retrieved from Neuroanthropology:

Kirkey, S. (2017, April 18). Do You Know Where Your Child Image is? Pedophiles sharing photos from parents’ social media accounts. Retrieved from National Post:

New World Encyclopedia . (2017, October 10). Pedophilia. Retrieved from New World Encyclopedia:

Perimbanayagam, K. (2017, September 25). A Paedophile’s Diary: Richard Huckle Kept Account of His Grotesque Acts. Retrieved from The New Straits Time:

PureSight Online Child Safety. (2017, October 10). Online Predators – What Can You Do to Protect Your Kids? Retrieved from Puresight:

Richards, V. (2015, September 30). Paedophile Websites Steal Half Their Photos From Social Media Sites Like Facebook. Retrieved from Independent:

The Star Online. (2016, June 6). Paedophile Richard Huckle Who Abused Malaysian Children Jailed for Life. Retrieved from The Star Online :

Winter, J. (2010, September 28). EXCLUSIVE: Pedophiles Find a Home for Social Networking — on Facebook. Retrieved from Foxnews: